System Monitoring
System Monitoring is a scenario in SAP Focused Run which belongs to the area of Application & System Monitoring.
System Monitoring is a scenario in SAP Focused Run which belongs to the area of Application & System Monitoring.
System Monitoring provides permanent collection of the most important availability, configuration, exception and performance KPIs to monitor technical systems, instances, databases and hosts.
This scenario comprises several main applications:
System Monitoring providing integration to the most of SAP Focused Run scenarios like:
System Monitoring for a technical system is automatically configured during Simple System Integration (SSI). During the SSI step “System Monitoring”, all installed products of the technical system, as well as its database and hosts, will be identified and the corresponding default templates will be applied and activated.
When configuring System Monitoring, it is important to consider whether the default assigned monitoring template is sufficient to reflect your monitoring requirement. SAP has provided various monitoring templates over the past years to cover a wide range of products adopted by the most customers. These SAP provided monitoring templates is delivered within the component FRUN-CONT and contain the definitions of the metrics, events, and alerts as well as the details of settings such as the assigned threshold value, collection period etc. For more information, check the Rapid Content Delivery page.
All available templates are listed on the System Monitoring- Template Maintenance screen accessible via Application & System Monitoring tile (formerly known as Advanced System Management) on Focused Run launchpad. They are grouped by a managed object (MO) like Database, Database Instance, Database Replication Group, Host, Technical Instance, Technical System. Every MO contains SAP templates for a dedicated Product applicable to one or several Product Versions, like SAP HANA, SAP ABAP etc.
Standard vs. Custom Templates
Standard SAP templates can be directly assigned and used for testing purposes, nevertheless, it is easy to identify that the already activated metrics or alerts cannot be deactivated or the assigned threshold value cannot be modified anymore (all settings cannot be edited), which is made by design. Of course, standard templates alone could not fulfill the customer's monitoring requirement, considering the fact that each customer has own preferred set of metrics and also it can vary depending on the system role (e.g. production or development system). Therefore, we SAP come up with the concept custom (monitoring) template and each customer can flexibly define own preferred set of metrics in it.
The custom template can be created conveniently by copying the standard template. The user needs first to click on the corresponding standard template and press the button Create Custom Template. A custom template will appear under the SAP standard template and its details will be shown in the template details view at the right hand side. The default name of the custom template is always "Derived from <Name of the Standard Template>" and it can be changed according to the own preference under the tab Template Settings in the template details view. It is important to think about a meaningful name for the custom template, for instance, a suffix "PROD" or "DEV" etc. can be attached to differentiate the monitoring template assigned to production or development system later on. Furthermore, it is also possible to create custom template via copying already existing custom template. The procedure is similar and the difference is to mark the to be copied custom template and press the button Copy Custom Template instead of the button Create Custom Template.
Template Transport
A custom template has to be stored either in an own package if it's planned to be transported later or as a local object in a temporary package (not transportable). A pop-up window will appear where this decision can be made once clicked on Save button. Custom templates can be added to a transport request by clicking on Generate Request button in the upper right corner. This will open a new window where one or more custom templates can be selected.
Template customization
Every template consists of the following tabs:
On the first three tabs - Template Settings, Notifications, Outbound Integration it can be selected between three options - Global Settings (default), Use Variant/Active and Inactive to configure an automatic notification via email/SMS, define an outbound integration like incident creation in an external ticketing system and automatic alert confirmation. For details on how to define the global settings or create a notification variant please refer to Alert Management and Notification Management pages.
On the tabs Metrics and Alerts user can view and edit the existing metrics and alerts. At the beginning a custom template still contains a group of metrics and alerts as well as their settings copied from the standard template, and they can be viewed under the tab Metrics. All the metrics included in this template are displayed in a scrollable table under the tab Metrics. The user can scroll up and down to check the metrics. It is recommended to switch to the expert mode while working with the metrics and alerts to display all available settings. The expert mode can be entered via pressing the button Expert Mode at the top right corner.
After applying the Expert Mode, more information can be accessed such as metrics, events, and alerts hierarchy as well as data collection and usage details of each metric. Depending on own requirement, the user can activate or deactivate the metrics flexibly via checking/unchecking the checkbox under the column System Monitoring. Moreover, the metric settings such as the threshold type and value of the metric can be adjusted in the metric details view underneath the metrics table.
Once a metric is modified, the column Modified will be checked, which means that the original metric settings copied from the standard template are overwritten. Correspondingly, a new metric ID distinct from the original ID will be generated for the modified metric, which can be checked under the tab Others in the metric details view (called Details for Metric Type).
Apart from the individual metrics, the user can also define the preferred set of alerts and the following activities such as creating email/SMS notification or raising incident in the external system under either the tab Alerts or the tab Metrics, Events, Alerts Hierarchy. The alerts can be activated or deactivated in a similar manner by checking or unchecking the checkbox in the column Active. In addition, the outbound integration and notification settings can be configured for each alert under the tab Outbound Integration and Notifications respectively in the alert details view. The idea behind is that an email/SMS notification can be generated or forwarding of an alert to a third party can be initiated on the occurrence of the specified alert. Those settings on the alert level overwrite the global and individual settings selected on the template level.
The logical relationship among metrics, events and alerts can be viewed under the tab Metrics, Events, Alerts Hierarchy, by expanding a selected alert. An alert always relates to exactly one event (1:1). Whereas an event can have one or multiple metrics/metric groups (1:n). This relationship introduced along with the Monitoring and Alerting Infrastructure (MAI) enriches the semantic meaning of the alerts and the user can either activate all the metrics belonging to one alert or just activate a few in the scrollable table under the tab Metrics, Events, Alerts Hierarchy. After specifying the required metrics and alerts as well as configuring the necessary notifications and/or outbound integration settings, the custom template should be ready to use.
Custom Alerts/Metrics
Custom templates not just allowing the customizing of the existing standard alerts/metrics, but also the creation of new ones. A custom alert/metric can be created by clicking on the 'Create' button in the Edit & Expert Mode. It opens a wizard with the relevant steps. A metric requires always an assignment to an alert, either standard or custom one, to ensure the consistent MEA hierarchy.
To ensure that during Simple System Integration step “Configure System Monitoring” a custom template is assigned automatically, a default assignment must be changed. Therefore, please open System Monitoring – Advanced Configuration or you can jump in from System Monitoring - Template Maintenance by selecting the Managed Object Type (e.g. Technical System) in the Templates area and clicking on Default and Rule-Based Assignment.
On the first screen you will see the template statistics in terms of assignment modes, grouped by managed object types. Following assignment modes are available:
You can switch between two views – Technical System Monitoring and Solution Manager Self-Monitoring by clicking on the corresponding radio button.
To change the default assignment, click on the relevant managed object type on the left part of the screen, then search for a relevant product/product group. In the column Default Assignment, either a name of current assigned template like SAP HANA DB is displayed or the number of assigned templates like 2 different templates (in case more than one product version exists and those having different default templates assigned). By clicking on that field, in a pop-up window the default assignment can be reviewed and changed. Either on the Product Group Level, for all product versions or one dedicated custom template per single product. Select a custom template from the list. If required, you can jump in from this view to the particular template or restore to SAP default. Close the window and save the changes.
Remark: Prior SAP Focused Run 2.0 FP03 you can maintain the default template for each product in the Template Maintenance application as follows:
It is also possible to implement additional logic for a rule-based template assignment. As of SAP Focused Run 2.0 FP03 this functionality is available in the standard. For previous releases it can be configured by a BAdI which is executed during template assignment. Each customer can develop an own implementation of the BAdI to influence which templates should be assigned under which condition. This process is described here.
The System Monitoring Advanced Configuration, as the name suggests, offers advanced configuration options across different aspects of the Monitoring Alerting Infrastructure. It consists of the following applications:
Remark: below sections providing a brief overview of the applications. Additional documentation can be found in the SAP Fiori Web Assistant or on a dedicated page if available.
Manual Template Assignment
Usually, the templates are getting assigned automatically during Simple System Integration process based on a SAP or customer default selection. In exceptional case, it could be required to change a default assignment manually for a dedicated managed object/system, e.g. to perform some tests. In addition to that, a manual reconfiguration of the currently assigned templates can be performed.
Following assignment modes exist:
Manual: the selected template is assigned manually to the managed object.
Customer Default: the assigned template is the default custom-defined template.
SAP Default: the assigned template is the default SAP-defined template.
Rule Based: the default custom template was changed for managed objects with particular properties.
Customer Program (BAdI): assignment covered by a BAdI
Default and Rule-Based Assignment
For every product a default template is assigned, which is either SAP-defined or custom-defined. Using the default assignment, a default template valid for the product can be defined. With a rule-based assignment feature, it is possible to define the default assignment on product group level.
The rule-based template assignment allows templates to be assigned dynamically depending on LMDB properties.
Rules are defined as a combination of the following filters:
LMDB-based filters inherited from the technical system
Properties related to managed objects
Additional attributes
Rules are always global and can be assigned to all products. A rule assignment is a combination of a rule, a product and a template which should be assigned in case the rule applies.
Custom Metric Management
Metric properties, such as name and description, data collection parameters, thresholds, or assigned alerts are defined in templates. The Custom Metric Management application allows to create and manage your own custom metrics in custom templates. In detail, the following functions are available:
Creation of a new custom metric in a custom template using a wizard
Copying a custom metric from one custom template to the others
Cloning a custom metric to enable a faster creation of similar metrics
Comparing the settings of a same metric in the different templates
Editing the settings of a custom metric and optionally distribute these settings for this custom metric to other templates, too
Applying and activating recently created/edited metric to the selected managed objects
Custom metrics also can be still created or edited via the Template Maintenance application in Application & System Monitoring. The difference is that the Custom Metric Management provides a complete overview of all custom metrics across all custom templates, whereas in the Template Maintenance all metric management and display functions are available for one template at a time only. Also, copying and deleting custom metrics across different templates is only available in Custom Metric Management.
Individual Maintenance
By default, metric and alert settings, such as thresholds or alert notifications settings, are defined in templates, which are assigned to the different managed object types.
These default settings can be overwritten for a metric or an alert on managed object level, e.g. a special technical system or host without changing the settings in the template itself. This can be either done in System Monitoring for metrics (Metric Detail --> Change Configuration), and in Alert Management for alerts (Actions --> Change Configuration). Or doing it centrally by using this app to create and manage the managed object specific settings. The Individual Maintenance can also be used to get a list of all changed objects.
Aggregation Framework
Within help of the Aggregation Framework it is possible to store the aggregated metric values from the following apps for more than 28 days:
System Monitoring
Health Monitoring
This data is consumed by System Monitoring, the OCC Dashboard and System Analysis application. The setup is described on this page.
Yes, as of SAP Focused Run 3.0 FP01 it is possible to monitor standalone hosts via System Monitoring.
You can find the list of supported products here.
Yes, starting with SAP Focused Run 4.0 FP03 a standard template for ERS has been introduced. Prior that feature pack only the underlying host of ERS instance was shown in the System Monitoring.
ERS related enhancements:
Per default only one template can be assigned to a managed object. However, it is possible to enable an assignment of additional so-called 'Generic Product version' template. This template can be assigned to any product of the same managed object type.
Yes, the SAP_FRN_AAD_MOAL_DISP role which has been introduced with release 4.0 FP01 provides display authorizations for System Monitoring & Alert Management Administration.
No, this is not supported. Neither in a standard nor in a custom template.
This tab is only visible for those metrics, which are flagged as active for System Monitoring in a template.
Yes, the System Log Messages metric supports this.
The parameter Severity can be used to collect messages with lower priority. Per default only messages with priority 1 (very high) and 2 (high) are collected. Choosing value 3 or 4 for parameter Severity will include the priority levels warning and info. The data collection is inclusive, e.g.: Severity set to '1' -> collects only very high messages, Severity set to '4' -> collects messages info (4), warning (3), high (2) and very high (1).
Please note, that it is not possible to maintain "*" as Severity. Either leave it empty or maintain a number from 1 to 4
Although the 'Generic Product version' Templates are visible and configurable under System Monitoring Template Maintenance, they cannot be assigned/select during reconfiguration.
To activate the 'Generic Product version' assignment for SAP Focused Run releases 3.0 FP01 - 4.0 FP01:
For details please refer to the 3092766.
As of SAP Focused Run 4.0 FP02 it can be enabled for all managed object types via following parameters:
Remark: means, it can be activated either for all MO types at once or individually.
Yes, this can be done by changing a retention period mode from calculated to custom. By default the maximum allowed value is 3x of collection interval.
Collection Interval: 1 Minute
Retention Period: 3 Minutes
The RTIME_MAX parameter allows to overwrite the default limit
A value rating represents an original rating which comes from a data provider. A calculated rating is set by the Monitoring and Alerting Infrastructure, e.g., in case of "best of last N" already rated metric.
As of SAP HANA 2.0 SP7 due to internal security changes some of the metrics cannot be collected.
The problem can be resolved by changing the collection mechanism or by granting an additional privilege. For details please refer to 2374272 - Enabling new HANA Monitoring mechanism for Solution Manager/Focused Run - SAP for Me
Remark: The issue is fixed as of If the property has already been set, no further action is necessary.
For the managed systems running on ST-PI 740 SP24, the memory relevant metrics like Extended Memory Used, Heap Memory Used etc., constantly reporting grey status. Please implement the following SAP Note 3372319.
You have configured the monitoring of SAP NW Gateway Foundation and realized that even in case of several errors the of Number of errors in the Gateway Log (last 5 minutes) metric shows just "1" in the System Monitoring. The fix is provided in SAP Note 3323606.
The "Used Spool Number Range" metric based on the CCMS data provider stopped working and constantly showing a blue rating due to a kernel bug. Please implement the below SAP Note containing the fix:
3388332 - CCMS: 15-minutes average value is incorrectly calculated by performance MTE nodes
Remark: this metric works only on a system level. The same metric on instance level is obsolete and got removed from CCMS. It's also planned to remove it from the standard monitoring template.
Please import the latest version of SAP Note 2984060 or apply ST-PI 740 SP24.
In case in the System Monitoring you find some grey metrics with the error text like this:
Error: Data collection failed for provider /SDF/E2E_GW_PERF, message: Data Provider /SDF/E2E_GW_PERF : No authority to use this function
Please verify if the technical user has the up to date authorizations - 2450740 - Roles to authorize access in managed systems to collect data for FRUN and upload if applicable.
In case, the issue is still not resolved afterwards, create a ticket.
This issue is caused by a bug affecting the SDA versions 1.64.0 - 1.64.2. The fix is provided as of version 1.64.3. For details please refer to SAP note 3500822.
As of certain SAP Basis release this metric has been removed on CCMS side due to a switch to the new enqueue server.
Later it has been re-added. Please refer to the below SAP note.
3443845 - add R3EnqueueStatGranuleEntriesUtil as table utilization in percentage - SAP for Me
Below is the list of relevant support components, based on different problem areas:
Problem Area | Support Component |
System Monitoring Application | SV-FRN-APP-SYM |
System Monitoring Configuration and Runtime | SV-FRN-INF-MAI |
Data Collectors (grey metrics, wrong results, etc.) | SV-FRN-INF-PRV/SV-FRN-INF-SDA-PRA |
Monitoring Content | SV-FRN-INF-CNT |
Monitoring Content Update | SV-FRN-INF-RCD |
Alert Management | SV-FRN-APP-AEM |
Simple Diagnostics Agent | SV-FRN-INF-SDA |
SAP Host Agent | BC-CCM-HAG |
Simple System Integration | SV-FRN-INF-SSI |