Setup for SAP Sales & Services Cloud
(Cloud for Customers)

Technical Prerequisites

The following technical prerequisites have to be met in order to monitor SAP Sales Cloud:

  • SAP Focused Run 3.0 Feature Pack 01
  • Preparations for SAP Sales Cloud (Cloud for Customers) are executed.

Configure Cloud Service

Create Cloud Service

After gathering all necessary information and creating the necessary connection point or users in the cloud service, you can now create the cloud service in SAP Focused Run.

  1. Call transaction FRUN
  2. Select 'Advanced Integration Monitoring' → Cloud Service Management
  3. Click the 'Add' button
  4. Select the Cloud Service Type SAP Cloud for Customer.
  5. The other input fields in the section 'Definition' depend on the cloud service type
    • Tenant: Tenant name of your tenant
    • Root URL: Your Cloud URL ( e.g.
  6. In the section 'Identification' you have to enter the following:
    • Customer Network: the isolated network for which this cloud service should be visible
    • Extended Service ID: the extended SID uniquely identifies the cloud service in LMDB and can be between 3 and 8 characters long  

Create End-Point

The second step is to create the end-point for the cloud service. The end-point is used to actually connect to the cloud service with user and password. Most cloud services use HTTP end-points.

  1. Click on the extended service ID of the cloud service 
  2. Click the 'Add' button on the 'HTTP ENDPOINTS' tab.
  3. Enter the following information:
    • Section 'Global':
      • Description: Enter here the path of the report you created in the preparation e.g.
    • Section 'Authentication':
      • Type: BASICAUTH
      • User: The user created for the communication arrangement
      • Password: Password of the user
    • Section 'Proxy':
      • If necessary add proxy information to connect to the cloud service

Activate in Real User Monitoring

  1. Go back to the launchpad or call transaction FRUN
  2. Select 'Advanced User Monitoring' → Real User Monitoring
  3. Open scope selection and enter the Extended Service ID you have entered in the step before -> click on Go, select it and then click on Ok.
  4. Click the Configuration Icon in the upper right corner of the Real User Monitoring application and open the Systems panel
  5. Activate the service