Notification Management

Notification Management in SAP Focused Run enables automated notifications. Notifications can be sent by the user manually or can be scheduled to be sent automatically upon a trigger or event.


  1. Different modes like SMS or Email
  2. Manual notification allows to select recipients from the already maintained recipient list or enter email ids or phone numbers.
  3. Different text areas to compose emails and SMS. Rich text editor for emails helps to send out rich content.
  4. Confirmation receipt

Notification Use Cases

  • Alert Management: Used to send manual notification from an individual alert or to schedule automatic notification based on alert status.
  • Real User Management Notification
  • Work Modes: used to send manual notification to inform about a work mode instantly or to schedule a notification before the start of the work modes.Shell based instant/manual notification: towards the bottom left corner of the shell you can find a mail icon. This can be clicked to send manual notification to recipients defined in recipient lists/systems or any other email id. No content is pre-filled when the notification screen opens.

Notification Repository

You can access all notification content in the tile group Alert & Notification Management -> Notification Management.

Here you can find the following menu entries:

  1. Recipient Lists: they work like distribution lists which collects emails/phone numbers to be used for notification.
  2. Templates: Content of an automated email or SMS can be maintained here.
  3. Schedules: When to send an automated notification is maintained here. Examples are ‘1 hour before the work mode'; ‘1 day before the work mode' etc.
  4. Configurations: The connection between template, schedule, recipient list and systems are done here. This is an important step for automatic notification.

Data Separation

  • Recipient List
    • Customer Dependent: To limit the notification inside a customer network, you can assign customer networks. The customer network drop down will contain all the customer networks assigned to the user. You can key-in email ids or SMS phone numbers of the recipients
    • Customer Independent: to distribute notifications across customer network, one can assign it as a customer independent recipient list. This can be done by checking the checkbox – Customer independent. You will be able to add users defined in transaction SU01. This action can be performed only by super administrators or users who has access to all customer networks.
  • Templates: it is possible to assign a template as customer independent or not.
  • Configuration: They are always assigned to a customer network. You will be able to see the customer networks assigned to you.
    • Technical Components: Once you select a customer network, you will see a filtered list of technical components(managed systems) in the drop down.
    • Templates: you will be able to see templates assigned to your customer network and all the customer independent templates.
    • Recipient Lists: you will be able to see recipient lists assigned to your customer network and all the customer independent recipient lists.
  • Alert Notifications: Recipient lists to be used in alerting are saved in a notification variant. During the definition of a notification variant it is not possible to check the recipient list's customer network against the managed object's customer network. To ensure that notifications are sent out to the correct recipients, there is a programmatic check to filter out recipient lists which does not fall in the customer network of the managed object.


Configuration Steps

  1. Create Recipient List
  2. Create Templates
    1. You select the application to be used, this will bring up the right set of keywords to be used in the mail template.
    2. Search for templates: searches templates with a given name
    3. Toolbar: filtering allows you to filter based on notification mode and customer network. Create/Edit/Copy/Delete buttons are available for respective functions.
  3. Edit the Template and fill with the respective information:
    1. Title
    2. Mode – Email or SMS
    3. Subject of the Email
    4. Body of the Email. You can use the keywords in the left side to compose the email. The ‘suggest' button gives you a default template. You can use the ‘preview' button at the bottom of the screen to preview the content. HTML upload: allows you to upload a rich content email template.
  4. Create configurations
    1. Select the application/customer network to be used
    2. Select the work mode type, whether it is for planned down time or peak business hours.
    3. Systems for which the configuration is to be done
    4. Template to be used
    5. Schedules to be used
    6. Recipient list

Examples for usage:

  • To send out emails for all CRM systems of a particular network for all planned downtimes
  • To send out emails for all ERP systems of a particular network for all peak business hours



Yes, recipient lists attached to a notification variant can be transported. Only the Recipient list name and GUID will be transported.
