Digital Badge - What To Do Next

Congratulations! You have completed the Learning Program and successfully passed the web assessment. You have earned a SAP Knowledge Badge*

*Knowledge Badges are SAP open digital badges issued for acquiring knowledge (e.g. by completing an openSAP course or an e–learning in SAP Learning Hub). ​ Proof you have understood the course content by passing an assessment. 

Definition of a Digital Badge

What is an open digital badge and why use it?

An SAP open digital badge offers a visual representation and confirmation of your specific achievement.

You can promote your proficiency in using SAP open digital badges, alongside traditional qualifications and professional accreditation. These digital badges help making your learning accomplishments visible and verifiable to anyone and everyone and give you a competitive advantage and trusted validation in the market.

Digital badges represent an achieved SAP learning offering, and make learning achievements visible.

Share your open digital badge across professional online networks, your signature and the exclusive digital badge directory for greatest exposure. 

How To Claim The Badge

How do I get my digital badge​?

Once you meet the criteria, which means for this Learning Program completing the course and successfully passing the web assessment, you will automatically be issued your digital badge and receive an email* that you've earned an open digital badge.

*Please note that it may take about one week until the digital badge has been issued and you receive the email notification.

After that, you can do the following: SAP uses Credly‘s Acclaim badging platform to issue badges.

You will need to register once and create your account in order to view and manage your badges.
After signing in, you can view your digital badge.
Now, you can accept your pending digital badge by clicking “Accept.”

Watch this video for a demo how to accept and share your badge. 

How To Share The Badge

How can I use my open digital badge​?

Promote your achievements! Share your open digital badge across professional online networks, and the exclusive digital badge directory for greatest exposure. 

More details:

Sharing: You can share your badge on social media like LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. The badge icon can also be added to your email signature. You can also embed it into your own web page or save it locally as a PDF print version. ​

Profile: Next to the „standard sharing options “, SAP automatically shows your badges in your Learner Profile in SAP Learning Hub and in the One Public Profile on in case you enable the feature to make your badges visible to others. By allowing this, other users will have a better overview about who you are when they interact with you, e.g. in blogs or discussions on SAP's help portal. ​

Directory: Get the maximum transparency by joining the directory feature in order to be found by others based on your skills, badges or other search options. 


You can share your digital badge by:

• Connecting to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or XING and sharing your badge (connect to your personal accounts through your Acclaim profile to streamline sharing.

• Copying the unique code for the digital badge for embedding the badge on a personal Web site

• Copying the unique URL for the digital badge for pasting into e-mails, other digital documents, or community Web sites, including expert communities such as SAP Learning Rooms

• E-mailing your digital badge to a contact or employer

• Downloading the image of your badge for use in a resume or an e-mail signature

• Downloading a printable copy of your achievement