Gateway OData Channel

SAP NetWeaver Gateway is a development framework, which is available as an SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP (AS ABAP) add-on, which you can install on top of your existing SAP Business Suite or application platform. SAP NetWeaver Gateway offers development and generation tools to create OData services to a variety of client development tools. Put simply, it establishes a connection between SAP Business Suite data and target clients, platforms, and programming framework.


For more information, refer to SAP NetWeaver Gateway area on

Technical Prerequisites

The following technical prerequisites have to be met in order to use the GW monitoring:

  • Managed system is ABAP based system with component GW_CORE
  • Managed system as at least ST-PI  2008_1 SP07 or higher

Available Monitoring Content

Monitoring Template: SAP Gateway

Metric Name Description MAI Category Since SP

Number of Exceptions in SAP Netweaver GW

Exceptions from /n/IWFND/ERROR_LOG


7.1 SP10

Average Response Time in SAP Netweaver GW

Average Response Time in ms


7.1 SP10

Number of GW service executions

Number of executions


7.1 SP10


The Interface and Connection Monitoring setup can be accessed via SAP Solution Manager Configuration (SOLMAN_SETUP). 

To access the Integration Monitoring setup please go to SAP Solution Manager Configuration (SOLMAN_SETUP) → Application Operations → Integration Monitoring → Interface and Connections.

Note: If you didn't perform the infrastructure configuration yet, please follow the Interface and Connection Monitoring Setup with SAP Solution Manager 7.2.

Monitoring Template: SAP Gateway

Navigate to the step 'Define Scope'. You can create a new scenario or use an existing one. Make sure the sender and the receiver system are part of the Interface and Connection Monitoring scenario.

Create the Interface Channel:

  1. Select the scenario and click Next.
  2. In the Preparation step, perform all relevant manual activities and run all automatic activities.
  3. In the Configuration step, click the Add button.
    • Channel Name: Enter a meaningful name (max. 30 characters)
    • Type: Select SAP Gateway
    • Monitoring Template: Select SAP Gateway
    • Description: Enter a description for the channel
  4. Click Next.
  5. Source type:
    • Select Technical System
    • If the source system is not on-premise, select External Service, if it is a cloud service or Unspecified Managed Object.
  6. Source: Select the source system from the drop-down list or enter the name for the unspecified managed object.
  7. Target Type:
    • Select Technical System
  8. Target: Select the target system from the drop-down list. Specification of Unspecific Managed Object or anything non-ABAP is only possible for the source system. The target system has to be a technical system of type ABAP and has to be part of the Scope (Technical Scenario) for which the setup is running.
  9. The measuring point is selected automatically.
  10. If more than one client are connected for the on-premise system, select the correct client for the monitoring.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Click Finish.

Maintain the Interface:

  1. Select the interface channel you created.
  2. On the Interfaces tab click the Add button.
  3. Provide the following information:
    • Interface Name: The name of the interface
    • Service: The technical service name of the service (as seen in transaction SEGW)
    • Operation: The operation executed for this service
    • Entity type: Use this field to filter on a specific entity type within the GW service
    • User: Use this field to filter for a specific user accessing the GW service

Leaving a parameter empty will result in an aggregation over this parameter. You also have the possibility to use wildcards, which will result in single metrics reported for each match during data collection.

Select Metrics:

  1. On the Metrics tab, select the metrics you want to monitor. Note that the selected metrics are collected for each interface entered above.

You can maintain attributes as described in the Interface and Connection Monitoring Setup with SAP Solution Manager 7.2 on the Attributes tab.

Thresholds and the collection schedule are maintained in the next step of the guided procedure. Once you have maintained all your channels, click Next in the main guided procedure to move to the Activation step.

Maintain Thresholds and Schedule:

  1. Select the Alert for the channel (the Alert is the line with the red flash icon next to it).
    • On Alert level you can maintain notification and incident message creation
  2. Select the Metrics
    • You can adjust the thresholds on the Thresholds tab.
    • Do not change the data collector type or data collector name on the Data Collection tab as the monitor will not work if this is changed.
    • Only change the collection interval if you know what to do or if advised to do this by SAP.
  3. Click Apply and Activate → <Choose one option> to activate the monitoring.