Project Tracking and Overview
Project Overview
In the project progress reporting app, you can view summarized reports about the project progress by phases or deliverables in terms of completed and remaining tasks. For sprints, you can view the project progress in terms of tasks or story points.
Project leads can constantly monitor project wise status of tasks, requirements, features, testing and defects resolution on overview page. Based on those measurements project leads can evaluate status of the project and maintain it in the project app.
The status appears in the 'Project' card where you also get a quick overview of overall task completion status, current phase and its end date.
Here you can review the overall progress of your project in terms of the task completion percentage. Progress of task completion per phase gives an overview of phase progress.
Only 5 of all active phases are displayed in the card. To review the complete list, their progress and to drill down further, click on the card header to navigate to the ‘Project Progress Report' detailed analytical page.
Project progress report shows progress in terms of task completion for phases, sprints and deliverables.
You can filter the report for scopes, tasks types, priorities teams and user types. Partners can select user type 'partner' to show progress on their side and 'Employee' to see the progress of tasks that are lying with their customer.
The report outlines total planned tasks, completed tasks and remaining tasks as well as phase wise distribution. Click on the chart icon on the upper right corner to get see the burn down chart of planned remaining tasks versus actual remaining tasks as of today.
If you are using agile methodology for your projects, a sprint wise task progress report can be viewed and shared. Here you can get in detail, planned v/s remaining tasks in terms of number of tasks or story points.
Click on the 'Deliverables' tab if you want to view how your deliverables are progressing. Here you get progress of deliverables in terms of percentage of completed tasks, you can also view the remaining tasks per deliverable.
Project leads need to constantly keep track of status of tasks distributed to team members. They need to identify which tasks need attention so that they can contact assignees and help setting priority.
Today Card
'Today' card on overview page highlights critical indicators for a project which calls for attention. You can click on the numbers or rows to drill down to details in the corresponding application.
You can select 'Me' or 'My Roles' to see if any of tasks assigned to you or your roles need your attention.
Tasks and Sub Tasks Cards
With the 'Tasks' card you can review tasks progress by different task types, by it's priority and by it's status.
The card filters down tasks further to selection of Tags, Timebox, Team, Assigned to and Workstreams in the page filters. You can click on individual colored segments to view detailed list in task application.
Upcoming Tasks
This card shows the list preview of tasks that are coming up next, ordered by the due date. It shows the tasks that are overdue at the top so that you can directly click on it from here and work on them.
Task Distribution Card
This card on overview page gives you an increased visibility and comparative view of status of tasks that are assigned to different Scopes, Teams, Assignees and Workstreams
Card can display on 5 teams or scope for a given project. You can view the complete list in Task Distribution standalone page by clicking on the card header.
In this full view page, with the help of filters you can find answers to your further drill down questions. For example, you can filter this list to find how different teams are performing with the tasks in Realize Phase. Which teams/scopes have ‘High Priority' tasks still in Open state?