Configure the Integration with SAP Automation Pilot


Prerequisite for using SAP Automation Pilot with Operations Automation are the following:

  • You have subscribed to the SAP Automation Pilot Service.
  • You would like to trigger either own  or predefined Automation Pilot commands from SAP BTP Event in SAP Cloud ALM.
  • You have created a service user in the  SAP Automation Pilot service with read and execute permissions as explained here.
  • You know the SAP Automation Pilot API Base URL. It is visible in SAP Automation Pilot under "API".
  • You know the SAP Automation Pilot Tenant Id and Tenant URL. These properties are  visible in SAP Automation Pilot under "User".



Define an endpoint to the SAP Automation Pilot tenant

An end point in SAP Cloud ALM Landscape Management pointing to the SAP Automation Pilot tenant  is required to request the list of commands, trigger a new executions and check the status of executions. Proceed as follows to create the endpoint:

Define an Automation Pilot cloud service in Landscape Management

If the Automation Pilot service is already known to Landscape Management, skip these steps and proceed directly with the end point creation. Otherwise, define the Autopilot cloud service as below:

  1. Open SAP Cloud ALM Landscape Management
  2. Select Add
  3. Enter the Automation Pilot tenant name into fields Name and Tenant ID.
    You can find the Tenant ID in SAP Automation Pilot. Select "User" in left pane.
  4. Enter any description
  5. Select Cloud Service Type "SAP Automation Pilot"
  6. Select the correct tenant type (Production, Test, Development)
  7. Enter the Tenant URL into field root url. 
    You can find the Tenant URL in SAP Automation Pilot. Select "User" in left pane.
  8. Select Save

Add an endpoint

  1. Open SAP Cloud ALM Landscape Management.
  2. Select the relevant cloud service of type "SAP Automation Pilot".
  3. Select the endpoints tab.
  4. Select Add.
  5. Enter the following data:
  • Use Case:  Operations Automation.
  • Enter the SAP Automation Pilot API Base URL into field Root URL. Overwrite the existing Root URL if required. You can find the Base URL in SAP Automation Pilot. Select "API" in left pane.
  • Enter  /api/v1/executions into the Connection Test Path. 
  • Select Authentication type:  Basic Authentication.
  • Enter the service user name including account prefix (T....) and the password.

6.  Select Save

Register operation flow definitions

The registration step is required to make the relevant Automation Pilot commands  known to SAP Cloud ALM for Operations as Operation Flows.

Perform the following for each Automation Pilot command that should be triggered  automatically from SAP Cloud ALM for Operations.

  1. Select the Operations Automation tile
  2. Select "Register Operation Flow → Automation Pilot
  3. Select the command id that should be triggered.
  4. Assign use case Health Monitoring.
  5. If the command execution requires additionally an Input Reference, select the correct input reference
  6. Select Ok

As a result, the new Automation Pilot command will appear in the list of registered operation flows.


Input Mapping and Definition of Input References 

The SAP Automation Pilot command that is triggered from SAP Cloud ALM might require a set of input values.

The following input values are transferred from the triggering SAP BTP event automatically to the SAP Automation Pilot command:

  • region
  • resourceName
  • subAccount
  • resourceGroup
  • resourceInstance
  • resourceType
  • subject 
  • eventTimestamp
  • body

If the  Automation Pilot command requires additional input values, you need to define an input  in the Automation Pilot containing the required name-value pairs and register the command together with the correct input  in SAP Cloud ALM