
Setup for SAP Business ByDesign

This page explains how to connect SAP Business ByDesign to SAP Cloud ALM.

Currently, the following monitoring application is supported for SAP Business ByDesign:


To enable SAP Business ByDesign for monitoring with SAP Cloud ALM:

  • You need a user with administrator authorizations in SAP Business ByDesign

Setup in SAP Business ByDesign

  1. In the left-hand navigation panel, navigate to the 'Application and User Management' → 'Input and Output Management' → 'Communication Systems' view in the SAP Business ByDesign launchpad
  2. Use the 'New' button to create a new communication system
    • ID: Enter e.g. CRUN or the SAP Cloud ALM tenant ID
    • Host Name: You can find the hostname of your SAP Cloud ALM tenant in the SAP Cloud ALM URL e.g. eu10.alm.cloud.sap
    • System Access Type: Select 'Internet'
  3. Under "System Instances" click 'Add Row' to maintain a new System Instance
    • System Instance ID: Enter e.g. CRUN_WS
    • Preferred Application Protocol: Choose '5 - Web Service'
  4. Save the communication system by clicking 'Save & Close'
  5. Set the communication system to active via 'Actions' → 'Set to Active'

Create Communication Arrangement

  1. In the left-hand navigation panel, navigate to the 'Application and User Management' → 'Input and Output Management' → 'Communication Arrangements' view in the SAP Business ByDesign launchpad
  2. Use the 'New' button to create a new Communication Arrangement
  3. Select Scenario: Select 'Query Webservice Messages for Monitoring'
  4. Define Business Data: Select the CRUN_WS communication system instance
  5. Define Technical Data:
    • Communication Method: Direct Connection
    • Application Protocol: Web Service
    • Authentication Method: Basic Authentication
    • User ID: Click 'Edit Credentials' to maintain user and password
  6. Review and Confirm. 

Setup Steps in SAP Cloud ALM

Create Endpoint for Integration & Exception Monitoring

  1. Open the Landscape Management application from the launchpad
  2. Select your SAP Business ByDesign service
  3. Press the > button at the end of the line
  4. On the tab "Endpoints" press the Add button to create a new end-point
  5. Enter a description
  6. Choose the use-case "Integration Monitoring"
  7. Choose BASIC authentication 
  8. Enter the user and password created in the Communication Agreement

After the creation of the endpoint, you have to activate the data collection for the monitoring use-cases in the respective monitoring applications. 

Next Steps

After creating the endpoint in SAP Cloud ALM, you have to perform the following steps to activate the monitoring use-cases: