The data centers and logical networks, as defined and operated by the network team, shall be declared within SAP Focused Run. These network segments, named Customer Networks, are used by LMDB as namespaces, to bundle and protect system definitions and collected metrics. This is reflected, as an example, in the below schema with A and B. Such Customer Network can be then also assigned to a customer (via so called Business Partners).
To declare a Customer Network, within SAP Focused Run using SSI Configuration, you shall have a clear understanding of the network layout and associated proxies and reverse proxies. You are asked to mention:
Follow below rules:
Pay attention to the terminology: In the context of SAP Focused Run, the term reverse proxy designates a pass-through from the managed objects of the customer network, to the SAP Focused Run system.
Finally, consider that a predefined customer network named LOCALNETWORK is created, while performing the initial set up of LMDB, as described in the Master Guide.
This local network can be utilized within SAP Focused Run in case no specific security or data separation is required (and no proxy or reverse proxy is in place).
To create the customer network within SAP Focused Run:
The above customer network wizard creates users automatically with a generated password. Therefore, you shall define the password of the following technical users:
Note: Do not simply use transaction SU01. Refer to the security guide for additional details.
Therefore, proceed as follow:
Only since SAP Focused Run FP02. In this section, select the Use-Cases that the Simple System Integration will Setup during the Automatic Technical Systems Configuration operation:
Note: None of the Use-Case are selected by default.
As of SAP Focused Run 2.0 FP02, the Data Center can simply be changed in the “Global Settings & Network Configuration” application
For SAP Focused Run 2.0 FP01 and below, follow this procedure:
Note: Only experts shall use this report. Customer Networks are sensitives data. This procedure must only be used to change the Data Center (field: Data Center 1).
As of SAP Focused Run 3.0 SP00, The Maintain Data Centers tab in the Global Settings & Network Configuration application has been extended to show Country/Region-Code and Country/Region-Name information. Information on the country or region is retrieved from table T005T, column LANDX. If you have the requirement to display Country/Region-Name information different from what SAP provides by default, you must follow the maintenance instructions available in SAP Note 1164216.