Real User Monitoring Troubleshooting
This page contains some hints for troubleshooting when for example some pages or views are empty.
This page contains some hints for troubleshooting when for example some pages or views are empty.
As starting point you should classify the problem:
Is the configuration for managed system executed?
Is the communication arrangement for scenario SAP_COM_0527 created and :
Are the scheduled jobs running?
Problems during setup, data collection or push are logged in application log.
Wrong time zone settings might be the reason for missing data.
Execute report RSDBTIME or TZCUSTHELP. If they report an issue like
ERROR: ABAP system timezone setting inconsistent!
ABAP system timezone (DB table TTZCU) is: CET
This is inconsistent with date and time of ABAP-Processor and database!
System time zone or UTC timer is incorrect.
Correct the time zone settings for that system(client).