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Welcome to SAP SuccessFactors!

Whether SAP SuccessFactors is new to you or your organization, we are excited to welcome you to the SAP SuccessFactors family! Join our monthly Customer Onboarding webcasts to learn how to get started with SAP SuccessFactors, see the key resources available to you, and lots more.

What to expect:

How to Get Started and Prepare for a Successful Implementation | How to manage Provisioning & S-Users | How to engage with Support | Overview of training options for project team, SME's and Admins | Demo of key onboarding resources | Q&A with an Onboarding Expert

This is a MUST to get you started on a successful journey with SAP SuccessFactors!

Live Webcast Schedule

WebcastRegionMonthly ScheduleTimeLanguageLink
SAP Success Factors Onboarding WebcastAmericas2nd Wednesday11:00 AM (Central Time)EnglishRegister Now
Latin America2nd Wednesday11:00 AM (Brazil Time)PortugueseRegister Now
APJ2nd Tuesday1:00 PM (Singapore)EnglishRegister Now
Europe2nd Tuesday10:00 AM (Paris)EnglishRegister Now
Greater China3rd Thursday4:00 PM (Beijing)ChineseRegister Now
Europe/Latin America3rd Tuesday5:00 PM (Madrid)SpanishRegister Now
DACH3rd Tuesday10:00 AM (Berlin)GermanRegister Now
Japan3rd Wednesday1:00 PM (Japan)JapaneseRegister Now

On-Demand Webcasts

SAP SuccessFactors Getting Started VideosEnglish