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SAP HANA XS Advanced

This page explains how to prepare a SAP HANA XS Advanced managed system for the execution of the Simple System Integration

Currently the following monitoring application are supported for SAP HANA XS Advanced systems:

Preparations in the Managed System


SAP HANA Data Supplier is configured according to SAP HANA Database Preparation.

Check LMDB

For the SAP HANA where XSA has been installed, the Product Instance "XS Advanced Runtime" should be reported under the view "Software".

Furthermore, under the tab "Software Component Versions" following entry should exist - 'SAP EXTENDED APP SERVICES 1' as Installation Type "Used by System".

This SC will be reported automatically as of:

  • HANA 2.0 SPS02 Rev. 24.10
  • HANA 2.0 SPS03 Rev. 37.01
  • HANA 2.0 SPS04 Rev. 40.00

For the lower revisions, please add this SC manually (to do so, add the parameter set 'LMDB_AUTO_DS_OVRWRT' and parameter value '06' to your user profile).

Create XSA monitoring user 

Create the XSA monitoring user, e.g. XSA_MON.

As of SAP Host Agent PL45 in combination with SAP HAHA SPS04 and higher, it is possible to use the function SetDatabaseProperty to create the user automatically. Please refer to SAP Note 2852686.

For the lower versions, the user has to be created manually, e.g. via XSA Cockpit.

Assign XSA rolesFollowing roles need to be assigned to the XSA monitoring user:
  • For SAP HANA lower SPS04 role 'XS_CONTROLLER_AUDITOR' and additionally, the organizational role 'OrgAuditor' required.
  • As of SAP HANA SPS04 and higher a new role 'XS_CONTROLLER_ADMIN_READ_ONLY' has been introduced, replacing the other two mentioned above.
    Remark: in case, the user has been created via SetDatabaseProperty, this role is assigned automatically.
Configure XSA Properties

In order to create the relevant XSA properties automatically on SDA, the Preparation Tool can be used.

For general tool usage please refer to SAP Note 2641304.
The XSA relevant steps are described in the SAP Note 2729923.

Perform SSI

Execute the Simple System Integration for SAP HANA with installed XSA.

As of SAP Focused Run 2.0 FP02 there is a connection check available. This check is performed automatically during SSI run. A corresponding result can be found in the log area for activity "Configure Diagnostics Agents".