Setup for Managed Gateway for Spend&Network

This page explains how to connect Managed Gateway for Spend&Network to SAP Cloud ALM to enable monitoring.

SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway was renamed to SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for spend management and SAP Business Network.

On this page, we will refer to it as Managed Gateway for Spend&Network.

Currently, the following monitoring application is supported for Managed Gateway for Spend&Network:

Setup Steps for Managed Gateway for Spend&Network

Managed Gateway for Spend&Network writes its status messages in the Integration Monitoring event database. From there it can be collected from SAP Cloud ALM using a client application. 

The client application has to be created in the SAP Ariba Developer Portal. The Integration Monitoring event database can only be accessed by a client application created in the SAP Ariba Developer Portal for its region.

The first step is to identify in which region your Managed Gateway for Spend&Network is activated.

Identify Managed Gateway for Spend&Network Region for SAP Business Network for Procurement Customers

  1. Log on to SAP Business Network for Procurement with an Administrator account
  2. Click on your avatar in the upper right corner
  3. Navigate to Settings > Electronic Order Routing
  4. Click on the link "Configure SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for spend management and SAP Business Network (non-native integration)"
  5. In the next screen, verify that the check box in front of "Enable Managed Gateway for Spend&Network" is checked
  6. In the box next to the label "Data center", you find the region in which Managed Gateway for Spend&Network is activated

Identify Managed Gateway for Spend&Network Region for SAP Ariba Procurement and Sourcing Customers

  1. Log on to SAP Ariba Sourcing or Procurement with an Administrator account
  2. Navigate to Manage > Core Administration
  3. Go to Integration Manager > Managed Gateway for Spend&Network
  4. In the next screen, verify that the status is set to "Enabled"
  5. Next to the label "Data Center", you find the data center in which Managed Gateway for Spend&Network is activated

Do you need to create a new client application for Managed Gateway for Spend&Network?

Depending on your configuration for Managed Gateway for Spend&Network you can reuse the client application which you already created for your leading SAP Ariba Product, i.e. SAP Business Network for Procurement, SAP Ariba Souring, or SAP Ariba Procurement.

Please consult the table below to learn if you can reuse an existing client application. Work through the table from left to right, always choosing the option that applies to you.

If you can reuse the client application, please jump directly to the section "Setup steps in SAP Cloud ALM". 

Leading SAP Ariba ProductLocation of the leading productManaged Gateway for Spend&Network LocationSetup requirements for Managed Gateway for Spend&Network

SAP Ariba Procurement or SAP Ariba Sourcing
EUEUYou need to create a client application created for SAP Business Network for Procurement in the SAP Ariba Developer Portal (US).
AU, or JPEUYou need to create a client application created for SAP Business Network for Procurement in the SAP Ariba Developer Portal (US).
US, KSA, UAE, or CNThe same data center as the leading productYou can reuse the client application created for the leading SAP Ariba product (SAP Ariba Procurement, SAP Ariba Sourcing)

If possible, adjust the configuration for Managed Gateway for Spend&Network, so that its data center is the same as the data center of the leading SAP Ariba Product. Then you can reuse the client application that you created for the leading SAP Ariba product.

If you cannot adjust the configuration for Managed Gateway for Spend&Network, you need to create a client application created for SAP Business Network for Procurement in the SAP Ariba Developer Portal (US).

SAP Business Network for ProcurementUSUS or EUYou can reuse the client application created for SAP Business Network for Procurement

Access the SAP Ariba Developer Portal (US)

If you are still reading this section, then you have to create a new client application in the SAP Ariba Developer Portal (US)

If no one in your company has access to the SAP Ariba Developer Portal (US) yet, or your company does not yet have an organization in the SAP Ariba Developer Portal (US), please follow the FAQ How do I create a new organization in API Developer Portal?

Create Client Application in SAP Ariba Developer Portal

Once you have access to the SAP Ariba Developer Portal (US) please proceed as described here:

  1. Log on to the SAP Ariba Developer Portal (US)
  2. In the navigation pane on the left side navigate to 'Manage'
  3. Click the "+" button on top of the application list
  4. Enter an application name and a description
  5. Click the "Submit" button
  6. Click on "Actions" > "Request API Access"
  7. Select the API Integration Event Monitoring Query API for Procurement this API will be used for all SAP Ariba applications.
  8. Check the box in front of "Ariba Network"
    • For security reasons, you should consider creating separate applications for your test and your productive realms, or one dedicated application for each productive realm
  9. Click the "Submit" button.
  10. Ariba will approve the API access request for your client application within 24h.
  11. Continue with the steps under "Create OAuth Secret for Client Application" after the API access request is approved.

Create OAuth Secret for Client Application

After the API access for the application is approved go back to the SAP Ariba Developer Portal and generate an OAuth secret for your application.

  1. Log on to the SAP Ariba Developer Portal with a user that has the Organization Admin role
  2. Click "Manage" in the left-hand menu 
  3. Find your application for Integration Monitoring under "My Applications" and select it
  4. The application should now only have the step "Your admin needs to generate the OAuth Secret for your application" open
  5. Click on "Actions" > "Generate OAuth Secret". Please note that generating a new OAuth secret invalidates any old OAuth secrets!
  6. Click Submit
  7. Download the file in the next step. It contains the Application Key, the OAuth Client Id, and the OAuth Secret.
  8. Find your SAP Ariba API URL and the SAP Ariba OAuth URL in the table in section "Important URLs" and save them for later use.

Link API Client ID to AN-ID in SAP Business Network for Procurement

For a client application for SAP Business Network for Procurement, you have to link the API Client ID (Oauth Client Id) to the AN-ID in SAP Business Network for Procurement.

To do this you have to log on to SAP Business Network for Procurement.

How can I get access to SAP Business Network for Procurement?

Since you have a valid AN-ID, you will also have access to SAP Business Network for Procurement, even if you never used it. At some point in the past, someone in your organization must have registered this AN-ID with SAP Business Network for Procurement. If possible contact this person to log on to SAP Business Network for Procurement. 

  1. Go to
  2. Select 'Buyer'
  3. Enter your username 
    1. If you forgot your username, click 'Forgot username'
    2. Enter the email address you used to register with SAP Business Network for Procurement.
    3. If you don't remember this email address, please open a support ticket via
    4. They can retrieve the email and username via your AN-ID
Once you have access to SAP Business Network for Procurement, please proceed as follows:
  1. Log on to the SAP Ariba Developer Portal after the access to the API has been approved for your client application
  2. Copy the value in the field "Oauth Client Id"
  3. Log on to SAP Business Network for Procurement
  4. Click on the Account Settings icon and choose "Manage Profile" > "API Client ID Configuration".
  5. Click the "Add" button
  6. Enter the OAuth Client Id you copied earlier in the "Client ID" field
  7. Save your changes.

Important URLs

The following table contains the data centers with the respective SAP Ariba API URL and SAP Ariba OAuth URL:

Data CenterSAP Ariba Developer Portal URLSAP Ariba API URLSAP Ariba OAuth URL

After finishing all steps you should have the following information available for the next steps in SAP Cloud ALM:

  • SAP Ariba API URL
  • SAP Ariba OAuth URL
  • OAuth client ID
  • OAuth secret
  • Application key

Setup Steps in SAP Cloud ALM

Add Managed Gateway for Spend&Network to Landscape Management

Currently, Managed Gateway for Spend&Network cannot be imported to Landscape Management automatically. Hence you have to create the cloud service manually in the Landscape Management Service.

  1. Open the "Landscape Management" application from the launchpad
  2. Click the "Add" button to create a new service
    1. Name: Enter a name for the service 
    2. System Number: Enter the AN-ID or the realm or the system number of the SAP Ariba tenant the Managed Gateway belongs to followed
      by "-mgsn"
    3. Service Type: Select "Managed Gateway for Spend&Network"
    4. Role: Select the appropriate role from the list
    5. Root URL: Enter your SAP Ariba API URL
    6. Location: Select the location for your Managed Gateway from the drop-down list
    7. External ID: Enter the AN-ID for the SAP Ariba application for which Managed Gateway for Spend&Network was activated.
  3. Save your service

Create HTTP Endpoint

  1. Open the Landscape Management application from the launchpad
  2. Select your Managed Gateway for Spend&Network service
  3. Click on the service name or press the ">" button at the end of the line
  4. On the tab "Endpoints" press the "Add" button to create a new endpoint
  5. Enter a description
  6. Choose the use-case "Integration Monitoring"
  7. Root URL: Make sure that this is the SAP Ariba API URL 
  8. Choose OAuth authentication and enter the OAuth credentials retrieved from the SAP Ariba Developer Portal:
    • Client ID: OAuth client ID
    • Client Secret: OAuth secret
    • Token Service URL: Extend your SAP Ariba OAuth URL with /v2/oauth/token
    • API Key: Enter the Application key


Next Steps

After creating the endpoint in SAP Cloud ALM, you have to perform the following steps to activate the monitoring use-cases: