The following Monitoring Content for SAP BTP Cloud Foundry is available for Health Monitoring in SAP Focused Run:
Component | Metric | Description |
System | System CPU Usage | The recent CPU usage of the system that the application is running in |
System CPU Load Average | The sum of the number of runnable entities queued to available processors and the number of runnable entities running on the available processors averaged over a period of time | |
Disk Utilization | The disk utilization of the application instance | |
HTTP Response Time | Duration of HTTP server request handling | |
Database Connections | The number of connections that are currently in state described by the state attribute | |
Version | The version of the application | |
Java Applications | Java Daemon Threads | The current number of live daemon threads |
Java Live Threads | The current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads | |
Java Memory: Old Generation | Currently used Java memory for Old Generation | |
Java Memory: Eden Space | Currently used Java memory for Eden Space | |
Java Memory: Survivor Space | Currently used Java memory for Survivor Space | |
Hikari Pool: Active Connections | Number of active connections in the Hikari pool | |
Hikari Pool: Queued Connections | Number of queued connections in the Hikari pool | |
Node.js | Filesystem Utilization | Disk utilization in the range of [0, 1] |
Filesystem Usage | Disk usage in bytes | |
Memory Utilization | Average memory utilization of the process for the last minute | |
Memory Usage | Average memory usage of the process for the last minute | |
CPU Utilization | Difference in process CPU time since the last measurement, divided by the elapsed time and number of CPUs available to the process | |
CPU Time | The time of the CPU |
Please follow the general setup steps mentioned on the central page:
To add cloud services of the type SAP BTP Cloud Foundry, do the following: