Alerting based on historical values is robust against seasonality changes, e.g. low usage on weekend or high usage during high peak business hours, because the current time range is always compared with the same time range of the same week day of the last n weeks. You can specify for each self-defined group if you want to get notified when the average response time of the current time range is x percentage higher than the same time range in the past.
The following fields define the behavior:
The following picture illustrates under which conditions an alert is raised with an Alert Threshold of 200%.
You can define additionally under Group Configuration not only dedicated systems but also LMDB Attributes:
All Attributes are AND combined, different values per attribute are OR combined.
In the picture above are all Systems selected where
IT Admin role is Production System AND
Priority is Very High OR High AND
Lifecycle Status is Active OR Installed AND
Additional Attribute Location is set
(Attribute Value is not not evaluated because it is empty)
Some hints: