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Intelligent Event Processing Rules
Create a new Event Processing Rule
Log on to your SAP Cloud ALM tenant
Navigate to 'SAP Cloud ALM for Operations' → 'Intelligent Event Processing'
Click the '+' button to add a new rule
Rule Information:
Name: Enter a name
Status: Set the rule to 'Active' by sliding the lever from red to green
Click on 'Step 2'
Type: Select the event source from the drop down list
The subsequent fields in this step depend on the event type. Find details in the table below.
Click on 'Step 3'
Actions Type: Select the desired action
Send Email: Enter the email address in the field 'Email Id'. You can add more than one email address. The receiver must be a verified receiver known in Notification Management of SAP Cloud ALM.
Start Operation Flow: Select the operation flow from the input help. You can only start one operation flow per event rule.
Click the Save button to save the event processing rule
Please note: If you create more than one rule for the same event, all event rules that match the event will be processed.
Filter Attributes for Different Event Types
Please find a table with the different filter attributes per event type in SAP Help.
Activate / Deactivate Event Processing Rules
Log on to your SAP Cloud ALM tenant
Navigate to 'SAP Cloud ALM for Operations' → 'Intelligent Event Processing'
Adjust the lever in the column 'Status' for the event rule which you want to activate/deactivate
Maintain Event Processing Rules
Log on to your SAP Cloud ALM tenant
Navigate to 'SAP Cloud ALM for Operations' → 'Intelligent Event Processing'
Select the rule you want to change
Click the pen button to change the rule
Adjust the fields you want to change
Save your changes
Delete Event Processing Rules
Log on to your SAP Cloud ALM tenant
Navigate to 'SAP Cloud ALM for Operations' → 'Intelligent Event Processing'