
Preparing Managed Systems

SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP

Preparation Tool (optional)In order to automate certain tasks, you can use the Preparation Tool
Run Outside Discovery on the Host

As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.

Install SAP NetWeaver ABAP

SAP Focused Run supports the latest SAP NetWeaver version

Install/Upgrade to the latest SAP NetWeaver version from support.sap.com/swdc

Note: SAP Note 2188401 shall be implemented for NetWeaver ABAP < 740 SP13

ABAP ST-PI version

ABAP-specific SAP Focused Run functions are delivered with ST-PI

If possible, please use the latest version and keep it up to date.

It is recommended to update ST-PI always together with the regular product stack support packages to benefit from latest functionality and patches. Please note that these software components may not be part of the regular support package stack but have to be downloaded separately. For ST-PI refer to SAP Note 539977 Release strategy for add-on ST-PI.

ABAP ST/A-PI version

Application-specific SAP Focused Run functions are delivered with ST/A-PI

If possible, please use the latest version and keep it up to date.

It is recommended to update ST-A/PI always together with the regular product stack support packages to benefit from latest functionality and patches. Please note that these software components may not be part of the regular support package stack but have to be downloaded separately. For ST-A/PI refer to SAP Note 69455 Servicetools for Applications ST-A/PI (ST14, RTCCTOOL, ST12).

Change the Default Profile

The Default profile needs to be updated with sapadm user to allow the communication between the Simple Diagnostics Agent and the Managed System.

Add the following line to the profile DEFAULT.PFL:  service/admin_users = sapadm

Multiple users (e.g. daaadm, dazadm) must be separated by space.

Note: can be automated by OS scripts

Check if an SLDR is neededAs prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see Preparing System Landscape Data Router page.
Implement SAP Note for the License Management InformationImplement SAP Note 1977240 - Extension of the AS ABAP SLD Data Supplier (RZ70), so that the License Management information are reported into LMDB

Configure ABAP Data Supplier (RZ70) to send the ABAP Technical System (BCSystem) Data Supplier information

This Data Supplier can be setup to either send the payload directly to SAP Focused Run LMDB, or to the SLDR, and in addition the classical Solution Manager 7.x SLD

NW 750, SP0 / NW 740 SP13 and higher already contains the new UI.

For NW ABAP < 740 SP13, Import SAP Note 2188401 with SNOTE and transport according to transport policy. The SAP note provides function module to create SM59 HTTP destination and assign it to RZ70. Enabling of HTTP in RZ70 is only supported in SAP_BASIS ≥ 700 SP4.

  • Execute Report RSLDHTTPCONF (SA38).
  • On "Create HTTP destination" Tab, create a new HTTP Destination SLD_DS_<CID>, using either the User of SAP Focused Run system LMDB (FRN_LDDS_<CID>), or indirectly via a System Landscape Data Router SLDR (FRN_SLDS_<CID> a.k.a. SLD_DS_<SID>). Execute and Save.
  • On "RZ70 Configuration" Tab, select "Add" and enter the HTTP Destination you have just created. Select "Activate" and activate it.
  • Go in RZ70 Transaction and Press Execute (F8).
  • HTTP Created Successfully in SM59 message shows up.

It is possible to call the function module remotely for SM59 creation and RZ70 assignment.

Note: If you have enabled HTTP destination creation with the SAP Note 2188401: execute RZ70 without any specific options.

Configure SAP Start Service Data Supplier

Configure this service to send the payload of all instances:

  • BCControllInstance: SAP Start Service Instance for each instances.
  • CentralserviceInstanceKernel: SAP Central Technical Instance: SAP Central Technical Instance
  • ABAPInstanceKernel Payload: SAP Netweaver Java Technical Instances for each instances

Run as <sid>adm:

/usr/sap/<SID>/ASCS<InstNbr>/exe/sldreg -configure/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/slddest.cfg -usekeyfile

Specify the HTTP connect information: [User, Password, Host, Port, HTTP/HTTPS] Of the SAP Focused Run SLDR or SAP Solution Manager SLD.

Note: SECUDIR must point to directory containing client PSE and credentials (for more information check the respective SAP Help).

Restart the sapstartsrv: sapcontrol -nr <Central Instance  Number> -function RestartService

Note: The Service needs to be restarted for all instances of the system.

Check logs and XML /usr/sap/<SID>/<Instance>/work/ and /usr/sap/<SID>/D*<Instance Number>/work/  if the dev_sldregk, dev_sldregs, dev_krnlreg and sapstartsrv_sld.xml are correctly generated

Check HTTP response: Success. HTTP status code: 200.

Create SDAGENT User

User to authenticate RFC calls by the simple Diagnostics Agent for data collection

Create SDAGENT user with required roles as described in the Security Guide.

Per FRUN 1.0 FP03, instead of working with the SDAGENT User, it is also possible to use Certificate Based Authentication.

Information on how to configure Certificate Based Authentication between the Simple Diagnostics Agent and the ABAP System is provided in SAP Note 2607542.

Also see section “Edit Configuration in Simple System Integration” below.

Check LMDB

Optional operation

From the LMDB (Technical System view), check the last data changes from the data supplier.

Check the Software / Product Instance and Software Component Version sections, to see what has been reported by the Data Supplier.

Implement SAP Note dedicated to S/4HANA Improvements

Optional operation

Implement SAP Note 2382263.

Implement SAP Note dedicated to EarlyWatch Alert (EWA)See Preparing FRUN Applications page.
Edit Configuration in Simple System Integration

FRUN 1.0 < FP03, enter values for the following parameters:

  • Monitoring Client
  • Monitoring User (the above mentioned SDAGENT or a comparable user)
  • Monitoring Password

FRUN 1.0 >= FP03, when selection Communication Mode “RFC with Basic Authentication”, enter values for the following parameters:

  • Monitoring Client
  • Monitoring User (the above mentioned SDAGENT or a comparable user)
  • Monitoring Password

FRUN 1.0 >= FP03, when selection Communication Mode “RFC via SNC with Certificate Based Authentication”, enter values for the following parameters:

  • Quality of Protection
  • Application Server's SNC Name
  • Monitoring Client
  • Monitoring Client's SNC Name

Information on how to configure Certificate Based Authentication between the Simple Diagnostics Agent and the ABAP System is provided in SAP Note 2607542.

FRUN 2.0 >= FP01, an option for adding, editing and deleting additional monitoring clients, in addition to the default monitoring client, has been added. This option can be used to specify dedicated monitoring clients for the FRUN supported use cases, if required.

FRUN 2.0 >= FP02, there is an option for specifying a pre-defined logon group.

SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java

Preparation Tool (optional)In order to automate certain tasks, you can use the Preparation Tool
Run Outside Discovery on the Host

As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described

in Preparing Outside Discovery page.

Install SAP NetWeaver JavaInstall the latest SAP NetWeaver version from support.sap.com/swdc

Change the Default Profile

The Default profile needs to be updated with sapadm user to allow the communication between the Simple Diagnostics Agent and the Managed System.

Add the following line to profile DEFAULT.PFL:  service/admin_users = sapadm

Multiple users (e.g. daaadm, dazadm) must be separated by space.

Note: Can be automated by OS scripts

Check if an SLDR is neededAs prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required
see Preparing System Landscape Data Router page.
Implement SAP Note for the License Management InformationImplement SAP Note 1983424 - Extension of AS JAVA SLD Data Supplier, so that the License Management information are reported into LMDB

Configure JAVA Data Supplier (J2EESystem)

Use NetWeaver Admin for NetWeaver 71 and higher Use Visual Administrator for NetWeaver 7.0.x)

Manual Operations

Check the Data Supplier Configuration documentation: 

  • For NetWeaver 7.1 and above
  • For NetWeaver 7.0

Note: Make sure you use an URL like http://<host>:<HTTP port>/sld/ds as target of the data supplier.

Automation can be achieved Here.

Configure SAP Start Service Data Supplier

Configure this service to send the payload of all instances:

  • BCControllInstance: SAP Start Service Instance for each instances.
  • CentralserviceInstanceKernel: SAP Central Technical Instance: SAP Central Technical Instance
  • J2EEInstanceKernel Payload: SAP Netweaver Java Technical Instances for each instances.

Run as <sid>adm /usr/sap/<SID>/SCS<InstNbr>/exe/sldreg -configure /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/slddest.cfg -usekeyfile

Specify the HTTP connect information: [User, Password, Host, Port, HTTP/HTTPS] Of the SAP Focused Run SLDR or SAP Solution Manager SLD

Note: SECUDIR must point to directory containing client PSE and credentials (for more information check the respective SAP Help).

Restart the sapstartsrv sapcontrol -nr <Instance Number> -function RestartService 

Note: The Service needs to be restarted for all instances of the system.

Check logs and XML /usr/sap/<SID>/<Instance>/work/ and /usr/sap/<SID>/J*<Instance Number>/work/  if the dev_sldregk, dev_sldregs, dev_krnlreg and sapstartsrv_sld.xml are correctly generated

Check HTTP response: Success. HTTP status code: 200.

Create SDAGENTJ User

User to authenticate local HTTP and P4 calls by the simple Diagnostics Agent for data collection

Create SDAGENTJ user with required roles as described in Security Guide.
Install BCI Adapter to collect performance metrics and trace data of the NW Java

Check the BCIA compatibility version on the Managed Systems Preparation and Maintenance Guide page.

Install the CA APM Byte Code Injection Agent (CA APM BCIA), as described in the CA APM release relevant SAP Setup Guides available here: CA APM Introscope Page, following the chapter entitled: Manual Installation of the Introscope Agent. 

Automation of the distribution of the BCI Adapter software can be achieved with OS scripts (copy the BCI SW in central DIR_EXE), which adapts the instance profile with an additional command for sapcpe.

Configure the BCI Adapter for each Instance

The following example can be used to configure the BCI Adapter for each Instance. The full Process is described here:

Note: since Netweaver 7.10 the Java startup parameters have to be set for each instance (and not for each server node). 

Set the parameter for the startup of the BCI Adapter in the java startup profile:

  • Check Authorizations on the ByteCodeAgent Directory: /usr/sap/<SID>/J<Inst>/ByteCodeAgent:

-the folder must belongs to <SID>adm:sapsys. If not, execute the command: chown -R <SID>adm:sapsys ByteCodeAgent
-the folder must have read/write/exe authorizations (drxrwxr-w), sapsys must have write authorizations.

  • Execute the Configuration with
    • NetWeaver Administration (nwa) or
    • configtool or
    • console config
  • Set System VM Parameter
    Examples show Unix notation for parameters having path values - adapt for Windows accordingly.
    When copying the below parameters, make sure to remove superfluous spaces.

    • -Dcom.wily.introscope.agent.agentName= ${SYSTEM_NAME}_${INSTANCE_NAME}_$[elem/Name]
    • -Dcom.wily.introscope.agentProfile= /usr/sap/${SYSTEM_NAME}/${INSTANCE_NAME} /ByteCodeAgent/core/config/IntroscopeAgent.profile
    • -Dintroscope.agent.hostName=${INSTANCE_HOST}

You can set this parameter as above and the SAP J2EE engine will replace the variables.

  • Set VM Additional Parameters
    Examples show Unix notation for parameters having path values - adapt for Windows accordingly.

    • -javaagent:/usr/sap/<SID>/<INSTANCE_NAME>/ByteCodeAgent/Agent.jar   (Value is Empty)

Please replace <SID>/<INSTANCE_NAME>  with your real values the SAP J2EE engine does not replace variables set in parameter names

  • The parameter change, require a Java stack Restart
  • Check if the BCI Agent Java Startup Parameters are set correctly:
    • At CA APM level, check the results at http://<host>:8081/webview
    • At OS level, check /usr/sap/<SID>/J<Inst>/work/dev_serverX  the active parameter
Check LMDB

From the LMDB (Technical System view), check the last data changes from the data supplier.

Check the Software / Product Instance and Software Component Version sections, to see what has been reported by the Data Supplier.

CTC config store servlet must be installedNeeded for checking EnableInvokerServletGlobally = false and UME setting (Configuration & Security Analysis). In certain NW Java versions, this CTC servlet was not part of the default delivery. In this case, it also needs to be deployed. Find details in SAP Note 635099 - CCDB CTC Extractor – Prerequisites
Edit Configuration in Simple System Integration

FRUN 2.0 <= FP03, enter values for the following parameters:

  • Monitoring User (the above mentioned SDAGENTJ or a comparable user)
  • Monitoring Password

FRUN 3.0 >= SP00, enter values for the following parameters:

  • Monitoring User (the above mentioned SDAGENTJ or a comparable user)
  • Monitoring Password
  • Communication Mode (set the required combination of HTTP(S)/P4(S) protocols)
  • HTTP(S) Port (used for all hosts)
  • P4(S) Port (used for all hosts)
  • Configuration per Host (to use different port numbers for different hosts)

SAP BusinessObjects

SAP Solution Manager Automatic Configure Tool (AC Tool)

The automatic configure (AC) Tool coming with SAP Solution Manager, is used to prepare different products for SSI. This tool can save considerable time by performing a few steps in the managed system host automatically. These include, for example, automation and, as the case may be, repeated invocations such as LAMA integration, any SAP product SAP Focused Run Installation and configuration integration, such as SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform and SAP Data Services.

For more information, see SAP Note 2137275 - AC Tool release note.

AC Tool supports the following:

  • Products: Data Services 4.X, BOE 4.X, BOE embedded Tomcat (Web Tier), Tomcat7, Tomcat8.
  • OS: WIN (NT AMD64), Linux (X86_64), AIX (rs6000_64), SUN Solaris (SPARC 64).

AC Tool embeds:

  • Latest bytecode injection agent 9.x and 10.x, which is installed for Tomcat.
  • TomcatSLDDataSupplierWEB 710.x, which is deployed in Tomcat for SLD registration.


The C++ process with NCS library sends data to the Diagnostics Agent (via NCS port) and then stores metrics locally, which are forwarded to the solution based on MAI configuration.

In the AC Tool property file, placeholders for NCS (C++) have to be maintained, which define to which ports the processes send their data. In the case of dual operations, you can also add multiple ports in the configuration ncs.conf, (SAP Focused Run and SAP Solution Manager in parallel).

SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence


Install SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4.0 or higher.

SAP BusinessObjects BI platform is also known as SAP BOBI platform or SBOP.

Install latest BCI AdapterNone,  delivered with the SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform product installation
Install Data SupplierNone,  delivered with the SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform product installation
Configure BusinessObjectsEnterpriseSystem Data Supplier to send BusinessObjects BI Platform information

None, done  using the  SAP Solution Manager AC Tool

Automated using AC Tool, Can be  performed manually /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sldreg -configure /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/connect.key

Check if an SLDR is neededAs prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see Preparing System Landscape Data Router page.
Send the Data Supplier Payload

None, done using SAP Solution Manager AC Tool

Logs: /usr/sap/<SID>/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/java/lib/bobj-sld-ds/<hostname>bobjsldds.log

Automated using AC Tool Can be performed  manually /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sldreg -connectfile /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/connect.key -file /usr/sap/<SID>/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/java/lib/bobj-sld-ds/<hostname>_bobjslddsoutput.xml

Run Outside Discovery on the Host

The SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform needs to be associated to a Database listed in the "Database Managed Object Preparation" section.

As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Add both Installation Number and System Number Parameter in LMDB 

The SAP BO BI Platform Installation Number and System Number needs to be collected manually from the SAP for Me license key application (Details Section).

From LMDB, select the SAP BusinessObjects Cluster Technical System. Edit and Add in the "SAP Support Portal TAB" the Installation Number, System Number and Save.

Verify the information by clicking on the System Number Key, this redirect to SAP for Me.

Assign Database Information from LMDBFrom LMDB, select the SAP BusinessObjects Cluster Technical System. Select "System Database" in the Navigation Tree. Edit and Assign System Database of the Cluster and Save.
Create a Technical UserCreate a Custom Monitoring Technical User to enable tracing (TA), monitor data collection (SYSMON), and configure store snapshotcreations (Configuration & Security Analysis administration) as described in the Security Guide.
Check LMDB

Optional operation

From the LMDB (Technical System view), check the last data changes from the data supplier.

Check the Software / Product Instance and Software Component Version sections, to see what has been reported by the Data Supplier.

Check SSI “Edit Configuration”

Fill in the missing parameters. For Instance, NCS Port (NCS monitoring Metrics): 6391

Enter values for the following parameters:

  • Monitoring User (the above mentioned Technical User)
  • Monitoring Password
  • CMS Port
  • CMS Host
  • NCS Port

BOE Web Application Server

Task Actions
Run Outside Discovery on the Host As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install Apache Tomcat7 or higher Check Online Installation Guide
Install latest BCI Adapter

None, done using SAP Solution Manager AC tool (see above)

Automated using AC Tool (can be performed manually) 

Install Tomcat Data Supplier

None, done using SAP Solution Manager AC tool (see above)

Automated using AC Tool.

Can be performed manually. See SAP Note 1508421 SAP SLD DS for Apache Tomcat for details.

Check if an SLDR is needed As prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see Preparing System Landscape Data Router page.
Configure Data Supplier

None, done using SAP Solution Manager AC tool (see above)

(Trigger sld data supplier, deployed by Tomcat. Launched by AC Tool http:// <managed  host>:<managed port>/sap.com~TomcatSLDDataSupplierWEB/sldsupplier?action=displayConfig)

Send the Data Supplier Payload

None, done using  SAP Solution Manager AC Tool (see above)

Can be performed manually: hostctrl/exe/sldreg -connectfile hostctrl/exe/connect.key -file /<SID>/sap_bobj/tomcat/webapps/sap.com~TomcatSLDDataSupplierWEB/atcsld_<latest timestamp>.xml This triggers the data transfer immediately

Check LMDB

Optional Operation

From the LMDB (Technical System view), check the last data changes from the data supplier.

Check the Software / Product Instance and Software Component Version sections, to see what has been reported by the Data Supplier.

Check SSI “Edit Configuration” Fill in the missing parameters. For Instance, NCS Port (NCS monitoring Metrics): 6391

SAP Data Services

Run Outside Discovery on the HostAs prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install SAP Data Services (Aka SAPBOE DS)Check SAP Note 1817324 for Data Services 4.1 and higher.
Install latest BCI Adapter delivered with the BI platform installationNone
Install Data Supplier delivered with the BI platform installationNone
Check if an SLDR is neededAs prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see Preparing System Landscape Data Router page.
Configure Data Supplier

None, done using  SAP Solution Manager AC Tool

Can be performed manually /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sldreg -configure /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/connect.key

Send the Data Supplier Payload

None, done using  SAP Solution Manager AC Tool

Can be performed manually hostctrl/exe/sldreg -connectfile hostctrl/exe/connect.key -file /<SID>/Data Services/sldreg _data_services.xml This triggers the data transfer immediately

Assign Database InformationFrom LMDB, select the Unspecific Cluster Technical System. Select "System Database" in the Navigation Tree. Edit and Assign System Database of the Cluster and Save.
Check on LMDB

Optional Operation

From the LMDB (Technical System view), check the last data changes from the data supplier.

Check the Installation Path: E:\<BO_INST_HOME>\Data Service

Check the Software / Product Instance and Software Component Version sections, to see what has been reported by the Data Supplier.

Check that the technical system is an Unspecific Cluster System, with LMDB Technology Type "DataServicesCluster".

Check SSI “Edit Configuration”

Fill in the missing parameters. For Instance, NCS Port (NCS monitoring Metrics): 6391

Enter values for the following parameters:

  • NCS Port
  • Installation Directory

Apache Tomcat

Run Outside Discovery on the HostAs prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install Apache Tomcat 7 or higher

Check Online Installation guide.

Install BCI Adapter on the Apache Tomcat

Check the BCIA compatibility version here: How to Proceed - Read Me First

Follow the SAP Note 1438005 and see Introscope_Agent_for_Apache_Tomcat.pdf installation guide

  • Download the latest BCI Adapter from the Service Marketplace.
  • Extract BCI Adapter files and configure the BCIA.
  • Restart Tomcat

Note: can be automated by OS script

Check if an SLDR is needed

As prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see page Preparing System Landscape Data Router.

Install Tomcat Data Supplier

The Data Supplier for Apache Tomcat (ATCServer) is a WEB application which has to be deployed on the Tomcat server. 

The SLD DS application does not require an installer.

Use the Tomcat's Manager Application for the deployment. Check SAP Note 1508421.

Configuration is written  to /usr/sap/<SID>/sap_bobj/tomcat/webapps/sap.com~TomcatSLDDataSupplierWEB

Logs: usr/sap/<SID>/BOBI41/sap_bobj/tomcat/logs/ sldds-trace.YYYY-MM-DD.log
Payload: /usr/sap/<SID>/sap_bobj/tomcat/webapps/sap.com~TomcatSLDDataSupplierWEB

Note: can be automated by OS script

Create a Technical UserNeeded to collect SysMon and system analysis data via JMX calls. See SAP Note 1633036 as described in the Security Guide.
Edit Configuration in Simple System IntegrationMonitoring User and Monitoring Password, MUST NOT be entered in the current SAP Focused Run versions.
Check LMDB

Optional operation

From the LMDB (Technical System view), check the latest Data changes from the Data supplier.
The "Software" / "Product Instance" Section the Product Version reported by the SLD data supplier: for instance:  TOMCAT BY APACHE 7.0

Apache HTTP Server

Task Actions
Run Outside Discovery on the Host As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install HTTP Server 2.2 Note: This system type is typically used in the SAP Content Server monitoring scenario above (Apache Tomcat (ATC)).

Create the technical system in LMDB

The Apache HTTP Server has to be manually created in the LMDB as an Unspecific Standalone System.

From the SAP Launchpad -> LMDB Object Maintenance->Single Customer Network then Select your customer Network on the right top corner.
  • Select Type Unspecific Cluster System, Extended ID.
  • Define the System name.
  • Type: Apache http Server
  • Add the hostname and save.
Define software component information In the navigation tree, go to the “Software” Menu -> SW Component Versions tab.
  • Click on Add.
  • Select Installation Type: 'Installed on system'.
  • Search for “Apache Server 2.2”.
  • One line should be Displayed, Select the line, click on Add.
Define hosts In the navigation tree, go to the “Hosts” Menu, check the Host details.
Add LMDB installation path In the navigation tree, go to the main “Technical System” view, add the installation path: \etc\apache2.
Add Content Server port In the navigation tree, go to the main “Technical System” view, select "Details". Add the Content Server TCP/IP Port Name, Port number and protocol (HTTP).
Add LMDB log file name In the navigation tree, go to the main “Technical System” view, select "Details". Add LogPath = /var/log/apache2

SAP Web Dispatcher

Task Actions
Run Outside Discovery on the Host As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install SAP Web Dispatcher 7.1 Version and higher Install SAP Web Dispatcher from support.sap.com/swdc

Change the Default Profile

The Default profile needs to be updated with sapadm user to allow the communication between the Simple Diagnostics Agent and the Managed System.

Add the following line to the profile DEFAULT.PFL:  service/admin_users = sapadm

Multiple users (e.g. daaadm, dazadm) must be separated by space.

Note: can be automated by OS scripts

Check if an SLDR is needed As prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see page Preparing System Landscape Data Router.

Configure SAP Start Service Data Supplier

Configure this service to send the payload of all instances:

  • BCControllInstance: SAP Start Service Instance for each instances.
  • WebdispatcherInstanceKernel Payload: SAP NetWeaver Java Technical Instances for each instances.

Run as <sid>adm 

/usr/sap/<SID>/W<InstNbr>/exe/sldreg -configure /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/slddest.cfg -usekeyfile

Specify the HTTP connect information: [User, Password, Host, Port, HTTP/HTTPS]

Note: SECUDIR must point to directory containing client PSE and credentials (for more information check the respective SAP Help).

Restart the sapstartsrv

sapcontrol -nr <Central Instance  Number> -function RestartService

Check logs and XML /usr/sap/<SID>/W<Instance Number>/work/  if the dev_sldregk, dev_sldregs and sapstartsrv_sld.xml are correctly generated

Check HTTP response: Success. HTTP status code: 200.

Restart Web dispatcher service to activate the settings
and send the payload

As user <sid>adm to perform the following command:

sapcontrol -nr <Web Dispatcher Instance No> -function RestartService

Note: can be automated by OS script

Check the return code

Optional operation

Check in the output for return code 200 from LMDB registration (in work directory dev_sldregk)

Check LMDB

Optional operation

From the LMDB (Technical System view), check the latest Data changes from the Data supplier.

The "Software" / "Product Instance" Section the Product Version reported by the SLD data supplier: for instance  SAP WEB DISPATCHER 7.40

SAP Business Connector

Run Outside Discovery on the HostAs prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install SAP Business Connector 4.8 and higherSee SAP Note 2599159 to check whether SAP Focused Run and SAP Business Connector (SBC) prerequisites are met.
Create the technical system in LMDB

From the SAP Launchpad, select the LMDB Object Maintenance Tab, choose Single Customer Network from the menu, then Select yourCustomer Network on the right top corner.

  • Select Type Unspecific Standalone Application System.
  • Define the System name.
  • Type: Others
  • Add the hostname and save.
Maintain Installation Path
  • In the navigation tree, select the created Technical System
  • Add Installation Path = /opt/sapBC48
Maintain the TCP/IP Port
  • In the navigation tree, select the created Technical System
  • Select the TCP/IP Ports TAB
  • Add TCP/IP Port Name = SAPBCAdminPort and Port Number, for instance: 5555
  • Select the protocol, example HTTPS
Define product instances
  • Go to tab "Product Instance (details)". Click on Add.
  • Search for Product Version "SAP BUSINESS CONNECTOR 4.8".
  • Then, select the relevant Product Instances (Content Server Frontend and Content Server Backend). Save.

SAP Archiving Document Access

SAP Archiving and Document Access (ADA) by OpenText Native

Task Actions
Run Outside Discovery on the Host As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install SAP Archive and Document Access by OpenText Install SAP Archive and Document Access 10.5 from support.sap.com/swdc
Create the technical system in LMDB
  • From the SAP Launchpad -> LMDB Object Maintenance->Single Customer Network then Select your customer Network on the right top corner.
  • Select Type Unspecific Cluster System, Extended ID.
  • Define the System name.
  • Type: Others
  • Add the hostname and save.
Define software component information
  • In the navigation tree, go to the “Software” Menu -> SW Component Versions tab. Click on Add.
  • Select Installation Type: 'Installed on system'.
  • Search for “content server backend 10.5”. One line should be Displayed, Select the line, click on Add. Do it again for “content server frontend 10.5”.
Define product instances
  • Go to tab "Product Instance (details)". Click on Add.
  • Search for Product Version "SAP ARC&DOC ACCESS BY OT 10.5".
  • Then, select the relevant Product Instances (Content Server Frontend and Content server Backend). Save.
Define technical instances
  • In the navigation tree, go to the “Technical Instances” Menu, go to The Technical Instances group on the left, click on Add.
  • Enter ContentServerBackend and ContentServerFrontend as server name.
Define hosts In the navigation tree, go to the "Hosts" Menu, add the Host details.
Add TCP/IP Ports Select the Technical System at the top of the navigation tree, then select TCP/IP Ports tab, add Port Name and Number

SAP Archiving and Document Access (ADA) by OpenText for Tomcat

Task Actions
Run Outside Discovery on the Host As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install SAP Archive and Document Access by OpenText Install SAP Archive and Document Access 10.5 from support.sap.com/swdc
Install the BCI Adapter on the Apache Tomcat

Check the BCIA compatibility version on the Managed Systems Preparation and Maintenance Guide page.

For BCIA installation follow SAP Note 1438005.

Install Data Supplier

Use the Tomcat's Manager Application for the deployment.

By default, the SLD-DS application loads the configuration from the sldDataSupplier.properties file from its Web module (from the WebContent folder). Check SAP Note 1508421.

Note: can be automated by OS script

Check if an SLDR is needed

As prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see page Preparing System Landscape Data Router.

Send the payload to the SLD
  • Copy the XML attached to SAP Note 2278857: <Apache Tomcat Installation folder>/webapps/otsapxecm/META-INF
  • Depending on your scenario you have to select the relevant file:

OTWVS file if for the Web Viewer component
OTDS is for the Directory Service component
OTCSS is for the Content Server component
OTAS is for the Archive Server component

  • Run again the data supplier from Tomcat.
  • OpenText software components will be visible in the LMDB Application for your Tomcat system.

Note: can be automated by OS script

Check LMDB

Optional operation

From the LMDB (Technical System view), check the last Data changes from the Data supplier.

SAP Invoice Management (IM) for OCR Option by OpenText

Task Actions
Run Outside Discovery on the Host As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install SAP Invoice Management Install SAP Invoice Management 7.5 from support.sap.com/swdc
Install and run the SLD data supplier

This data supplier is delivered as part of the product in the latest version (5.2 SP02 and higher). SLD-DS for IM can be configured via the Data Supplier Configuration tool. This application can be found in the root installation directory for ICC.

Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Open Text\Invoice CaptureCenter7.5\InvoiceCaptureCenterSLDDataSupplierService.exe

Note: can be automated by OS script

Check if an SLDR is needed As prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see page Preparing System Landscape Data Router.
Configure the SLD data supplier

Add SLD Router Host / Port / Credentials, test it and save.

Note: can be automated by OS script

Check LMDB

Optional operation

From the LMDB (Technical System view), check the last Data changes from the data supplier.

The "Software" / "Product Instance" Section the Product Version reported by the SLD data supplier: for instance: SAP OCR-INVOICE MGT BY OT 7.5

Install the CA Introscope .Net Agent

Follow the SAP Note 1126554 to install the .Net Agent with the appropriate customization per product. Refer to the section with customization for SAP Invoice Management 7.5 by OpenText, option for OCR. See the SAPInstGuide_dotNetAgent.pdf installation guide attached to the SAP Note.

  • Download the latest .Net Agent from the Service Marketplace.
  • Extract .Net Agent installer.
  • Run the installer.
  • Copy SAP customizing files.
  • Configure the agent in sap_logging.config.xml file
  • Go through post installation steps to grant all required permissions.
  • Do the product specific customizing
  • Restart Open Text Invoice Management Services
  • Check that .Net agent is running and connected

Note: can be automated by OS script

SAP Content Server

SAP Content Server (CNT) monitoring scenario consists of installing two systems:

  • A MaxDB Database - the core component of a SAP Content Server installation. For information about MaxDB Database preparation, see the section "MaxDB Database Preparation".
  • A Web Server:
    • Microsoft IIS Server for Windows or
    • Apache HTTP Server for UNIX.

Using Windows - Microsoft IIS webserver

Run Outside Discovery on the HostAs prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install SAP Content server 6.40 (Unspecific Standalone Application)

Install SAP Content server from support.sap.com/swdc

Mandatory installation:

  • MaxDB 7.9 or higher
  • Microsoft IIS 7.5, or 8.0, 8.5, 10.0 (version 10.0 supported per FRUN 2.0 FP02)
Create the technical system in LMDB
  • From the SAP Launchpad -> LMDB Object Maintenance->Single Customer Network then select your customer network on the right top corner.
  • Select type: Unspecific Standalone Application System and Extended <SIDCID>.
  • Define System Step:

-System Name: Content Server
-Type: Others

  • Add the Hostname and Save.
Define Product Instances information
  • In the navigation tree, go to the “Software” Menu -> Product Instances (Details) tab. Click on Add.
  • Search for “SAP CONTENT SERVER 6.40”. Select "Installed" checkbox and save.
Note: The MS IIS and MaxDB version are also displayed in the SW Component Version section.
Define hostsIn the navigation tree, go to the “Hosts” Menu, check the Host details.
Add LMDB installation pathIn the navigation tree, go to the main “Technical System” View, add the Installation Path: \<SID><CID>\win.
Add LMDB Log File NameIn the navigation tree, go to the main “Technical System” View, select "Details". Add LogPath = CS_Trace.txt

Using UNIX - Apache HTTP webserver

Task Actions
Run Outside Discovery on the Host As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install SAP Content server 6.40 (Unspecific Standalone Application)

Install SAP Content server 6.40 from support.sap.com/swdc

MaxDB 7.9 and Apache Server 2.2 or higher must be installed as well.

Create the technical system in LMDB
  • From the SAP Launchpad -> LMDB Object Maintenance->Single Customer Network then select your customer network on the right top corner.
  • Select type: Unspecific Standalone Application System and Extended <SIDCID>.
  • Define System Step: System Name: Apache http Server Type: Apache http Server (APACHE_HTTP_SERVER)
  • Add the Hostname and Save.
Define Product Instances information
  • In the navigation tree, go to the “Software” Menu -> Product Instances (Details) tab. Click on Add.
  • Search for “SAP CONTENT SERVER 6.40”. Select "Installed" checkbox and save.
Note: The MaxDB 7.9 is also displayed in the SW Component Version section.
Define hosts In the navigation tree, go to the "Hosts" Menu. check the Host details. 
Add LMDB installation path In the navigation tree, go to the main “Technical System” View, add the Installation Path: /home/cstcs/apache
Add Apache http Server Log File Path In the navigation tree, go to the main “Technical System” View, select "Details". Add LogPath = /home/cstsc/apache/logs

SAP Convergent Charging

Task Actions
Run Outside Discovery on the Host As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install SAP Convergent Charging 4.0 Install SAP Convergent Charging from support.sap.com/swdc
Check if the BCI Adapter is installed

Check the BCIA compatibility version on the Managed Systems Preparation and Maintenance Guide page.

To manually install and configure Introscope BCI Adapter follow SAP Note 1453216. This note provides a download link. For “SAP Convergent Charging 4.1 follow the document "SAPCC41_InstallGuide_Introscope_97.pdf"

SAP Convergent Charging supports an automatic setup and configuration of Introscope BCI Adapter with the product Installer.

Note: as described in the pdf, the Introscope Agent naming follows this convention: AgentName = <System ID>_<Instance>_<Server>, but for SRSM needs, adapt this to <Extended System ID>_<Instance>_<Server>.

Note: can be automated by OS script

Check if an SLDR is needed As prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see page Preparing System Landscape Data Router.
Send Payload to LMDB

The SAP CC Core Server can be configured to send the landscape information to LMDB. Refer to the SAP CC documentation for more details: https://help.sap.com/viewer/product/Convergent_Charging

Note: can be automated by OS script

Check LMDB

Optional operation

From the LMDB (Technical System view), check the latest Data changes from the data supplier.

The "Software" / "Product Instance" Section the Product Version reported by the SLD data supplier. For instance: SAP CONVERGENT CHARGING 4.0

SAP Financial Consolidation

Run Outside Discovery on the HostAs prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install SAP Financial Consolidation

Install SAP Financial Consolidation from support.sap.com/swdc

Note: Currently we do only monitor the application server for Financial Consolidation 10 and higher. The Web Server and its components will be supported later with MS IIS integration.

Create data supplier payload
  • Unzip the RegistrationThirdPartySystemExample.zip archive at http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-8042 to your working directory.
  • Read the comments in the UnspecificStandalone.properties file.
  • Adapt this file to your specific third-party system data.
  • Call the sldreg: sldreg -file <Template file> –symbolfile <Parameters file> -connectfile <connect file>

Example: C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe>sldreg -file SLD_BOFC_CTSERVER.template -symbolfile SLD_BOFC_CTSERVER.properties -connectfile slddest.cfg

Note: can be automated by OS script

Check if an SLDR is needed

Manual Operations

As prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see page Preparing System Landscape Data Router.

Send the payload to LMDB

Execute: sldreg -connectfile slddest.cfg -file <BOFC XML Payload file>

Note: When the data is registered on the SLD server, the HTTP response code is as follows:
HTTP response: Success. HTTP status code: 200

Note: can be automated by OS script

Check LMDB

Optional operation

From the LMDB (Technical System view), check the latest Data changes from the data supplier.

The "Software" / "Product Instance" Section the Product Version reported by the SLD data supplier: for instance: SBOP FINANCIAL CONS. 10


Check that the technical system is an Unspecific Cluster System, with LMDB Technology Type "BOFC_Cluster".


Check SSI “Edit Configuration”

Enter values for the following parameters:

  • NCS Port (NCS monitoring Metrics): 6391
  • Admin Console URL (like HTTP://MO-DB332B17F.MO.SAP.CORP/SFCWEBADMIN)
  • Web Server URL (like HTTP://MO-DB332B17F.MO.SAP.CORP/SFCWE)

SAP Master Data Management

Task Actions
Run Outside Discovery on the Host As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install SAP NetWeaver MDM 7.1 or above

Start sapinst, Select Additional Software Lifecycle Options -> Setup for System landscape Directory. (ex D:\MDM Installation Files\MDM\MDM_IM_WINDOWS_X86_64)

Choose the right instance

Choose the right Instance.


Check if an SLDR is needed As prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see page Preparing System Landscape Data Router.
Configure the Data Supplier

Execute SAP Note 1798643 for Complete registration to the SLD.

Enter host, port and credentials. The configuration data will be persisted in the file system of the MDM Server. The MDM Servers will be restarted which triggers the sending of system information to LMDB.

Assign a database From LMDB -> Assigned DB Systems -> Assign Database DB SID could be different than the Technical System
Configure NCS monitoring metrics

Log onto the MDM Servers on operating system level. Change the properties in usr/sap/<SID>/MDS<XX>/config/mds.ini, mdss.ini and mdis.ini as follows: Wily Instrumentation=True Wily Instrumentation Level Threshold=10

C++ process with NCS library embedded -> Diagnostics Agent (via NCS port) -> locally stores metrics and forwards to Solution based on MAI configuration.

Restart MDM system Restart MDM system

Check NCS library port.

The C++ process with NCS library send data to the Diagnostics Agent (via NCS port) and then locally stores metrics and forwards to Solution based on MAI configuration.

If the default port can't be used, log onto MDM server, edit usr\SAP\<SID>\MDS<XX>\config\ncs.conf, change parameter agent_port and restart MDM server. Change it as well in SSI. The NCS port is also specified in the SSI “Edit Configuration” view.
Check LMDB

From the LMDB (Technical System view), check the last Data changes from the Data Supplier.

Check The "Software" / "Product Instance" Section the Product Version reported by the SLD data supplier:  For instance, SAP MDM 13 / 19 /20

Edit Configuration in Simple System Integration

Enter values for the following parameters:

  • NCS Port

SAP Mobile Platform

Run Outside Discovery on the HostAs prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install SAP Mobile PlatformFollow SAP Note 2370750 - Manual Tasks for integration of SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 Runtime Server
Check if an SLDR is neededAs prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see page Preparing System Landscape Data Router.
Configure Data Supplier to send the payload

See SAP Note Above.

Note: The Data Supplier Configuration is performed in the SAP Mobile Platform Admin UI

Create a Technical UserA Technical user is needed for monitoring to enable tracing (TA), monitor data collection (SYSMON), and configure store snapshot creations (Configuration & Security Analysis administration) as described in the Security Guide.
Check LMDB

See SAP Note Above.

Note: From the LMDB (Technical System view), note the cluster and server name to create BCI Adapter in next step.

Configure BCI Adapter

Check the BCIA compatibility version on the Managed Systems Preparation and Maintenance Guide page.

Follow SAP Note above. The BCI Adapter needs to be installed and configured manually on each SMP server.

Edit Configuration in Simple System IntegrationEnter values for the following parameters:
  • Monitoring User (the above mentioned Technical User)
  • Monitoring Password

Connect to Apache Derby database that comes with SAP Mobile Platform 3.0

This section provides step by step instructions to connect to Apache Derby database, using command line interface, that comes with SAP Mobile Platform 3.0. The syntax provided is for Windows platform but the concept is same for Linux environment.


  • Download Derby release: We should only download this version to match version with that shipped in SMP
  • Unzip the zip file
  • Copy the following files into new folder, for example, C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\derby: derbyclient.jar / derby.jar / derbynet.jar / derbyrun.jar / derbytools.jar
  • Set the following environment variables:
    SETX JAVA_HOME C:\SAP\MobilePlatform3\sapjvm_8
    SETX DERBY_HOME C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\derby
  • Close and re-open command line for new environment variables to be available
  • Stop SMP server to stop the already started derby. In SMP, Derby is not started in server mode. That means that once SMP is started, the CLI would refuse to connect. It can only connect if SMP has been shut down.
  • In command line, execute command to run ij, the interactive SQL scripting tool: java org.apache.derby.tools.ij
  • To connect to the SMP derby database use the below command. “C:/SAP/MobilePlatform3/Server/db/derby/smp3” is the full path to SMP 3 Derby database:
    connect 'jdbc:derby:C:/SAP/MobilePlatform3/Server/db/derby/smp3;create=false;user=gomobile;password=secret';




SAP Hybris Commerce Suite

Task Operations
Run Outside Discovery on the Host As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install hybris Commerce Suite 5.2 or above.

With hybris Commerce Suite 5.2 hybris provides the SLD Data Supplier as standard hybris extension hybrisdatasupplier. With the hybris Commerce Suite 5.2 the extension is delivered with the platform. The SLD-DS extension is built based on the SLD Data Supplier for Apache Tomcat.  It provides a CronJob to report landscape data periodically to the configured SLD. The configuration properties are specified in the local.properties file.

With hybris Commerce Suite 5.7 hybris extension hybris data supplier targets moreover satellite (standalone) hybris web applications. It provides the logic for WAR generation for single/sets of satellite (standalone) hybris web applications (DataHub, Subscription Billing Gateway, Entitlement & Metering Service). Generated  WAR can be afterwards deployed on the separate web server Apache Tomcat. It will then report periodically landscape data coming from satellite (standalone) hybris web applications to the configured SLD (model version 1.6.42 includes this functionality).

Follow SAP Note 2187606 for more details.

Check if an SLDR is needed As prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see page Preparing System Landscape Data Router.
Configure Data Supplier to send the payload. Install BCI Adapter to collect performance metrics and trace data

Please follow the SAP Note 2018246 and SAP Note 2181279, to install the IS Agent with hybris on the Apache Tomcat:

The Note covers the installation and configuration of CA Introscope Java agent for hybris Commerce Suite. It provides examples and typical configuration for Introscope Java Agent 9.

Perform following steps to install and configure the Introscope Java Agent with hybris:

  1. Download the latest Introscope Agent installation files
  2. Extract the Introscope Agent files on the hybris host.
  3. Configure the Introscope Agent: configure the Agent's profile file.
  4. Add JVM properties for the Introscope BC Agent to the local.properties file.
  5. Rebuild runtime configuration and restart hybris server.
  6. Verify Introscope Agent installation.


Task Operations
Run Outside Discovery on the Host As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install SAP TREX Install SAP TREX 7.1 or above. Follow instructions here.
Check if an SLDR is needed As prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see page Preparing System Landscape Data Router.
Configure Data Supplier to send the payload


SAP Note 1147499: Connection to the System Landscape Directory - TREX

SAP Note 1018839: Registering in the System Landscape Directory using sldreg - TREX

See Configuration documentation

Check LMDB

Optional Operation

Check from LMDB in the "Software" / "Product Instance" Section the Product Version reported by the SLD Data Supplier (for instance: TREX).

Standalone Host

Task Operation
Run Outside Discovery on the Host As prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Create the technical system in LMDB
  • From the SAP Launchpad -> LMDB Object Maintenance->Single Customer Network then select your customer network on the right top corner.
  • Select type: Unspecific Standalone Application System and Extended <SIDCID>.
  • Define System Step: System Name: Standalone Host Type: Others
  • Add the Hostname and Save.
Define hosts In the navigation tree, go to the "Hosts" Menu. check the Host details. 
Check LMDB

Optional operation

From the LMDB (Technical System view), check the last Data changes from the Data supplier.

Troubleshooting If Use Case CSA is active, the two steps for CCDB setup are failing during the Simple System Integration (because the manual created system has no System Database assigned). As a side effect the Technical system is not set to Lifecycle Status Active. The Lifecycle Status can be set manually in LMDB Object Maintenance.

Cloud Connector

Run Outside Discovery on the HostAs prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and run Outside Discovery as described in Preparing Outside Discovery page.
Install Cloud ConnectorFollow the documentation for Cloud Connector (Monitoring, Operator's Guide, Configuration) for defining named admin users and monitoring users. Only monitoring users must be assigned to the role sccmonitoring
Check if an SLDR is neededAs prerequisites, you need to choose, according to your landscape, if an SLDR is required see page Preparing System Landscape Data Router.
Configure Data Supplier to send the payload

See Cloud Connector Documentation.

Note: The Data Supplier Configuration is performed in the Cloud Connector Admin UI

Create a Technical UserThe technical user in Cloud Connector is needed for monitor data. Follow the instructions given in the documentation for Cloud Connector User Administration.
Edit Configuration in Simple System IntegrationEnter values for the following parameters:
  • Monitoring User (the above mentioned Technical User)
  • Password

SAP LiveCache


Minimum requirement for the SAP Host Agent is 7.21 SP22 and newest version of the dbmetric file, see SAP Note 2507373.

Prerequisites for SAP liveCache registration in SLD, see SAP Note 1063473.

Install SAP Max DB / liveCache7.9 Client Build 40 or higher

You need at least SAP Max DB / liveCache 7.9 Client Build 40, optionally install the latest SAP MaxDB / liveCache Client and latest Patches from support.sap.com/swdc -> Databases -> SAP MaxDB

The installation of the MaxDB Client is described in SAP Note 649814

Create the User Store
  • If a sapdbctrl user is already created on Max DB / liveCache, remove it.
  • As root User, add Write permissions to the /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe folder
  • Create the User Store for sapadm: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl -host
     <hostname> -user sapadm <password> -dbname <dbname>
    -dbtype ada -function SetDatabaseProperty
     DBCredentials=SET -dboption User=SUPERDBA
    -dboption Password=<SUPERDBA Password>
  • Delete the Write permissions to the
    /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe folder.

See also how to set connection information 
 in SAP Note 2018919

Note: can be automated by os script

Check created User Store

Check created User Store: /sapdb/programs/bin/xuser list

Note: can be automated by os script

Check Database / LiveCache

Optional (eg. for debugging)

/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl -function ListDatabases
/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl -function GetDatabaseStatus
–dbname <DBNAME> -dbtype ada

Run Outside Discovery on the HostAs prerequisites, you shall install the SAP Host Agent and described in page Preparing Outside Discovery

SAP HANA XS Advanced


SAP HANA Data Supplier is configured according to SAP HANA Database Preparation.

Check LMDB

For the SAP HANA where XSA has been installed, the Product Instance "XS Advanced Runtime" should be reported under the view "Software".

Furthermore, under the tab "Software Component Versions" following entry should exist - 'SAP EXTENDED APP SERVICES 1' as Installation Type "Used by System".

This SC will be reported automatically as of:

  • HANA 2.0 SPS02 Rev. 24.10
  • HANA 2.0 SPS03 Rev. 37.01
  • HANA 2.0 SPS04 Rev. 40.00

For the lower revisions, please add this SC manually (to do so, add the parameter set 'LMDB_AUTO_DS_OVRWRT' and parameter value '06' to your user profile).

Create XSA monitoring user 

Create the XSA monitoring user, e.g. XSA_MON.

As of SAP Host Agent PL45 in combination with SAP HAHA SPS04 and higher, it is possible to use the function SetDatabaseProperty to create the user automatically. Please refer to SAP Note 2852686.

For the lower versions, the user has to be created manually, e.g. via XSA Cockpit.

Assign XSA rolesFollowing roles need to be assigned to the XSA monitoring user:
  • For SAP HANA lower SPS04 role 'XS_CONTROLLER_AUDITOR' and additionally, the organizational role 'OrgAuditor' required.
  • As of SAP HANA SPS04 and higher a new role 'XS_CONTROLLER_ADMIN_READ_ONLY' has been introduced, replacing the other two mentioned above.
    Remark: in case, the user has been created via SetDatabaseProperty, this role is assigned automatically.
Configure XSA Properties

In order to create the relevant XSA properties automatically on SDA, the Preparation Tool can be used.

For general tool usage please refer to SAP Note 2641304.
The XSA relevant steps are described in the SAP Note 2729923.

Perform SSI

Execute the Simple System Integration for SAP HANA with installed XSA.

As of SAP Focused Run 2.0 FP02 there is a connection check available. This check is performed automatically during SSI run. A corresponding result can be found in the log area for activity "Configure Diagnostics Agents".

SAP Router

Check SAP Note

All actions are described in SAP Note 1886060 - System Monitoring Setup for SAP Router