SAP サポート
技術以外のお問い合わせに、24 時間 365 日対応いたします。
当ページに記載されているフリーダイヤルは、固定電話から、または一部の携帯で電話会社を経由して、ほとんどの国でご利用いただけます。お電話いただくと、お問い合わせの SAP 製品分野を選択するための SAP サポート担当者におつなぎすることができます。
技術以外のお問い合わせに、24 時間 365 日対応いたします。
当ページに記載されているフリーダイヤルは、固定電話から、または一部の携帯で電話会社を経由して、ほとんどの国でご利用いただけます。お電話いただくと、お問い合わせの SAP 製品分野を選択するための SAP サポート担当者におつなぎすることができます。
Country | Phone number | Alternative phone number |
Afghanistan | +65 6723 1024 | |
Albania | +49 1802 260260 | |
Andorra | 900998311 | |
Argentina | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone numbers 0800 4441284 or +54 11 5078 9775. |
Armenia | +7 499 7056137 | |
Australia | 0011800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone numbers +61 871001324 or 1800 081 923 (toll-free). |
Austria | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 0800 295077. |
Azerbaijan | +7 499 7056137 | |
Bahrain | +973 16500498 | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 80006707 (toll-free). |
Bangladesh | +91 1171279691 | |
Belarus | 8~10800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone number +7 499 7056137. |
Belgium | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 0800 75886. |
Bolivia | +54 11 50789775 | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | +49 1802 260260 | |
Brazil | 0800 762 5586 | Alternatively, you can use the telephone numbers 0800 8914919 or +55 11 41308151. |
Bulgaria | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 008001104973. |
Cambodia | +65 6723 1024 | |
Canada | +1 866 660 3577 | Alternatively, you can call 011800 CALL-1-SAP from any fixed landline phone. |
Chile | 1230 0204255 or +56 2 2898 8270 | |
China | 400 620 2008 or +86 2160311710 | |
Colombia | 01800 0125519 | |
Croatia | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 0800 222530 |
Cyprus | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 80094380. |
Czech Republic | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 800 143246. |
Denmark | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 8088 9491. |
Ecuador | +54 11 5078 9775 | |
Egypt | +973 16500498 | |
Estonia | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone number 800 0049021. |
Finland | 990800 or 996800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone number 0800 919487. |
France | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 0800 910253. |
Georgia | +7 499 7056137 | |
Germany | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 01802 260260 (24x7). |
Ghana | +49 698 740914073 | |
Greece | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone number +30 21 1198 0952. |
Guyana | 0 800 4357727 or 0 1800 9154889 or +58 212 267 8344 | |
Hong Kong | 006800 CALL-1-SAP (001800 CALL-1-SAP if calling via Telstra) | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number +852 3013 4737. |
Hungary | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 068 0016601. |
Iceland | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 800 8868. |
India | 000 800 0490029 | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number +91 117 127 9691. |
Indonesia | 001 803 8529060 or +62 21 3003 2733 | |
Ireland | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone number 1800 655002. |
Iraq | +973 16500498 | |
Israel | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number +972 9 3720895. |
Italy | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone number 800 789009. |
Ivory Coast | +49 698 740914073 | |
Japan | 0120 332 909 | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number +81 3 4579 5992. |
Jordan | +973 16500498 | |
Kazakhstan | +49 698 740914073 | |
Kenya | +49 698 740914073 | |
Kuwait | +973 16500498 | |
Kyrgyzstan | +7 499 7056137 | |
Laos | +66 2787 3375 | |
Latvia | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone number 8000 2982. |
Lebanon | +973 16500498 | |
Libya | +973 16500498 | |
Liechtenstein | 0800 562643 | |
Lithuania | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone number 8800 30694. |
Luxembourg | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 8002 3076. |
Macau | +852 3013 4737 | |
Macedonia | 080090450 | |
Malawi | +49 698 740914073 | |
Malaysia | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone number +60 3 7724 0057. |
Malta | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone number 800 62058. |
Mexico & Central America (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama) | 01 800 123 3218 or +55 11 41308151 | |
Moldova | +7 499 7056137 | |
Monaco | 80093485 | |
Mongolia | +65 6723 1024 | |
Montenegro | +49 698 740914073 | |
Mozambique | +49 698 740914073 | |
Myanmar | +65 6723 1024 | |
Namibia | +49 698 740914073 | |
Netherlands | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 0800 0220683. |
New Zealand | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number +64 98010171. |
Norway | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 800 11739. |
Oman | +973 16500498 | |
Pakistan | +65 6723 1024 | |
Palestinian Territories | +973 16500498 | |
Papua New Guinea | +65 6664 6363 or +61 2 9935 4660 | |
Paraguay | +54 11 50789775 | |
Peru | 0800 78709 | |
Philippines | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone number +63 2 8705 2455. |
Poland | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 00800 4911572. |
Portugal | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 800849195. |
Qatar | +973 16500498 | |
Romania | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone number +49 698 740914073. |
Zambia | +49 698 740914073 | |
Saudi Arabia | 800 850 0115 — Bharti Airtel fixed and mobile, Mobily and Zain 800 844 0445 — Saudi Telecom (STC) fixed and mobile | |
Serbia | +49 698 740914073 | |
Zimbabwe | +49 698 740914073 | |
Singapore | 001800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number +65 6723 1024. |
Slovakia | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 0800 049019. |
Slovenia | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 0800 80280. |
South Africa | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 0800 981539 (VoIP-friendly). |
South Korea | 001800 CALL-1-SAP or 002800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number +82 2 3483 3946. |
Spain | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 900998311. |
Sri Lanka | +91 1171279691 | |
Sudan | +973 16500498 | |
Suriname | 0 800 4357727 or 0 1800 9154889 or +58 212 267 8344 | |
Sweden | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 020 799925. |
Switzerland | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 0800 562643. |
Taiwan | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number +886 2265 07689. |
Tajikistan | +7 499 7056137 | |
Tanzania | +49 698 740914073 | |
Thailand | 001800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number +66 2787 3375. |
Trinidad & Tobago | 1800 2031397 | |
Turkey | 00800491 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively — or if using a mobile phone —, you can use the telephone number +90 216 633 03 51. |
Turkmenistan | +7 499 7056137 | |
Uganda | +49 698 740914073 | |
Ukraine | 0 800 5032640 | |
United Arab Emirates | 8000 444 0644 | |
United Kingdom, UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) | 00800 CALL-1-SAP | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 0808 1012 181. |
United States of America, USA | +1 412 3607869 | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 1800 677 7271. |
Uruguay | +54 11 50789775 | |
Uzbekistan | +7 499 7056137 | |
Venezuela | 0 800 4357727 or +58 212 267 8344 | Alternatively, you can use the telephone number 8555936187 (toll-free). |
Vietnam | +65 6723 1024 | |
Yemen | +973 16500498 |
If you are unable to connect via the number provided for your country, please call +49 698 740914073.
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