SAP IQ Database

This page explains how to prepare a SAP IQ database for the connectivity to SAP Focused Run.

Currently the following monitoring application are supported for SAP IQ databases:

Preparations in the Managed Database

Install SAP IQ Database (formerly Sybase IQ)

You need at least SAP IQ DB 16.0, optionally install the latest version of the SAP IQ DB and latest Patches (please be aware there is an actual issue with 16.1, for more information check SAP KBA 2719876) from, Software Downloads, Search for SAP IQ 16.0. See also SAP IO Installation guide.

Operating Systems:  AIX 64, HP-UX on IA64, Linux on IA64, Linux on POWER, Linux on X86_64, Solaris for X64, Solaris / Sparc 64, Windows Client 64-BIT, Windows for X86_64

When configuring the database, do not use the option "-sb 0" or "-sb 1". While it might be tempting to hide the database from discovery by the dblocate tool, you also hide it from discovery by the SAP Host Agent and thus cut it off from monitoring. Also avoid to let the database listen on the default port 2638 as this may lead to conflicts with a utility database or a demo database on the same host.

Set DBA User and Configure SAP IQ DB Server

1. Create siqconfig.cfg

1.1. collect the following data:

  • DB-NAME - The filename of the database file without path and without extension
  • DB-INSTANCE - The value of the startup parameter "-n" – see the database configuration file
  • DB-PORT - The listen port of the database, see startup parameter "-x"
  • IQ-HOME - The parent directory of the directory IQ-16_* which is parent of bin64, lib64 etc.
  • IQ-DIR - The name of the directory IQ-16_*
  • DB-LOCATION - The full path of the database file
  • CFG-LOCATION - The full path of the database configuration file
  • DBA-USER - User ID with DBA privileges
  • DBA-PASSWD - Password of above user

1.2. From /usr/sap/hostctrl execute:

exe/saphostctrl -function  SetDatabaseProperty -dbname <DB-NAME> -dbtype siq -dbinstance <DB-INSTANCE> -dboption port=<DB-PORT> -dboption iqhome=<IQ-HOME> -dboption iqdir=<IQ-DIR> -dboption dblocation=<DB-LOCATION> -dboption cfglocation=<CFG-LOCATION> SIQENTRY=INSERT

Example: IQ is installed in /usr/sap/sybase/server, database and configuration are in /usr/sap/sybase/data/db and named SAPIQDB.db and SAPIQDB.cfg, respectively. The instance is named SAPIQ_SERVER and listens on port 45678. Then the data looks like:

  • DB-PORT - 45678
  • IQ-HOME - /usr/sap/sybase/server
  • IQ-DIR - IQ-16_0
  • DB-LOCATION - /usr/sap/sybase/data/db/SAPIQDB.db
  • CFG-LOCATION - /usr/sap/sybase/data/db/SAPIQDB.cfg
  • DBA-PASSWD - sql

execute: exe/saphostctrl -function SetDatabaseProperty -dbname SAPIQDB -dbtype siq -dbinstance SAPIQ_SERVER -dboption port=45678 -dboption iqhome=/usr/sap/sybase/server -dboption iqdir=IQ-16_0 -dboption dblocation=/usr/sap/sybase/data/db/SAPIQDB.db -dboption cfglocation=/usr/sap/sybase/data/db/SAPIQDB.cfg SIQENTRY=INSERT

1.3. Check work/siqconfig.cfg:

iqhost123:/usr/sap/hostctrl # cat work/siqconfig.cfg


2. Create credential store

2.1. From /usr/sap/hostctrl execute:

exe/saphostctrl -function  SetDatabaseProperty -dbname <DB-NAME> -dbtype siq -dboption user=<DBA-USER> -dboption password=<DBA-PASSWD> SIQUSERCREDENTIAL=INSERT

Example: execute exe/saphostctrl -function  SetDatabaseProperty -dbname SAPIQDB -dbtype siq -dboption user=DBA -dboption password=sql SIQUSERCREDENTIAL=INSERT

Check DB status

Optional operation

Execute: dblocate

Note: In order to run this (and other IQ related programs) you need to source the following script first:

<IQ-HOME>/ for sh, ksh, bash or

<IQ-HOME>/IQ.csh for csh

The output of dblocate lists all sybase database servers, IQ, ASE, SQL Anywhere, with server name, IP address and listen port that respond to a network broadcast.

From /usr/sap/hostctrl execute: exe/saphostctrl -function ListDatabases

From /usr/sap/hostctrl execute: exe/saphostctrl -function Get DatabaseStatus -dbname <SAPIQDB> -dbtype siq

Run Outside Discovery on the HostAs prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.