Managed System Preparation -
Troubleshooting FAQs

Warning: Before starting, review the Managed Systems Preparation and Maintenance Guide page

This is a limitation when the same short hostnames but different domains are used on the same host.

In this case the Host Agent is forced to leave IP and FQDN empty.


  •         hostname2.customer.domain    hostname2
  •         hostname2.provider.domain    hostname2

For these two IPs, only one SAP_ComputerSystem object with name “hostname2” will be found in the LMDB.

This object will not have IP and FQDN set because they are not unique with regards to the short name “hostname2”.

Verify the the Managed System have a real installation number (only numbers).

Go to R3 / System / Status and check that the Installation Number is correct

Issues are:

  • Where can I find it?
  • Where to change the default Trace level of the SAP Host Agent?
  • How do I get the version?
  • How can I change the permissions? 
  • How can I install a SAP Host agent in a clustered environment?

Check the FAQ and / or the SAP Host agent Troubleshooting guide

Set the windows environment variable $DIR_TEMP to c:\tmp and provide such a directory on all Windows based server nodes.

  • Check if the SAP Host Agent has the latest available version from SMP: SAP Host Agent 7.21 from -> Support Packages and Patches -> Browse Download Catalog -> SAP Technology Components -> SAP HOST AGENT -> SAP HOST AGENT 7.21
    • If not, proceed with an upgrade: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec -upgrade -archive /tmp/SAPHOSTAGENT1x_1x-xxx.SAR
  • Check if the SM59 destination has the same sapadm password as the one used for the SAP Host Agent installed on the host, and that the sapadm password is also the same as declared in the Customer Network.
  • Check in a browser if LMDB and / or the System Landscape Data Router (SLDR) inbound is available: http://<HOST>:<PORT>/sld/ds and try to log on without error.
  • Check if the slddest.cfg was properly configured: /hostctrl/exe/sldreg –showconnect slddest.cfg
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe is maybe required in some case.
  • Check the data supplier processing traces using the RLMDB_DS_DISPLAY_TRACES sa38 program, which checks whether incoming data from Outside Discovery in SAP Focused Run is correct. The ExecuteOutsideDiscovery creates for each OD an xml file in hostctrl/work/ which is the SLD payload. The Outside Discovery writes a log hostctrl/work/outsidediscovery.log.

Note: to enable RLMDB_DS_DISPLAY_TRACES program -> VC_LMDB_SETT_L -> LDB -> New CIM Settings Entry -> DataSupplier.TraceIsActive -> Set Checkbox "Bool. val." to selected

  • Check the logs: /usr/sap/hostctrl/work/outsidediscovery.log  for the SLD Registration message: HTTP Status Code: 200
  • Check the generated payloads:
    • OD_ComputerSystem_xxx.xml
    • OD_Database_xxx.xml
    • OD_HostAgent.xml
  • Check in LMDB the "Last Change by Data Supplier" timestamp  from the Launchpad Agent Administration - Display Host.

If you have an SLDR:

  • Check that the SAP Host Agent and the Simple Diagnostics Agent of the SLDR is running properly.
  • Check the the inbound credentials of the SLDR (FRN_SLDS_<CID>) are correct from the agent Administration: "Agent Action" - "Open SLDR Configuration".
  • Open a Browser and type: http://<SLDR-HOST>:<PORT>/sld/ds with the FRN_SLDS_<CID> user and Password direct, it shall have no authentication error.

If you have no SLDR:

  • Check that the FRUN user FRN_LDDS_<CID> is valid / not locked in SAP Focused Run
  • Open a Browser and type: http://<FRUN-HOST>:<PORT>/sld/ds with the FRN_LDDS_<CID> user and Password direct, it shall have no authentication error.

You have upgraded the SHA to REL 721 ≥ SP29

If you have received an error: "Failed to open destination file "/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/slddest.cfg" or "Failed to read connect file: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/slddest.cfg"

Outside discovery must be run again using the new method ConfigureOutsideDiscovery Discovery as described in page Preparing Outside Discovery.
This will regenerate the slddest.cfg as sapadm.

Further Troubleshooting: if you are still unable to execute the new method, you can change the ownership of the slddest.cfg file from root to sapadm
execute: chown sapadm:sapsys slddest.cfg

Check if the SAP Host Agent has the latest available version from SMP: SAP Host Agent 7.21 from -> Support Packages and Patches -> Browse Download Catalog -> SAP Technology Components -> SAP HOST AGENT -> SAP HOST AGENT 7.21 - if not, proceed with an upgrade: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec -upgrade -archive /tmp/SAPHOSTAGENT1x_1x-xxx.SAR

  • The Simple Diagnostics Agent is normally automatically deployed from SAP Focused Run inside the host after a successful Outside Discovery operation.
  • The Simple Diagnostics Agent Administration can be open from the transaction sda_admin, from the Launchpad Agent Administration

Check first if the SM59 host destination has the same sapadm password than the one used for the SAP Host Agent installed on the host, and that the sapadm Password is also the as as declared in the Customer Network. the sapadm user is used for SDA Installation / Configuration / Restart / Agent Internals (logs) and any SAP Host Agent to Simple Diagnostics Agent communications.

Check also that you have successfully imported latest version of the Simple Diagnostics Agent Archive SIMDIAGAGNTxx_xxx.SAR and the latest JRE JRE81_xx-xxx.SAR archive using SRSM_AMA_UPLOAD_BINARY  (SA38 transaction) like described in the Master Guide.

A-To Debug SDA Deployment Issues:

Check the On the File system (sapadm needed):

  • Check that the following repository /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/operations.d has been created on file system with write permissions
  • Check that the following file is available: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/operations.d/DownloadSimpleDA.conf
  • Check that the  usr/sap/hostctrl/SMDAgent has been created
  • Check the SAP Host Agent status: hostctrl\exe\saphostexec -status
  • Restart the SAP Host Agent on Os:
    • Via Linux usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec –restart
    • Via Windows: Computer Management -> Services and Applications -> Services -> SAPHostExec Service -> Restart
  • Check the SDA installation logs under /hostctrl/SMDAgent/default/log
  • If needed: Kill existing or remaining unwanted SDA processes: ps -efl | grep sapadm and remove the entire usr/sap/hostctrl/SMDAgent directory, perform the installation again.

Execute from the Agent Administration:

  • From the Mass Action menu: Outside Discovery.
  • From the Mass Action menu: Install/Update Agent.
  • From the Mass Action menu: Configure Agent.
  • Check the "Installation Log Messages" and "Configuration Informations" Tabs for any error.

B-To Debug the Simple Diagnostics Agent availability deployed successfully on the SAP Host Agent

Check the Simple Diagnostics Agent availability status and configuration:

Diagnostics Agent State is:

  • White: If the self-monitoring is not yet configured (currently part of the MAI configuration which is in Simple System Integration)
  • Green: If the heartbeat is received regularly at the SAP Focused Run
  • Red: if the heartbeat is configured, but is not received.

The configuration status is:

White: If the Diagnostics Agent is not configured. This should not be happen because there is always a default configuration at installation time. If you see a white configuration status.

Green: This means that the metrics are sent successfully from SAP Focused Run to the Diagnostics Agent. The status can have two different characteristics Confirmed or Up-to-date, If the status is Confirmed, then the agent has the configuration versions that it expected. If the status is up-to-date, the confirmation by metrics is still missing.

Yellow pending: SAP Focused Run can’t send any metrics to the Diagnostics Agent, but it is assumed that it will be successfully sent later. For this reason, SAP Focused Run tries to send the configuration in an interval and the status is Pending. This happens, for example, if network problems occur, the authorization fails or the agent is not available for the moment.

Yellow Confirmation Outdated:  This means that SAP Focused Run has sent metrics to the Simple Diagnostics Agent but the metric version is older than expected. The SAP Focused Run tries it later again (self-healing). You can identify this in the configuration information, looking for the "Send Count" > 1.

Check On the Agent Administration:

  • From the Mass Action menu: "Ping Agent" and check that the software version / configuration version, uptime, and free memory is correct.
  • From the Agent Action menu: "Open Agent Internals" and check the Agent tabs information and the MAI statistics tab statuses for "AgentSateCollector" and "SAPHostControlWSCollector"
  • From the Agent Action menu: "Restart Agent" if needed.
  • From the Mass Action menu: Again "Outside Discovery", then "Install/Update Agent" then "Configure Agent".
  • Check the "Installation Log Messages" and "Configuration Informations" Tabs for any error.

Check the On the File system (sapadm needed):

  • Check the SAP Host Agent status: hostctrl\exe\saphostexec -status
  • Ping the SAP Host Agent: hostctrl\exe\saphostexec -function ping
  • Restart the SAP Host Agent on Os:
    • Via Linux usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec –restart
    • Via Windows: Computer Management -> Services and Applications -> Services -> SAPHostExec Service -> Restart

Review more SDA Troubleshooting topics

Log onto the system and check whether the following calls were successful.

The first call registers the sldds.xml at the SAP Host Agent: hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl-function ConfigureOutsideDiscoveryPath-register /usr/sap/ccms/apmintroscope/sap/sld/sldds.xml

The second call sends the data to the sldregtarget as defined when executed Outside discovery: saphostctrl: hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl-function ExecuteOutsideDiscovery-xmlfromconfig-sldreg

Check the Introscope Servlet: http://<CAAPM-HOST>:<PORT>/sappush/  Check the Introscope Webview: http://<CAAPM-HOST>:<PORT>/webview/

Check <SID>_ISMetricCollectionDefinition.xml on the ISEM (location is specified in /wily/apmintroscope/sap/ <SID>

Check by executing ListDatabaseMetrics with the -format table option.

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl -function ListDatabaseMetrics -dbname <DBSID> -dbtype <DBTYPE> -format table

If the command produces output like shown below, metrics can be collected from the database.

Name                                  |MetricID                              |Resource                               |SystemHost|SystemID  |SystemType|Timestamp                 |Unit     |Value   |Rating|


DB.DB6.AutomaticStorage.AdHoc         |DB.DB6.AutomaticStorage.AdHoc         |DBPARTITIONNUM=0|PATH=/db2/HA5/sapdata1|db6xen023 |HA5/db2ha5|Database  |2017-09-26 10:10:21.596505|Percent  |75.43   |1     |

DB.DB6.AutomaticStorageFillRatio.AdHoc|DB.DB6.AutomaticStorageFillRatio.AdHoc|DBPARTITIONNUM=0|PATH=/db2/HA5/sapdata3|db6xen023 |HA5/db2ha5|Database  |2017-09-26 10:10:21.596505|Percent  |75.43   |1     |

DB.DB6.AutomaticStorageFreeMB.AdHoc   |DB.DB6.AutomaticStorageFreeMB.AdHoc   |DBPARTITIONNUM=0|PATH=/db2/HA5/sapdata1|db6xen023 |HA5/db2ha5|Database  |2017-09-26 10:10:21.596505|Megabytes|14857.37|1     |

DB.DB6.BufferpoolCacheHitRatio.24h    |DB.DB6.BufferpoolCacheHitRatio.24h    |MEMBER=0|BUFFERPOOL=IBMDEFAULTBP       |db6xen023 |db2ha5/0  |Instance  |2017-09-26 10:00:00.439458|Percent  |98.59   |1     |

DB.DB6.CatalogCacheHitRatio.24h       |DB.DB6.CatalogCacheHitRatio.24h       |MEMBER=0                               |db6xen023 |db2ha5/0  |Instance  |2017-09-26 10:00:00.440820|Percent  |99.92   |1     |

DB.DB6.Deadlocks.24h                  |DB.DB6.Deadlocks.24h                  |                                       |db6xen023 |HA5/db2ha5|Database  |2017-09-26 10:00:00.440820|Count    |0       |1     |

DB.DB6.ExclusiveLockEscalations.24h   |DB.DB6.ExclusiveLockEscalations.24h   |                                       |db6xen023 |HA5/db2ha5|Database  |2017-09-26 10:00:00.440820|Count    |0       |1     |