Operations Automation Content
SAP Focused Run provides several predefined operation flows as guided procedure templates. These guided procedure templates can be either used out of the box or copied into customer name space and adapted.
SAP Focused Run provides several predefined operation flows as guided procedure templates. These guided procedure templates can be either used out of the box or copied into customer name space and adapted.
Operation flows for alert management consist of problem context collection activities and manual activities that guide you through the resolution of the alert. They are triggered either automatically as soon as a new alert was raised or manually from the alert details screen.
The following predefined operation flows for alert management are delivered as guided procedures:
SAP Focused Run provides activity plug-ins automating different tasks. The plug-ins help you to develop your own operation flows of type guided procedure that include tailored, automatic activities. These activities can be triggered manually or executed entirely in the background as part of an alert reaction, service level reporting, health check or other type of operation flow.
Proceed as follows to include a new plug-in activity in your guided procedure:
SAP delivers many plug-ins that can be easily customized and included into your own guided procedures. The available plug-ins are explained below.
For the specified time frame display alerts for the selected system and its instances.
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
The result is displayed as a table containing a list of all alerts in the specified time frame. The plug-in will set a yellow rating if corresponding alerts were found. Otherwise the rating is green.
To display OCC dashboard data in a guided procedure report.
Design-Time attributes
To check and report aborted jobs in a managed system.
The plug-in retrieves all aborted jobs in the given time frame and groups them by job name. It uses the local data available in the Job & Automation Monitoring.
Job & Automation Monitoring has been setup for selected managed systems.
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
Number of Rows to Display: Maximum size of result list
Both the table and the bar chart show the number of aborted runs for the top n aborted jobs or job types.
To verify that all standard reorganization jobs have been executed successfully.
Job & Automation Monitoring has been setup for selected managed systems.
The result is displayed as a table containing the job name, program name, interval, time at which the job was last executed, status of the last job, results, and the status.
to report about long running jobs in managed systems for selectable time frames.
The plug-in retrieves all jobs that were active for more than x minutes in the given time frame and groups them by job name. It uses the data available in the Job & Automation Monitoring.
Job & Automation Monitoring has been setup for selected managed systems.
Data Source
The long-running jobs are retrieved from Job & Automation Monitoring.
The result is displayed as a table or bar chart containing the job name and runtime in minutes.
With the plugin “Execute Custom Process via SAP Landscape Management” you can trigger from a guided procedure in SAP Focused Run a Custom process in SAP Landscape Management. Currently supported are
By default, the plug-in will trigger the specified SAP Landscape Management Custom process for the managed system specified by the scope object of the Guided procedure. When, however, the guided procedure is performed for an instance alert, the Custom process will be triggered only for the instance reported in the alert.
ABAP System Logs from Integration Error Monitor
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to get an overview over the top system log messages reported per time frame. This plug-in reads system log data from the Integration Error Monitor in Integration & Cloud Monitoring.
There is another “old” plug-in “ABAP System Logs” that reads the system log messages directly from the managed system. In order to avoid redundant data collection we recommend to use this plug-in instead of the old plug-in.
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
Data Source
Integration Error Monitor in Integration & Cloud Monitoring.
The result is displayed as a table or chart. The table contains the full message ID, the type of system log error, the last occurrence, which is a timestamp on the system time zone of the managed system, and the number of errors. The chart shows the number of errors per system log.
Display past and ongoing planned downtimes
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
Data Source
The data is retrieved from work modes that are scheduled in work mode management.
The result is displayed in a table that shows the start and end of the planned downtime, the duration in minutes, the category, and the reason.
This plug-in shows the average response times, database times, CPU times, processing times and roll wait times for task types Dialog, HTTP, HTTPs and RFC.
This plug-in works only in guided procedures for ABAP Systems.
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
Data Source
Workload data are read from ABAP aggregated statistical records (“ST03 data”) in Focused Run .The collection of ST03 data (hourly and daily aggregates) is automatically scheduled as part of simple System Integration.
The result is displayed as a line chart.
Trigger from a guided procedure in SAP Focused Run instance operations for ABAP and JAVA systems and HANA Databases in SAP Landscape Management.
Supported are the following operations:
By default, the plug-in will trigger the specified SAP Landscape Management instance operation on all instances of the managed system which is in scope of the guided procedure excluding the instances of the assigned system database.
When, however, the guided procedure is performed for an instance alert, the instance operation will be triggered only for the instance reported in the alert.
This guided procedure plug-in schedules one ABAP job ad hoc in the managed ABAP systems. After successful job completion it displays optionally job log and spool output from this job in the guided procedure and the result report.
Design Time Attributes
You need to configure the following parameters:
The plug-in displays navigation links to transaction SM37 in the managed system.
When triggered it checks first if the focused run user executing the guided procedure is authorized to execute the specified reports (authorization object FRN_GP_REP). If not, it stops processing, sets a red rating and a corresponding error message in the guided procedure.
Afterwards, it will attempt to trigger the job in the managed system via ST-PI data provider /SDF/CL_GPCR_SCHEDULE_JOB. If the managed system is not on the right ST-PI level it will stop the processing, set a red rating and return error message “The object could not be created: The class /SDF/CL_GPCR_SCHEDULE_JOB does not exist”.
If the plug-in can schedule the job successfully it returns a success message “Job <jobname> has been scheduled. “
Otherwise it stops processing and returns an error message.
Now it waits up to the specified time for job completion.
if the job does not finish within this time interval , the plug-in will return a warning message “Job <Job Name> is still running after <Timeout (sec)> seconds. No result display possible", set a yellow rating and stop processing.
If the job cancels, the plug-in will set a red rating and error log message Job <Job Name> canceled".
If the job finishes successfully it will set a green rating and display success message "Job <Job Name> finished". Depending on the configured settings it will display the job log and the spool output.
This guided procedure plug-in checks whether the SAP EarlyWatch Alert has been activated for the managed system and optionally whether
It does not check whether the SAP EarlyWatch Alert was successfully generated in SAP BackBone or not.
Design Time Attributes:
You can disable or enable the following checks:
The “Check whether SAP EarlyWatch Alert is active” is always enabled by default.
The plug-in returns success or error messages depending on the selected checks and status.
It provides a navigation link to the SAP EarlyWatch Alert Status UI from where you can see more detailed information and obtain troubleshooting information about the displayed statuses.
If all checks return a success status, the overall rating is set to success , otherwise to error.
You can use this plug-in to execute a SQL statement via SAP Host Agent on a SAP HANA Database
The plug-in executes the statement and displays the results as a table. Only the statements that are listed below can be executed.
Available SQL Statements
The following SQL statements are available as of SAP Host Agent 7.21 PL 47 + SAP Note 2555664 or SAP Host Agent 7.21 PL 48
Plug-in Configuration
Configure the Plug-In exactly as follows
The Plug-in must be configured exactly as above. The argument string must be entered exactly as above. Do not replace ${HDBDBNAME} , {HDBINSTNAME}, ${HOST} in the argument string by something else.
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to assess the following key performance indicators (KPIs) for different tasks types:
Average response time
Database time
CPU time
Number of steps per hour
This plug-in is available only for ABAP systems.
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
Reporting Period: Specify the period for which you want to generate the report. You can enter the last n weeks or months.
Reporting Granularity: Specify the level of detail in which you want the results to be shown. You can choose between the total results, or the results broken down by month or day.
Task Type: Select the task type for which you want to view the performance metrics.
Metrics: Specify the KPI that you want to assess.
Data Source
The plug-in gets its data from reader CL_STATRAGG_READER.
The result is displayed as a line chart showing the average response time, database time, and CPU time for each task over a given time frame. It also shows the number of steps based on the attributes that you selected.
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to check aborted jobs in ABAP technical systems.
The plug-in retrieves all aborted jobs in the given time frame and groups them by job name.
This plug-in is available only for ABAP systems.
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
Time-Frame Source: Specify how the time frame for the evaluation is to be determined. Possible values are:
Read Time Frame from Alert: If the guided procedure is started from the Alert Inbox, select this option to read the time stamp from the alert.
Read Time Frame from GP Attributes: Select this option to read the time stamp from the guided procedure (step or guided procedure level).
Specify Custom Time Frame: Select this option to read the time stamp defined in the Time Frame attribute.
Time Frame (Only with Specify Custom Time Frame): Specify the time frame only if you have set the time-frame source to Specify Custom Time Frame. Possible values are:
TODAY (current day from 00:00)
XXm (last XX minutes)
XXh (last XX hours)
XXd (last XX days, including a full day)
YESTERDAY (previous full day)
CURRENT_WEEK (from Monday 00:00 to now)
LAST_WEEK (from Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59)
Graphic Type: Specify whether you want the result to be displayed as a table or bar chart.
Data Source
The aborted jobs are retrieved via RFC call from managed ABAP System.
Both the table and the bar chart show the number of aborted runs for the top n aborted jobs or job types.
This guided procedure plug-in shows the installed languages in the managed ABAP system.
Data Sources
The following log messages are returned by the plugin depending on the result of the check
This guided procedure plug-in is displays errors reported in the TMS Transport Logs of the managed ABAP system.
Data Source
The following log messages are returned by the plugin depending on the result of the check
This guided procedure plug-in displays qRFC queues in waiting and error state.
Design Time Attributes
You can configure the following parameters:
Data Source
The following log messages are returned by the plugin depending on the result of the check:
This guided procedure plug-in is designed to trigger a specific task list in the managed ABAP system and monitor the task list run execution and its tasks status.
The task list run which will be created is related to the current GP instance. As long as the user is editing the same GP instance, the plug-in is monitoring the same task list run, so that any further execution of the plug-in on this GP instance will check the status of the related task list run.
However, a first execution of the plugin in a new GP instance will trigger a new task list run of the specified task list.
Design Time Attributes
You can configure the following parameters:
You would like to include the task list SAP_BASIS_SYSTEM_CONFIG_CHECK in your guided procedure to check Basis system configuration.
The task list SAP_BASIS_SYSTEM_CONFIG_CHECK contains some checks that require specific configurations in the managed system. Without configuration the task list run will not finish successfully.
We recommend to exclude these checks from task list processing. Therefore maintain the following:
After editing and saving the GP, execute a new instance of it in an ABAP managed system either manually or scheduled by GP Planning.
Data Source
The following log messages are returned by the plugin depending on the result of the check
Possible errors:
Failed Task List Trigger
Log message:
This guided procedure plug-in checks whether that all services preparation recommendations are implemented in the managed ABAP System.
ST-PI version 740 Support package 11 has to be installed on the managed ABAP System.
Design Time Attributes
No design time attributes required.
Data Source
It performs an RFC call into the managed ABAP System and reads data from the Service Preparation Check (ABAP report RTCCTOOL )
The following log messages are returned by the plugin depending on the result of the check
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to check the status of your system license.
The plug-in can also remind you that your license will be overdue in a specific number of days.
This plug-in is available only for ABAP systems.
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
Threshold for Red Rating: Enter the number of days until the license will become overdue to generate an error in the result. For example, a value of 5 will return an error for any licenses that expire within the next five days.
Threshold for Yellow Rating: Enter the number of days until the license will become overdue to generate a warning in the result. For example, a value of 10 will return a warning for any licenses that expire within the next ten days.
Data Source
License data is retrieved via RFC Call from managed ABAP System
The result is displayed as a table containing the system ID, product ID, license key, expiry date, and the validity status.
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to evaluate the buffers on each instance of the managed system.
This plug-in is available only for ABAP systems.
The user SDAGENT_<SID> in the managed ABAP system requires authorization object S_ADMIN_FCD with field STOR.
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
Minimum Threshold for Hit Ratio (%): Enter a number that represents the minimum threshold in percent for the hit ratio. If the hit ratio is below this threshold, the activity will be rated red.
Maximum Threshold for SWAPS: Enter a number that represents the maximum threshold in percent for the buffer swaps.If the buffer swaps exceed this threshold, the activity will be rated red.
Data Source
Buffer data is retrieved via RFC Call from managed ABAP System
The result is displayed as a table containing the instance name, buffer name, hit ratio, and swaps. A link is also provided so that you can check the result directly in transaction ST02.
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to analyze the client change settings in an ABAP technical system. This check is only relevant for production systems.
This plug-in is only relevant for ABAP production systems.
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
Optional Check: Specify whether you want to check CATT and eCATT authorization.
Data Source
The check is based on the CCDB Store CLIENTS:
Log messages indicate whether client settings are correct or not for production systems.
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to check dialog and HTTP response times from the system monitoring metric data for the selected ABAP technical systems.
You can define a threshold for each response time category.
This plug-in is available only for ABAP technical systems.
The following monitoring metrics must be active for the current scope:
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
Time-Frame Source: Specify how the time frame for the evaluation is to be determined. Possible values are:
Read Time Frame from GP Attributes: Select this option to read the time stamp from the guided procedure (step or guided procedure level).
Specify Custom Time Frame: Select this option to read the time stamp defined in the Last n Days attribute.
Last n Days: Specify the time frame only if you have set the time-frame source to Specify Custom Time Frame. Possible values are:
TODAY (current day from 00:00)
XXm (last XX minutes)
XXh (last XX hours)
XXd (last XX days, including a full day)
YESTERDAY (previous full day)
CURRENT_WEEK (from Monday 00:00 to now)
LAST_WEEK (from Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59)
Granularity: Specify the level of detail in which you want the results to be shown.
Graphic Type: Specify whether you want the result to be displayed as a table, column chart, or line chart.
Data Source
Data is retrieved from system monitoring.
The metrics HTTP Response Time, HTTPS Response Time, and DIALOG Response Time are considered.
The result is displayed as a table, column chart, or line chart depending on the attributes that you configured for the plug-in.
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to analyze IDocs with errors in your managed system. Different attributes are available to filter and classify the IDocs. A direct link is also provided so that you can access transaction BD87.
This plug-in is only available for ABAP technical systems.
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
Time-Frame Source: Specify how the time frame for the evaluation is to be determined. Possible values are:
Read Time Frame from GP Attributes: Select this option to read the time stamp from the guided procedure (step or guided procedure level).
Specify Custom Time Frame: Select this option to read the time stamp defined in the Time Frame attribute.
Time Frame (Only with Specify Custom Time Frame): Specify the time frame only if you have set the time-frame source to Specify Custom Time Frame. Possible values are:
TODAY (current day from 00:00)
XXm (last XX minutes)
XXh (last XX hours)
XXd (last XX days, including a full day)
YESTERDAY (previous full day)
CURRENT_WEEK (from Monday 00:00 to now)
LAST_WEEK (from Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59)
Graphic Type: Specify whether you want the result to be displayed as a table or bar chart.
IDoc Direction:
Inbound and Outbound
Threshold for Red IDoc Status: The system checks whether the number of IDocs categorized as "red" exceeds the value you enter here. If so, a log is written, and the activity is rated as red.
Threshold for Yellow IDoc Status: The system checks if the number of IDocs categorized as "yellow" exceeds the value you enter here. If so, a log is written, and the activity is rated as yellow.
Codes for Green IDoc Status: Specify the codes used to classify an IDoc with a green status. (Multiple codes should be separated by comma, for example, 51,52,53.)
Codes for Red IDoc Status: Specify the codes used to classify an IDoc with a red status (Multiple codes should be separated by comma, for example, 51,52,53.)
Codes for Yellow IDoc Status: Specify the codes used to classify an IDoc with a yellow status (Multiple codes should be separated by comma, for example, 51,52,53.)
Message Types: Specify the types of IDoc message to be considered. Multiple message types must be separated by a comma (,).
Clients: Specify the clients to be considered when reading the IDoc. Multiple clients must be separated by a comma (,).
Data Source
Data is retrieved via RFC call in managed ABAP system.
The result is displayed as a table containing the client, message type, status code, number of updated IDocs, and the state.
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to analyze the availability of ABAP instances from the System Monitoring metric data.
The plug-in allows operators to check whether an ABAP instance is still unavailable before they start to investigate further within the guided procedure. The plug-in can also be added at the end of a guided procedure to check whether the actions performed to resolve the instance availability were successful.
This plug-in is available only for ABAP systems.
The following monitoring metrics must be active for the current scope:
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
Check "Local RFC Instance Availability"
Check "Local HTTP Instance Availability"
Check "Instance Status from SAPSTARTSRV"
Check "Local Instance LOGON TEST"
Data Source
Data is retrieved from system monitoring. The names of the ABAP Instance Availability metrics are taken into consideration.
The result is display as a table containing the system ID, instance name, metric name, status, message, and the time stamp at which the measurement took place.
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to analyze lock entries for ABAP managed systems.
The plug-in performs two types of check:
It checks users who have multiple lock entries.
It checks entries that have been locked for over a certain number of hours.
This plug-in is available only for ABAP systems.
Red Threshold for Old Entries (Hours): Specify the number of hours for which an entry can be locked before a red result is returned. The default value is 24 hours.
Red Threshold for Number of Entries per User: Specify the amount of entries that a user can lock before a red result is returned. The default value is 10,000 entries.
Check Mode: Select whether the plug-in is to check the old lock entries or the users who have multiple locks.
Data Source
Lock entries are retrieved via RFC Call from managed ABAP System
The result is displayed as a table containing the number of lock entries older than the specified number of hours, or the users with more lock entries than specified.
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to determine whether the runtime of active jobs from the managed system exceeds a given threshold.
This plug-in is available only for ABAP systems.
Red Threshold for Batch Job Runtime (Minutes): Specify the threshold for the runtime, as of which an error will be generated in the report.
Graphic Type: Specify whether you want the result to be displayed as a table or bar chart.
Data Source
Related long-running jobs are retrieved via RFC Call from managed ABAP System
The result is displayed as a table or bar chart containing the job name and runtime in minutes.
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to perform two types of checks on ABAP managed technical systems: You can check for long-running work processes and you can check the work process statuses (in PRIV mode).
This plug-in is available only for ABAP systems.
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
Yellow Threshold for Dialog Tasks (Seconds): Specify the runtime in seconds after which a warning is to be issued for the dialog work processes.
Red Threshold for Dialog Tasks (Seconds): Specify the runtime in seconds after which an error is to be issued for the dialog work processes.
Yellow Threshold for Batch Tasks (Seconds): Specify the runtime in seconds after which a warning is to be issued for the batch work processes.
Red Threshold for Batch Tasks (Seconds): Specify the runtime in seconds after which an error is to be issued for the batch work processes.
Check Long-Running Work Processes: Select this checkbox to check long-running work processes.
Check Work Process Status: Select this checkbox to check work process statuses (in PRIV mode).
Data Source
Related long-running work processes are retrieved using the SAPControl data provider.
The result is displayed as a table containing the task type, instance, work process number, status, time, program name, and rating.
Purpose: This activity plugin checks memory on each instance of the managed system
Prerequisites: This plugin works only for ABAP systems.
Design Time Attributes: Red Threshold for used Memory (%) above
Data Source: Memory Statistics data is retrieved using RFC Data Provider
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin checks number range objects which is greater than buffer filling degree defined by customer, and if the buffer filling percent is over threshold
Prerequisites: This plugin works only for ABAP systems.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: Data is retrieving using RFC Data Provider.
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin is used in a service level report and allows to report the Response Time Distribution KPI.
Prerequisites: This plugin works only for ABAP systems.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source:
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin perform check SAP Default Password on ABAP Technical System.
Prerequisites: This Plugin is only for ABAP systems.
Design Time Attributes: No Design time attribute can be defined for this health check.
Data Source: The Check is based on a CCDB Store.
Output Result:
Possible Errors: No CCDB store Exists
Purpose: This activity plugin performs a check on ABAP Short Dumps
Prerequisites: This plugin works only for ABAP systems.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: There is an old RFC data provider and a new one. The way data are retrieved can be controlled at design time using a specific attribute.
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin checks if SNC is active
Prerequisites: This plugin works only for ABAP systems
Design Time Attributes: No design time attributes can be defined for this health check
Data Source: SNC Status is retrieved using RFC Data Provider
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin performs a check on transmission requests numbers group by different status on managed system. It checks also if the number of transmission requests with different status is more than threshold defined by the user.
Prerequisites: This plugin works only for ABAP systems.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: Transmission Request data is retrieved using RFC data provider
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin help to identify errors or delays in spool processing.
Prerequisites: This plugin works only for ABAP systems.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: There is an old RFC data provider and a new one. The way data are retrieved can be controlled at design time using a specific attribute.
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin verify that all standard reorg jobs have been executed successfully.
Prerequisites: This plugin works only for ABAP Systems
Design Time Attributes: No design time attributes can be defined for this health check.
Data Source: Jobs related data is retrieved using RFC data provider.
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin checks ABAP System Availability based on System Monitoring data. It provides a quick overview whether system is available or not at the time of the health check execution
Prerequisites: This plugin work only for ABAP systems.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring. The ABAP system availability metrics “Check System Availability" via "RFC Ping", "Check System Availability" via "ABAP Message Server HTTP Availability", ABAP RFC Availability (Logon Group SPACE are taken into account).
Output Result:
Possible Errors:
Purpose: This activity plugin perform check on System Change Settings on ABAP Technical System. This check is only relevant for Production System.
Prerequisites: This plugin is only for ABAP production systems.
Design Time Attributes: None
Data Source: The check is based on a CCDB Store GLOBAL:
Output Result:
Possible Errors: The IT Admin Role must be Production System
Purpose: This activity plugin performs check on ABAP System logs
Prerequisites: This plugin works only for ABAP Systems
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: There is an old RFC data provider and a new one. The way data are retrieved can be controlled at design time using a specific attribute.
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin check if Update Process is up and running and if number of update error and update in initial state from the managed system are not exceeding a given threshold.
Prerequisites: This plugin works only for ABAP systems.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: Data is retrieved using RFC data provider
Output Result: Logs
Purpose: This activity plugin checks the current Work Processes configuration on ABAP Managed System.
Prerequisites: This Plugin works only for ABAP Systems
Design Time Attributes: Select the graphic type Table or Bar chart.
Data Source: Data is retrieved using SAPCONTROL Data Provider
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin displays the availability status of services for a BOBJ system.
Prerequisites: This plugin works only for BOBJ systems.
Design Time Attributes:
Technical Metric Name: Name of Technical Metric (Default is BOE SERVER STATE CMS)
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring.
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity shall be used in all alert handling guided procedures to display other open alerts for the system, database, instances of the system and hosts.
Prerequisites: Configure the alert and attach it to the GP.
Design Time Attributes: No design time attribute can be defined for this health check
Data Source: Data is retrieved from Alert Management
Output Result:
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to display the metric values of a configurable system monitoring - or root cause analysis metric for a selectable period in a stacked column chart or line charts.
You would like to display the daily HTTPS and HTTP Response time for the last month in the guided procedure or the result report
You would like to display the daily number of short dumps and canceled jobs for the last month in the guided procedure or the result report
The metrics values for the requested time frame is displayed as a column chart or line chart.
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to display the metric ratings of a configurable system monitoring - or root cause analysis metric for a selectable period in a stacked column chart. This is especially useful if you want to display the availability of a system or or instance over a configurable time interval.
Design-time attributes
•Technical Instance - if you want to display an instance metric
•Host - if you want to display a host metric
•Technical System - if you want to display a system metric
•Database - if you want to display a database metric
•Database Instance . if you want to display a database metric.
•Read Timeframe from GP Attributes
If you select “Read Timeframe from GP Attributes” you need to specify the timeframe in the GP under Properties – Search Attributes – Free Search Attributes. Press “Add”. Enter Key “TIMEFRAME”. Enter one of the following values: TODAY, YESTERDAY, CURRENT_WEEK, THIS_MONTH, LAST_MONTH, LAST_12_MONTHS
•Specify custom Timeframe
If you select “Specify custom Timeframe” you need to fill the plug-in parameter “Last nDays” as explained below
You would like to display the daily ABAP system availability for the last month in the guided procedure or the result report
You would like to display the daily ABAP instance availability per instance for the last month in the guided procedure or the result report
The result is displayed as a stacked column chart.
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to display the current metric values of a configurable system monitoring - or root cause analysis metric in a stacked Bar chart or Table.
Design-time attributes
You would like to display the current ABAP message server availability in the guided procedure or the result report
You would like to display the current Instance availability per instance in the guided procedure or the result report
Purpose: This activity shall be used in all alert handling guided procedures to displays current status of related alert and metrics.
Prerequisites: Configure the alert and attach it to the GP.
Design Time Attributes: No design time parameter required
Data Source: Data is retrieved from Alert Management
Output Result:
You can use this guided procedure plug-in to check whether the system or the system database is compliant to a policy defined in Configuration & Security Analytics.
Define the following attributes for the plug-in:
The result is displayed as a table containing the compliance status, landscape, description, configuration item, value, check, rule, and time stamp.
Purpose: Check Total and Used Data Volume for a database from the System Monitoring metric data.
Prerequisites: This plugin works only for HANA, Maxdb, DB2, Sybase ASE and Oracle databases.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring. Metrics names are taken into consideration.
Output Result:
With the plug-in “Execute Custom Operation New” you can execute host agent custom operations (scripts) on the managed systems hosts.
You have developed your own custom operations (*.conf files) and deployed them in the /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/operations.d directory of the relevant host agents
There are two plug-ins:
Please use the plug-in "Execute Custom Operation New" and not "Execute Custom Operation" (deprecated)
Currently the plug-in can be only executed for: host, database, technical system of type Abap, Java, Apache Tomcat, BOE, Hana. Other system types are not supported.
The user triggering the corresponding guided procedure in SAP Focused Run (e.g. user FRN_BTC_GPA) needs to have additionally authorization object FRN_CUSTOP with field CUSTOM_OPE = Name of the custom operation that should be triggered on the managed system hosts. This authorization object is delivered with the roles SAP_FRN_APP_GP_ALL, SAP_FRN_APP_GP_EXE, SAP_FRN_BTC_GPA with predefined custom operation name SAPHostAgent.Ping. Additional custom operation names need to be added.
The plug-in has the following attributes
Operation Name
The name of the custom operation to be executed.
Execution Scope
The scope Central Host is currently not implemented.
Operation Arguments
Operation arguments for the operation in the format:
The argument strings should contain no blanks.
Following arguments are available
· ${SID} – SID of a technical system
· ${DBID} – database ID of a database
· ${INSNR} – instance number of a technical instance (of a technical system)
· ${DBINSNR} – instance number of a DB instance (of a database)
· ${TIMESTAMP} – current timestamp
· ${HDBKEYPORT} – Hana connection port, the value of the ‘connectaddress’ property
· ${HDBSYSID} – Hana system ID. In an MDC scenario this returns the ID of the system database while ${DBID} would return the ID of the tenant database
· ${TSINST_WORKDIR} – working directory of technical instance
${HDBKEYPORT} is delivered only for a tenant DB in the MDC scenario. See CL_CHECK_LANDSCAPE_UTIL=>GET_HANA_TS_INFO for more.
Examples of operation arguments:
Depending on system type and Execution Scope there are some constraints and limitation. The plug-in iterates over all “objects” from the specified Execution Scope and attempts to resolve attributes placeholders. DB -related attributes are supported for appropriate scope objects only. Database instance number are not available, if the command is executed for a host, or for a technical system instance. Technical instance attributes are available for technical systems, and not, let’s say, for a database, and only if the execution scope is set to “Technical System”. For a technical system the ${SID} attribute can be used for every scope. However, the ${INSNR} makes no sense, if the command to be executed, let’s say, on the database hosts only.
Time Out
The timeout parameter, the time to wait until the operation finishes. Ignored, if the command is executed asynchronously.
Wait for Result
whether to wait until the command finishes: Yes (synchronous execution) or No (asynchronous execution)
Helper Class Name
Optional delegate class helper class to which the plugin class delegates the implementation, an instance of IF_CUST_OPERATION_HELPER_IMPL interface. The plugin always delegates to a helper class instance. If not explicitly specified, an instance of CL_GPRC_CO_ARP_CUSTOP_HLP_DEF is created.
A (custom) helper class is mostly responsible for result evaluation and display. There are several helper classes available.
· CL_GPRC_CO_ARPHDBQUERY_HLP_N – to display a result of Hana query
· CL_GPRC_CO_ARPHDBLSTUSRS_HLP_N – used to check on user stores of Hana
· CL_GPRC_CO_ARPHDBHOSTCNF_HLP_N – used to check on host configuration of Hana
· CL_GPRC_CO_ARP_CSTP_TSINS_IMPL – specific technical instance helper to replace the values of technical instance number and working directory.
Add Summary Log
If the checkbox is checked, a “summary” log messages from this activity will be included into the summary section of the report
Data Source
The data is retrieved via the Host agent data provider:
Depending on the operation and used plug-in the result is typically displayed as a table with the columns host name, operation, and one or several operations result related columns.
Execute Custom Operation Examples
Execute a SQL Statement on a HANA Database
HANA user store on Database server hosts contains keys defined as follows: <Database ID >SAPDBCTRL<Database Port>
Result: The SQL statement results will be displayed in the guided procedure and the report.
An operation to test the DB connectivity from an ABAP system via R3trans -D.
· Operation Name: FRUN_GP_ABAPDBConnect
· Arguments: SID=${SID}
· Execution Scope: Technical System
· Timeout: 30
· Wait for Result: Yes
An example of FRUN_GP_ABAPDBConnect.conf custom operation
Command: echo R3trans -D skipped
Description: DB connectivity test via R3trans.
ResultConverter: flat
Platform: Unix
An operation to test whether key <SID> SAPDBCTRL is working and if SQL query can be executed for a Hana database.
· Operation Name: FRUN_GP_HdbCheckSQLConn
· Execution Scope: Hana Master Node
· Timeout: 30
· Wait for Result: Yes
An example of FRUN_GP_ABAPDBConnect.conf file
Command: hdbsql -U $[DBID:#required]SAPDBCTRL -I /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/operations.d/custom_operations/FRUN_GP_HdbCheckSQLConn.txt
Description: Execute SQL Query
ResultConverter: flat
Platform: Unix
· Operation Name: FRUN_GP_HdbListUserStore
· Execution Scope: Hana Master Node
· Timeout: 30
· Wait for Result: Yes
An example of FRUN_GP_HdbListUserStore.conf file
Name: FRUN_GP_HdbListUserStore
Command: hdbuserstore list
Description: Display location of HDB User Store and available keys
ResultConverter: flat
Platform: Unix
Execute Custom Operation plugin is defined with CL_CHECK_EXE_CUST_OPERA_OP check class. It does not perform much work but delegates to the helper - an instance of IF_CUST_OPERATION_HELPER_IMPL interface. The abstract class CL_GPRC_CO_ARP_CUSTOP_HLP_IMPL perform all the tasks except the result presentation. The CL_GPRC_CO_ARP_CUSTOP_HLP_DEF implements the default generic result’s view: a simple table where operation results are shown in plain text. It inherits from CL_GPRC_CO_ARP_CUSTOP_HLP_IMPL and provides the default implementation to the method
EVALUATE_DP_RESULT. Its purpose is to ‘evaluate’ the result (e.g. status) and to create the GP’s report.
The available helper classes provide further examples for its implementation. For example, CL_GPRC_CO_ARPHDBQUERY_HLP_N parses the result and shows it in a table.
For the sake of compatibility with further SAP updates custom helper implementation should only re-implement the ‘presentation’ method EVALUATE_DP_RESULT
Purpose: Check the status of a database via saphostcontrol operations “GetDatabaseStatus, GetDatabaseSystemStatus, GetDatabaseProperties.
Prerequisites: This plug-in is for Technical Systems, Database and Hosts.
Design Time Attributes: Function name: Possible saphostcontrol functions: GetDatabaseStatus, GetDatabaseSystemStatus, GetDatabaseProperties, ListDatabaseMetrics, ListDatabaseConfiguration.
Data Source: Data is retrieved via Host Agent Data provider
Output Result:
Possible Errors:
No Database host were found for Database <DBID>. Please check Database definition in LMDB.
Purpose: Check the status of an ABAP or SAP J2EE System via sapcontrol operations: ABAPGetWPTable, ABAPGetSysWPTable, GetProcessList, J2EEGetProcessList, J2EEGetProcessList2
Prerequisites: This plug-in works for technical systems of type ABAP and Java.
Design Time Attributes:
Operation - Possible sapcontrol commands: ABAPGetWPTable, ABAPGetSysWPTable, GetProcessList, J2EEGetProcessList, J2EEGetProcessList2
Data Source: Data is retrieved via saphostcontrol
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin perform check on ABAP or JAVA the Expiring Server Certificates.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: The check is performed on CCDB stores located on the Solution Manager.
Output Result:
Possible Errors:
No Certificate data found for instance
Purpose: This activity plugin may be used to check the backup of the Hana database from the System Monitoring metric data.
Design Time Attributes: No design time parameter required.
Data Source: Data is retrieved from System Monitoring. The Data Backup metrics name are taken into consideration.
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin may be used to check whether the space usage of the HANA database is < than 90%.
The main used case for this plugin is to allow an operator to check that the used space of Hana database System is high or not.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring. The CPU usage metrics name are taken into consideration
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin may be used to check HANA long running threads from the System Monitoring metric data.
The main used case for this plugin is to allow an operator to check that the long-running Blocking Situations, Tasks, Statements, Uncommitted Write Transactions or Serializeable Transactions is lower than the threshold.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring. The Long running metrics name are taken into consideration
Output Result:
Possible Errors: No current metrics for Long Running Thread found
Purpose: This activity plugin may be used to check the HA/DR of the Hana database from the System Monitoring metric data.
Design Time Attributes: No design time parameter required
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring. The replication metric name are taken into consideration.
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin may be used to check space usage of the Hana database from the System Monitoring metric data.
The main used case for this plugin is to allow an operator to check that the space usage of the HANA database is < than 90%.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring. The HANA DB Space metrics name are taken into consideration.
Output Result:
Possible Errors: Metrics are not active for scope. No current monitoring metrics for HDB Disk usage found for database <DBSID>
Purpose: This activity plugin may be used to check HANA Used Memory from the System Monitoring metric data.
The main used case for this plugin is to allow an operator to check that the used memory of the HANA database is < than 90%
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring. The HANA used memory metric name are taken into consideration.
Output Result:
Purpose: To check the overall CPU utilization on all hosts of the managed systems from the System Monitoring metric data.
This activity shall be used for the health check gps to check that the overall CPU utilization on all hosts of the managed systems for the last days is below 70%.
Prerequisites: The monitoring metric cited below should be active for the current scope: CPU_UTILIZATION_5MIN
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring. The CPU usage metrics name are taken into consideration.
Output Result:
Purpose: To check disk usage on the hosts of the managed systems.
Data can be displayed in graphic and log message.
Prerequisites: None
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source:
Output Result:
Possible Errors:
Purpose: To check the top CPU processes running on the hosts of the managed systems. Get and analysis usage percent of top CPU process, then display them within graphic and log message.
Prerequisites: This plugin is for Technical Systems, Database and Hosts.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: The CPU process data is retrieved via Host Agent Data provider
Output Result:
Possible Errors: Cannot Get Data from Agent
Purpose: This activity plugin may be used to check JAVA Instance Availability from the System Monitoring metric data.
The main used case for this plugin is to allow an operator to check that the JAVA Instance is still not available before performing any further investigation within the guided procedure. This activity plugin can also be added at the end of the guided procedure to check if the action performed to solve the JAVA Instance Availability was successful.
Design Time Attributes: No Design time attribute can be defined for this health check
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring. The JAVA Instance Availability metrics name are taken into consideration.
Output Result:
Purpose: This activity plugin may be used to check JAVA System Availability from the System Monitoring metric data.
The main used case for this plugin is to allow an operator to check that the JAVA System is still not available before performing any further investigation within the guided procedure. This activity plugin can also be added at the end of the guided procedure to check if the action performed to solve the JAVA System Availability was successful.
Design Time Attributes: No Design time attribute can be defined for this health check
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring. The JAVA System availability metrics name are taken into consideration.
Output Result:
Purpose: To list outages recorded by Service Availability Management
Prerequisites: The managed system objects must have an active service definition in SAM.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source:
Output Result:
Display upcoming planned downtimes
Design Time Attributes:
o List planned downtimes for Next n weeks
o Show Dates and Times in Time Zone: Enter the time zone that is to be used to display dates and times.
Data Source:
Work Mode Management
The result is displayed in a table that shows the start and end of the planned downtime, the duration in minutes, the category, and the reason.
You can use this plug in to retrieve and scan log errors that are generated by the SAP ASE database in file /$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/server_name.log. The plug in enables you to customize the location of the log file.
This plug in works for systems with SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database
Design Time Attributes
Define the following attributes for the plug in:
- TODAY (current day from 00:00)
- XXm (last XX minutes)
- XXh (last XX hours)
- XXd (last XX days, including a full day)
- YESTERDAY (previous full day)
- CURRENT_WEEK (from Monday 00:00 to now)
- LAST_WEEK (from Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59)
Data Source
The plug performs a call to the SDA of the database host to scan the log file(s)
The result is displayed as a table containing the severity, error number, state, and message.
Purpose: To check whether the ASE Job Scheduler is running from the System Monitoring metric data.
Design Time Attributes: No Design time attribute can be defined for this health check.
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring. The Job Scheduler metrics name are taken into consideration.
Output Result:
Possible Errors: SAP ASE DB Job Scheduler Status : <x>, Job Scheduler is not running
Purpose: To check long running processes of the SAP ASE Database
This plugin works only for Sybase database.
The monitoring metrics cited below should be active for the current scope:
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring.
Output Result:
Possible Errors:
Purpose: This activity plugin may be used to check the space usage of the sybase database from the System Monitoring metric data.
The main used case for this plugin is to allow an operator to check that the space usage of the Sybase database is < than 90%.
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: Data is retrieved from system monitoring. The Log / Data metrics name are taken into consideration.
Output Result:
Possible Errors: Used Database for at least one Database is above 0 %.
Purpose: To check all OS processes started by SAPControl framework for a given technical system.
Prerequisites: This plugin is only for ABAP and HANA technical systems.
Design Time Attributes: No design time parameter required..
Data Source: Data is retrieved using the SAP Control source.
Output Result:
Purpose: To display the status of Simple Diagnostics Agents belonging to system or database. This is a prerequisite for most of the following troubleshooting activities.
Prerequisites: This plug-in is for Technical Systems, Database and Hosts.
Design Time Attributes: No design time parameters required
Data Source: Data is retrieved from the Simple Diagnostics Agent.
Output Result:
Purpose: To check the status of specific ABAP users in managed System for all clients.
Prerequisites: This plug-in works for ABAP systems
Design Time Attributes:
Data Source: Data is retrieved using RFC data provider
Output Result:
SAP Focused Run 4.0 FP02
SAP Focused Run 4.0 FP01
SAP Focused Run 4.0 SP00
SAP Focused Run 3.0 FP03