The technics described in the document are intended to workaround a Selenium IDE limitation. They may not apply to all Shadow DOM cases.
The DOM is a hierarchical representation (tree) describing the elements (nodes) that compose a web page. This is used by the browser to render the web page (i.e. the web UI). A shadow DOM is a technology allowing to "hide" DOM trees in another DOM tree. The document tree (top level DOM) can encapsulate several shadow trees. Shadow trees themselves can encapsulate other shadow trees.
In both cases, the nodes in a shadow tree are not directly accessible from their parent tree. The parent only "sees" the shadow host node: the node the shadow root is attached to.
To perform actions on a web application, the Selenium IDE requires to identify the "target" for the action. Yet the Selenium IDE supports different method to identify the target (XPATH, ID, CSS, ...), it always search in the document tree. If an application UI uses shadow DOM, the elements in the shadow tree won't be accessible to the Selenium IDE: it won't be able to perform actions on them.
Here is a procedure to easily determine if some elements of an application web page, are in a shadow tree - i.e. not accessible to the Selenium IDE (the below explanations correspond to a Chrome browser, but most modern web browsers propose similar functionalities).
In the "Elements" tree hierarchy, the shadow root nodes are identified with a "#shadow-root" node. If the selected element node is under such a "#shadow-root" node, then the selected element belongs a shadow tree and the Selenium IDE won't be able to access it.
The Selenium IDE cannot directly reach elements in a shadow tree. However, if the shadow root is open, it's possible to access such elements via a piece of Javascript.
In Javascript, it's possible to select the shadow host element and, from it, access the attached shadow root element. From the shadow root, it's then possible to access the elements in the corresponding shadow tree.
For instance (in the above sample screenshot):
Such a javascript expression cannot be used in most of the Selenium IDE commands.
However, the Selenium IDE has a special command to execute a piece of Javascript: the "execute script" command.
In this command, you can use the javascript expression selecting the element in the shadow tree and perform an action on it.
Some actions may not be possible but simple ones like Click or Type, are possible.
For instance, to click the button from the previous example, you can create the following Selenium IDE command:
Command | execute script |
Target | document.querySelector("#shellbar").shadowRoot.querySelector("button[data-ui5-stable='menu']").click(); |
Value |
Unlike the Selenium "wait" commands, the "execute script" command does not provide retry capability.
Therefore, if the element is not available when the command is attempted, the command will fail and the script execution will be interrupted.
A solution is to implement the wait functionality directly in the executed script.
And to make sure the rendering of the monitored web page is not blocked, the Selenium IDE command to use is "execute async script".
Here are some possible expressions to handle "wait for element" commands.
Here is an example waiting for 30s for the element to exist:
return new Promise(function(ok,ko) {
// will try to find the element every "intervalTime" milliseconds with a maximum of "max" attempts
const max=60;
const intervalTime=500;
let counter=0;
let interval = setInterval( function(){
let element = null;
// try to find the element
element = document.querySelector("#shellbar").shadowRoot.querySelector("button[data-ui5-stable='menu']");
} catch(e) {};
if (element != null) {
// if found, stop the loop and indicate that the wait was successful
} else {
// if not found after "max" attempts, stop the loop and indicate that the wait failed
if(counter >= max){
}, intervalTime);
}).then(arguments[arguments.length - 1],arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
Here is what would look like the Selenium IDE command to use (with a one-line Javascript expression similar to the above code -- remark: Selenium "execute" commands support multiline expression but they don't support the comment lines):
Command | execute asynch script |
Target | return new Promise(function(ok,ko) {const max=60;const iTime=500;let cnt=0;let i=setInterval(function(){cnt++;let elem=null;try{elem=document.querySelector("#shellbar").shadowRoot.querySelector("button[data-ui5-stable='menu']");}catch(e){};if(elem!=null){clearInterval(i);ok("success");}else{if(cnt>=max){clearInterval(i);ko("failed");}};},iTime);}).then(arguments[arguments.length-1],arguments[arguments.length-1]); |
Value |
Here is an example waiting for 30s for the element to be visible:
return new Promise(function(ok,ko) {
// will try to find the element every "intervalTime" milliseconds with a maximum of "max" attempts
const max=60;
const intervalTime=500;
let counter=0;
let interval = setInterval( function(){
let element = null;
// try to find the element
element = document.querySelector("#shellbar").shadowRoot.querySelector("button[data-ui5-stable='menu']");
} catch(e) {};
if ((element != null) && !(window.getComputedStyle(element).display === "none")) {
// if found and is visible, stop the loop and indicate that the wait was successful
} else {
// if not found after "max" attempts, stop the loop and indicate that the wait failed
if(counter >= max){
}, intervalTime);
}).then(arguments[arguments.length - 1],arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
Here is what would look like the Selenium IDE command to use (with a one-line Javascript expression similar to the above code - remark: Selenium "execute" commands support multiline expression but they don't support the comment lines):
Command | execute asynch script |
Target | return new Promise(function(ok,ko) {const max=60;const iTime=500;let cnt=0;let i=setInterval(function(){cnt++;let elem=null;try{elem=document.querySelector("#shellbar").shadowRoot.querySelector("button[data-ui5-stable='menu']");}catch(e){};if((elem!=null)&&!(window.getComputedStyle(elem).display==="none")){clearInterval(i);ok("success");}else{if(cnt>=max){clearInterval(i);ko("failed");}};},iTime);}).then(arguments[arguments.length-1],arguments[arguments.length-1]); |
Value |
An easy way to create a Selenium IDE script is to use the recording capability.
However, the Selenium IDE cannot record actions on elements in a shadow tree.
In this case, you can:
And you can repeat the steps 2 to 4 each time a shadow tree element is involved.