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Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
Unknown Operation DownloadSimpleDA
# ls -la /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/operations.d total 24
drwxr-x--- 2 root sapsys 4096 May 24 16:30 .
drwxr-x--- 7 root sapsys 4096 May 24 16:30 ..
-rw------- 1 root root 1286 May 24 15:06 DownloadSimpleDA.conf
If it is not like this, change it accordingly and restart the Host Agent:
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec -restart
Failed to start /usr/sap/..../SimpleDA.lmsldesc
Illegal Permissions on Master Password File
Configuration of the SDA HTTP Port: java.net.BindException: Address Already in Use
Cannot Execute Java VM
All these checks can be done once the SDA has been deployed.
Quick checks (Unix, adapt accordingly for Windows)
clear ; \
echo '=== SHA installed? ===' ; ls -l /usr/sap/hostctrl/ ; cd /usr/sap/hostctrl/ ; \
echo '=== SLD Destination configured? ===' ; ls -l exe/slddest.cfg* exe/config.d/slddest* ; \
echo '=== SLDREG run? ===' ; ls -l work/outsidediscovery.log ; \
echo '=== SDA installed? Version? ===' ; grep version SMDAgent/default/agent/configuration/agent/default.properties ; \
echo '=== Java Symlink present? ===' ; ls -l SMDAgent/default/sapjvm ; \
echo '=== Java startable? Version? ===' ; SMDAgent/default/sapjvm/bin/java -version ; \
echo '=== SDA running? ===' ; ps -fu sapadm ; \
echo '=== SDA pid correct? ===' ; cat SMDAgent/default/agent/pid ; \
echo '=== SDA password file permissions correct? ===' ; ls -l /usr/sap/hostctrl/SMDAgent/default/configuration/agent/#/master_password ; \
echo '=== port file present? ===' ; cat SMDAgent/default/agent/port
Expected Output
=== SHA installed? ===
total 12
drwxr-x--- 3 sapadm sapsys 4096 Mar 3 13:41 SMDAgent
drwxr-x--x 6 root sapsys 4096 May 4 18:32 exe
drwxr-x--- 11 sapadm sapsys 4096 May 4 18:32 work
=== SLD Destination configured? ===
-rw-r----- 1 root root 114 Jan 24 15:57 exe/slddest.cfg
=== SLDREG run? ===
-rw------- 1 root root 1049136 May 4 18:08 work/outsidediscovery.log
=== SDA installed? Version? ===
=== Java Symlink present? ===
lrwxrwxrwx 1 sapadm sapsys 47 May 4 16:39 SMDAgent/default/sapjvm -> /usr/sap/hostctrl/SMDAgent/default/sapjvm_8_jre
=== Java startable? Version? ===
java version "1.8.0_112"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 8.1.028)
SAP Java Server VM (build 8.1.028 25.51-b02, Dec 14 2016 16:11:21 - 81_REL - optU - linux amd64 - 6 - bas2:282279 (mixed mode))
=== SDA running? ===
sapadm 12082 29457 0 17:44 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh ./go.sh
sapadm 12140 12082 2 17:44 ? 00:01:31 ../sapjvm/bin/java -server -XtraceFile=../log/vm-trace.log -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=./oom.sh -Xmx512m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=../heap-dump -XX:HeapDumpOnDemandPath=../heap-dump-OnDemand -XX:ThreadDumpPath=thread-dump -Declipse.ignoreApp=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dj
sapadm 22143 1 0 18:32 ? 00:00:01 /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapstartsrv pf=/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/host_profile -D
=== SDA pid correct? ===
=== SDA password file permissions correct? ===
-r-------- 1 sapadm sapsys 256 Nov 12 2017 master_password
=== port file present? ===
Configuration Status "Confirmed"
Configuration Status "Confirmation outdated"
Configuration Status "Up-to-date"
Configuration Status "Error"
Configuration Status "Pending"
Configuration Status "Pending"
Configuration Status "Error"
Configuration Status "Pending"
Configuration Status "Confirmation outdated"
Configuration Status "Up-to-date"
The issue can be seen, if the Agent Action "Configure Agent" ended with "Error". In this case, click on the error message link in the configuration tab. If you see the error details like:
http 500: Internal Server Error; Internal Server Error
Operation [id=00505694209A1ED7A8D674965B8A62D9] terminated with errors : 127 ()
description:Start SDA
Error: could not open `C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\SMDAgent\default\sapjvm\lib\amd64\jvm.cfg'
It is not possible to install/update a SDA after manual deletion of the SDA on the host. The installation procedure skips the installation with the notice "SDA and JRE are already up-to-date, skip updating binaries"
Additional helpful information for support:
Troubleshoot Out-of-Memory Issues
In case of out-of-memory issue the SAP support might need heap dumps to analyze the issue. Those can be generated as follows:
In some cases it is necessary to increase the log level of the SAP Host Agent without restarting the agent itself. If you are hosting the SAP Host Agent on a Linux machine, you are able to change the log level in the following way:
kill -USR2 <pid>
Where <pid> is the process id of the saphostctrl process.
It is possible to run an SDA and a Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent (SMDA, Solution Manager 7.2) on the same host. But for flawless operations the SMDA needs to be configured for Host Agent outside discovery which is also used for the SAP Focused Run scenario. Therefore follow SAP Note 2556432 - Switch Outside Discovery from Diagnostics Agent to SAP Host Agent, and use the local System Landscape Data Router (SLDR) for the SLD parameters in step 6.1. See also Preparing System Landscape Data Router for more details on the SLDR and its usage in mixed SAP Focused Run and SAP Solution Manager operations.
If you think, an error message is incomplete or cut-off, apply SAP note 2886763 - Report SRSM_AMA_UPLOAD_BINARY error message is cut
If the report generates an error message which starts with:
"Error when analyzing *.SAR: error during execution of SAPCAR extract command, error_code=0, exit_code=28"
Delete the following folders in the tmp-directory of the application server:
The real name of the tmp-directory can be identified in transaction AL11, parameter DIR_TEMP.
The SDA can be customized. All known options are documented in a dedicated page. Please check Simple Diagnostics Agent - Advanced Configuration.