User-dependent Visibility

This functionality allows the administrator to define which scenarios, technical systems and cloud services a specific end-user can find in the scope selection of Integration & Exception Monitoring. Scenarios, technical systems and cloud services not assigned to this user are not visible in the scope selection at all.
This increases the usability for the end-user as they only see the scenarios, technical systems and cloud services relevant for them, and also increases the security of the solution, as end-users cannot access scenarios that are not assigned to them.


To maintain the scenario scope for an end-user please run transaction SA38 and execute report /IMA/SCOPE_SEL_CUSTOMIZING to add an entry to table /IMA/SCOPECUSTOM. 

  • USERNAME: SAP user name
  • ENTITY ID: The GUID for the entity
    • Scenario ID can be found in table /IMA/ISCENARIO field SCENARIO_ID
    • Technical system ID can be found in table /IMA/TSCONFIG field LMDBID
    • Cloud service ID can be found in table /IMA/CLD_CONFIGS field LMDB_ID
  • ENTITY TYPE: Choose from the list:
    • 1 Monitoring scenario
    • 2 Technical system
    • 3 Cloud service

Enter one entry for each end-user/entity combination.

Please note that you need to assign at least one scenario, technical system or cloud service to an end-user to trigger the mechanism. End-users, who have no entry in this table can see all scenarios, technical systems and cloud services.