Preparation Tool

The Preparation Tool provides an unified script able REST Interface to execute Managed System preparation task remotely and automated.

We understand that the main disadvantage of preparing the Managed Systems for connecting to SAP Focused Run is that there are different UI's resp. Interfaces to create user, configure SLD DS etc. To provide a solution, the Preparation Tool provides an unified script able REST Interface to execute Managed System preparation task remotely and automated. You can still execute managed system preparation task for SAP Focused Run manually or with your existing IT tools  like Central User Management. Or if its of advantage for you, you can use the Preparation Tool.


How to Use

The preparation tool expects that you edit a simple template with the needed parameters (global parameters are possible) for the preparation task to be executed and than send this template as HTTP body to the REST interface where a Simple Diagnostics Agent with Preparation Tool is running


Similar you can request the template 

http://<remote-host>:1128/lmsl/sda/default/api/v1/preptool/trigger?action=template&system-type=AS_ABAP&system-type=HOST&format=TEXT will generate a template in plain text format containing all configuration tasks for ABAP and HOST

Delivery and Detailed Task Description

We can not deliver all preparation tasks for all Managed Systems Types with a big bang. The development and test effort is simply to high. That's why we deliver new preparation tasks, when available, with a new version of the Simple Diagnostics Agent (~monthly).

Which Task is delivered with which release of the Simple Diagnostic Agent is documented in 

SAP Note 2641304 - Using SAP Focused Run System Preparation Tool for Managed System Preparation

Each task delivered has an own SAP Note, to document the task in detail and also protocol found issues for that task. In the SAP Note above you find a table with Supported managed system types and corresponding tasks.


Below for illustration a small graphic about the preparation tool.

  • Restful Client: Any REST enabled HTTP client you like e.g. "CURL" , "POSTMAN", "SAP LAMA", "SAP ABAP" etc
  • SAP Hostagent:  Because you pass sensible user and password with the Preparation Tool payload only HTTPS is recommended
  • SDA.SAR: The Preparation Tool is delivered with the Simple Diagnostics Agent

Preparation tool architecture