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Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
Before you can set up Integration & Exception Monitoring in SAP Cloud ALM, you have to connect your subscribed SAP cloud services to your SAP Cloud ALM instance.
This is done by setting up the Landscape Management Service. Please follow the Setting Up Landscape Management guide in SAP Help on how to perform the setup.
To set up Integration & Exception Monitoring please follow the monitoring setup guide provided in the section "Monitoring Configuration" below.
On the product-specific pages you find additional information for each supported product like setup prerequisites, available monitoring categories, and available filter parameters.
The following video describes:
Attention: The setup of alerts and notification has recently changed. Please follow the written documentation below this video to learn about the new process.
Prerequisites for the video:
The data collection for all monitoring categories available for a managed system or service can be activated directly in the configuration tray in Integration & Exception Monitoring.
It is possible to customize the data collection for the managed services and systems by:
Events are used to trigger a reaction if Integration & Exception Monitoring detects a situation that requires attention. These reactions can be an alert, sending a notification and/or triggering an operation flow.
If necessary it is possible to delete the monitoring configuration for a service or system. The deletion goes further than just a deactivation, as it removes all configuration from the service or system and sets its status back to "Not Configured" for Integration & Exception Monitoring.
A business service in Integration & Exception Monitoring of SAP Cloud ALM allows you to group point-to-point interfaces that belong to a more complex interface scenario. All connections that are part of a business service can then be displayed together in a topology. By adding filters to the connections you can define which messages and exceptions are in scope for a business service and isolate their status information in the monitoring application.
The following video explains the configuration of business services. You can find a step-by-step textual description of the business service setup below.
Prerequisites for the video:
At first, you have to add the components to the business service.
You can also maintain paths between the components to visualize a message flow.
As a customer, you can manage the retention time of single messages and exceptions as follows:
Retention Time (days) for single messages and exceptions: Defines the time period for which data is retained for single messages and exceptions. Once the retention time has passed, the single messages will be deleted and the messages will be aggregated.
Enter a value between 1 and 14(days).
Note: Select the option “Retain messages until all correlated messages are deleted”, in case you don't want the messages to be deleted until all the correlated messages are eligible for deletion.
Retention Time (Months) for Aggregated Messages: Defines the time period for which data is retained in the aggregated data history. Once the retention time for aggregated messages has passed, the data is deleted.
Enter a value between 1 and 120(Months).
The specified retention times are valid for all monitored systems and services.