
Configuration Validation

Configuration Validation in SAP Solution Manager enables you to determine whether the systems in your landscape are configured consistently and in accordance with your requirements. You can check the current configuration of a system in your landscape using a defined target state (target system) or compare it with an existing system.

The Idea Behind Configuration Validation

Configuration Validation provides a reporting to understand how homogeneous the configuration of systems is. Using centrally stored configuration data in SAP Solution Manager to perform a configuration validation of a large number of systems using a sub set of the collected configuration data

The Scope of Configuration Validation

Introducing Target Systems

Configuration Validation provides you the possibility to use a Reference System containing the base line for the validation which is perform against a number of comparison systems. As Reference System the data of a managed system could be used to compare the configuration data of one existing system with the configuration data of several other existing system. It's also possible to create a target system based on the collected configuration data of an existing system. The configuration data of such a target system could be edited to create a base line for validation independent of any current system setting.

Compliant or Non-Compliant Items

In a target system it's possible to specify per config item a compliant rule. If the rule applies to the corresponding config item of a comparison system, the config item gets the status compliant in the reporting. Otherwise it gets the status non-compliant. To specify rules, you may use operators to specify the compliance rule the config item must follow to be compliant.

Use Operators to Define Rules in a Target System

In SAP Solution Manager the rules are transparent by using operators. Operators comprise the rule set used for validation for a config item. Operators are available for all config store types (Property, Table, Text, and XML).

Figure: Example of Target Systems

Configuration Validation Reporting

Configuration validation enables you to determine whether the systems in your landscape are configured consistently and in accordance with your requirements. You can check the current configuration of a system in your landscape using a defined target state (target system) or compare it with an existing system.

Figure: Configuration Validation Reporting App showing the results of the limit web content enable check for ABAP based on baseline target BL_S-9

Starting with Configuration Validation Using Target Systems of the SAP Baseline Template

SAP KBA 2253549 introduces the SAP Baseline Template which includes predefined target system covering several security areas with corresponding configuration validation checks.

Figure: SAP Baseline Content for Configuration Validation

Configuration Validation in Reporting / Alerting / Dashboard Builder / Trend Analysis

Checks in target systems of Configuration Validation could be used in several applications of the SAP Solution Manager.

Figure: Configuration Validation use cases in different other apps