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Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
WARNING: Decommissioning operations result in non-reversible loss of data.
Decommissioning involves the removal of managed objects such as hosts, databases and technical systems. This includes removal of all related artefacts such as customer network, LMDB namespace, data from Monitoring and Alerting Infrastructure (MAI), reporting data, configuration data, logs, alerts and work-modes.
Removing a host or a technical system from the LMDB will remove all data related to the corresponding LMDB object (identified by its GUID); therefore, the LMDB cleanup is the last step of the decommissioning operation. Decommissioning requires permissions for the RSRSM_SSI_CLEANUP report and administrative access for the technical system.
If you plan to move a technical system from one customer network to another, you must first decommission this system from the old customer network.
The general approach for decommissioning is to:
WARNING: Decommissioning operations result in non-reversible loss of data.
With SAP Focused Run 4.0 FP02 we implemented the trigger for the clean-up and the deletion of managed systems from inside of the Simple System Integration. This means you no longer have to use the report RSRSM_SSI_CLEANUP to delete systems.
For SAP Focused Run systems older than SAP Focused Run 4.0 FP02 you still have to use the report RSRSM_SSI_CLEANUP to delete systems one by one.
The cleanup report has been designed so, that it in case an error occurs during the deletion of a given object, you can simply retry to delete that object. Check the log messages, and remove the root cause of the error before retrying the delete.
The SLG1 messages logged during the cleanup operation, will be displayed in the Cleanup Report UI.
If you want to inspect the SLG1 messages logged for a cleanup operation, after you have closed the Cleanup Report UI, you can do so via transaction SLG1. You must specify:
To remove a technical system from the SAP Focused Run system and the LMDB:
To remove a host from the SAP Focused Run system and the LMDB:
To remove a customer network from the SAP Focused Run system and the LMDB:
After the decommissioning of an Introscope EM system you may receive a warning like:
Could not delete Introscope EM properties with SAP Focused Run connection details from the Simple Diagnostics Agent. The Introscope EM may continue to send data to the SAP Focused Run system.
If this occurs, the decommissioning program has not been able to confirm that the relevant properties have been deleted from the Simple Diagnostics Agent. It is likely that the Introscope EM system still has the details for SAP Focused Run communication stored. As a consequence, the Introscope EM system may continue to send data to the SAP Focused Run system, although the technical system was successfully removed from the SAP Focused Run system and from the LMDB. In order to resolve this, you must:
Per SAP Focused Run 3.0 SP00, the Simple System Integration cleanup mechanism will continue with a requested cleanup if a host cannot be found (error code: NIEHOST_UNKNOWN). In earlier service packs the cleanup was aborted on error NIEHOST_UNKNOWN. This applies both to report RSRSM_SSI_CLEANUP and the Web Service implementation. Error NIEHOST_UNKNOWN indicates that the respective hostname cannot be found in the system landscape.
In case the host still exists in the customer landscape (maybe under a new name), it can still have a running and configured Simple Diagnostics Agent on it. It must be ensured, that the configuration for the SAP Focused Run system on which the cleanup was performed, gets completely deleted from this Simple Diagnostics Agent. Failing to do so, will have following consequences:
The suggested cleanup procedure is: