Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
SAP is currently working on the metering solution for production and development systems. Once available, SAP will trigger the metering for SAP Private Cloud Users (FUEs) as well as for SAP Private Cloud Engines.
The planned process steps are explained below.
This document helps to understand the SAP Private Cloud metering results of FUE (Full Use Equivalent) and helps to understand differences of data from different sources.
The guideline explains the future automated metering process and gives recommendations on the user classification.
Have a sneak preview on what will come.
The relevant Price List must be chosen in the system measurement program (transaction USMM) to activate the correct user types for classification, either
Find the user types and the descriptions per price list in the tables below.
The table Licence Material Mapping to USMM Price List helps to determine the correct price list to be selected in USMM. All relevant material numbers and descriptions are bundled per price list.
In your contract document you will find the licensed FUE subscription material number with which you can determine the correct price list.
The table SAP Private Cloud Price Lists provides all available user types per price list as well as a description per user type.
If you cannot find the required user type in the corresponding table or the price list is not available, you can import a report to update the tables, and price lists respectively.
SAP S/4HANA and ERP Private Cloud Edition, SAP S/4HANA and Classic HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC)
Private Cloud User Types and Price Lists
There are three options to bring the user types into your systems, depending on your internal rules you may choose the one which suits you best.
If you use either option 1 or 2, save the report as a local object (see below step 5). If you want to transport the report, you have to save it in a workbench task for the transport.
The video guides you through the SAP private cloud consumption card in SAP for Me. It provides key tips and features.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud EX – Extended Edition (former STE - Single Tenant Edition) and SAP S/4HANA / ERP PCE Private Cloud Edition
SAP S/4HANA EX and SAP S/4HANA / ERP PCE is sold by usage metric Full Usage Equivalent - FUE. Full Usage Equivalent (FUE) means the number that corresponds to the number of individuals authorized to access specified solution capabilities. FUEs can be allocated to different user types with a specific weighting factor. The weighting factor per use type is as follows (Note: There might be some exceptions from former years where the allocation / user types are different due to the elder price list):
You may allocate each FUE to any of the user types and may change the allocation during the subscription term.
SAP S/4HANA / ERP Cloud user types
The user types can be found in USMM - Price Lists
Price list information and user type descriptions see User Type Descriptions and Price Lists.
Availability Information
If the price list is not available in USMM due to the SAP_BASIS release and/or support package level, you can download a report, see User Type Descriptions and Price Lists - Missing Use Types / Price List.
Example of FUE calculation
Without compliance gap
With compliance gap
Download the SAP Private Cloud FUE Calculation Tool (Excel format) to calculate your FUE.
Only production and development systems are relevant for license usage metering.
In non-productive systems (development systems), all clients are metered.
Users manually classified based on the SAP Private Cloud Price list are considered with their manual user classification.
Please note that manual user classification is not recommended since SAP Private Cloud metering is based on authorization objects assigned to users. Manual user classification can be required in some cases. To manually classify users, please follow the steps:
1. Open transaction USMM. In the System Measurement Settings list select Price Lists and check if the correct price list is selected.
If an incorrect price list is selected, select the right one and save the changes.
Note: All SAP Private Cloud price lists with respective user types can be found in section User Type Descriptions & Price Lists - Price Lists.
2. Select User Types and activate the users licensed.
3. Select System Measurement.
4. Go to step 2. User Classification and create a user list (filtered or unfiltered).
5. Either select all records at once or single records manually and then choose Classify Selected Records.
6. Choose the appropriate Contractual User Type ID from the list box. Select OK.
Yes, in some circumstances it makes sense or is even recommended to manually classify users in an SAP Private Cloud system.
Here are some examples:
1. Engine-only users who work in a mixed system (core and engine) should be classified manually with user type “GF / IF - S/4HANA / ERP Technical Engine use”.
2. SAP Support user should be classified manually with user type “GE / IE - S/4HANA / ERP Cloud support access”.
3. Admin-only users who work in a development system can be classified manually with user type “GB / IB - S/4HANA / ERP Cloud advanced use”.
4. Users in development systems which do not perform development activities or administrative tasks can be classified manually with user type “91 – Test user”.
There are no special users in SAP Private Cloud systems available for classification.
Users should only be classified manually if this is necessary, using an existing user type from the relevant SAP Private Cloud price list.
Open transaction USMM, from the System Measurement Settings list select Price Lists and select the correct price list.
Once a new price list is selected, all previously classified user types must be reclassified accordingly. See Question „How can I manually change the user classification?” for more information.
If you have any question that cannot be answered on this page, send us an e-mail.
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