Maintenance Certificate Management
The Maintenance Certificate Management in SAP Focused Run provides an overview about the managed systems which are relevant for license distribution.
The Maintenance Certificate Management in SAP Focused Run provides an overview about the managed systems which are relevant for license distribution.
In the UI of the Maintenance Certificate Management the status regarding available as well as installed product licenses and maintenance certificates is displayed. Further license information can be downloaded, and license distribution can be maintained. Relevant systems for license distribution are of type ABAP, Java, and HanaDB and have lifecycle status ‘active'. The lifecycle status can be checked in Landscape Management (LMDB). An active lifecycle status is the result of a successful configuration of the managed system in Simple System Integration (SSI).
The Maintenance Certificate Management application is divided into two areas:
Gives an overview of all relevant managed systems including license status, configuration data, and product information. Selecting one or more systems in the list offers different actions on the selected system(s).
License information about the selected system and processing logs are displayed in the corresponding tabs of this area:
The system list area gives an overview of the managed systems. License distribution is supported for systems of type “Application Server ABAP” and “Application Server Java”. For systems of type “SAP HANA Database” the data is displayed as information only.
Since SAP Focused Run 3.0 FP03 the system overview lists systems that were filtered by input field Customer ID.
The possible actions depend on the authorizations which actions the user has. For more details see section authorization below.
The system list has following columns.
Type | Description |
White | No information about maintenance contract |
Green | Valid maintenance contract |
Red | No maintenance contract |
Type | Description |
White | No data available |
Green | License status is valid |
Red | License status is invalid |
Type | Description |
White | No data available |
Green | Maintenance status is valid |
Yellow | Maintenance status is within 30 days of expiry |
Red | Maintenance status is invalid |
Type | Description |
White | No data available |
Green | License status is valid |
Red | License status is invalid |
Type | Description |
White | No data available |
Green | Maintenance status is valid |
Yellow | Maintenance status is within 30 days of expiry |
Red | Maintenance status is invalid |
Received Data from Managed System
This tab shows the detailed license status as reported by the managed system.
Tab: Received Data from Managed System
Received Data from SAP Support Backbone
This is a list of available licenses which were retrieved from the SAP Support Backbone.
Tab: Received Data from SAP Support Backbone
The latest log messages of the license retrieval and distribution process.
Tab: Log Messages
The authorization object FRN_LIC only has the field ACTVT that defines general access authorization of the user to the license management.
Users that have Execute permission also have Display permission.
Available actions sorted by permission:
For troubleshooting information, please check the Maintenance Certificate Management Troubleshooting page.