Health Monitoring - Setup & Configuration


Before you can set up Health Monitoring in SAP Cloud Application Lifecycle Management, you have to connect your subscribed SAP cloud services to your SAP Cloud ALM instance. 

This is done by setting up the Landscape Management Service. Please follow the Setting Up Landscape Management guide in SAP Help  on how to perform the setup.

Remove Monitoring Configuration

To remove the monitoring configuration, please process as follows:
  1. Go to the Health Monitoring application
  2. Make sure the service for which you want to delete the configuration is in scope
  3. Open the configuration tray
  4. Click on the "Pen" icon next to "Managed Components"
  5. Switch off the data collection for the service for which you want to delete the configuration
  6. The "Delete" button becomes active
  7. Delete the configuration

Housekeeping and Aggregation

As a Health Monitoring Administrator, you can manage the retention time of raw and aggregated monitoring data as follows:

  • Retention Time for Raw Data: Defines the time period for which raw data is retained for Health Monitoring KPIs.
  • Retention Time for Aggregated Data (Hourly/Daily): Defines the time period for which hourly/daily aggregated data is retained for Health Monitoring KPIs.

The value bounds for such retention values are as follows.

  • For raw data, enter a value between 2 and 180 days
  • For hourly aggregated data, enter a value between 7 and 365 days
  • For daily aggregated data, enter a value between 7 and 720 days
  • Finally, make sure that retention times for raw, hourly aggregated and daily aggregated data are in (mildly) increasing sequence.

The specified retention times are valid for all monitored systems and services.

Furthermore, it is possible to have information on the database size of raw and hourly/daily aggregated data, and of their total memory contribution for each service and system. Please check the Data Volume section.

Customer Support

In case you encounter problems using or setting up Health Monitoring in SAP Cloud ALM, please report an case using the following components:

SV-CLM-OP-HM - Health Monitoring

Please select your SAP Cloud ALM tenant when reporting the case.