Creating Unspecific Cluster System
If you want to set up technical monitoring or business process monitoring for a non-SAP system, you need to create the technical system in Landscape Management Database (LMDB) first. If your 3rd party system has an SLD data supplier, it is rather easy, as the technical system can be registered in SLD automatically via the corresponding data supplier and from there its landscape information will be promoted to LMDB. In most cases, your 3rd party system does not support SLD data suppliers. In this case, you have to create the system manually in LMDB to be able to activate the monitoring, e.g. generic Http Ping or custom metrics from Wily Introscope. If you want to use the non-SAP system for business process monitoring, some additional steps have to be performed. This page describes how to create non-SAP systems in LMDB and make them usable for Technical Monitoring. The actual setup of the non-SAP monitoring is described in other guides depending on the metrics and the scenario you want to apply.