Health Monitoring

In the Health Monitoring application you can check the health of your monitored cloud service and technical systems from an application and customer perspective.

Technical metrics are collected on a regular basis and can be used to calculate the overall health of the monitored object. The monitored metrics are defined by the service itself and may differ for each service type.

Health Monitoring - Features

In detail, the following features are available:

  • Overview
    In the overview screen you can see the current status of all cloud services or technical systems which are connected to Health Monitoring. An overall health is calculated based on the number of metrics in warning or critical status.
  • Monitoring
    The metric details for each monitored object can be shown when it is selected from the overview page. There you can see a list of components and metrics. Each component or metric is represented by a tile which summarizes the current value and rating. By clicking on a tile you will get more details on all contained metrics.
  • Analytics
    For each metric it is possible to show the historical values of the metric. Here you can identify trends or investigate at which time a specific resource shortage has occurred.

Supported Products

For a list of Supported Products and setup details please follow the links provided on page Health Monitoring - Setup & Configuration.