Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
This section provides you with knowledge and information on organizational requirements and aspects, helping you shape your organization's structures towards a digital future. Discover how to identify and establish the right set-up for your enterprise in order to implement a new digital core or find out how SAP outlined its guidelines with regards to new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence.
If you’re ready to move to SAP S/4HANA Cloud then SAP is ready to help, starting here, with our view on organizational readiness of the business and enterprise IT to ensure your successful transition. With the help of this whitepaper, you’ll gain a better understanding of the initial parameters and principles when starting your discovery journey for SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Through the right preparation of your organization, the digital transformation of your business model onto SAP S/4HANA Cloud will be a success.
Customer Organizational Readiness for SAP S/4HANA Cloud
There is a consensus among practitioners that the lack of alignment between business and IT strategies is one of the main reasons why companies fail to realize the full potential for their IT investments. Although it may seem trivial, business and IT alignment remain one of the key challenges organizations worldwide are faced with. To support SAP customers to bridge the gap between business management and their IT department, SAP provides services designed to help companies build a Customer Center of Expertise (Customer COE).
Please check this proven methodology of SAP based on the Customer COE capability framework:
Customer COE - Strategy, Governance and Organization
Discover Organizational Change Management for SAP Cloud ProjectsOverview
This learning journey will explain how organizational change management can contribute to the success of your SAP cloud project.
Learning objectives
At the end of this learning journey, project leads and change managers can assess the organizational change management need for their SAP cloud project and initiate the first steps. You will be able to describe people-related challenges of cloud projects and the benefits of organizational change management. You can identify organizational change management challenges and capabilities and transfer SAP’s organizational change management approach to your cloud project.
Open Learning Journey Discover Organizational Change Management for SAP Cloud Projects
This guide will help IT professionals to oversee fusion development projects featuring low-code technology in combination with classical programming. Fusion development can refer to one developer using the right tools to get the job done or to a team of different developers with various technical skills working together with experts from other areas of the business, such as process experts, data scientists, security officers and others. In particular, this guide explores how you manage collaboration between application developers and key users, also known as citizen developers or business experts, within fusion development projects.
How to Govern a Fusion Development Program and SAP Build Center of Excellence
This guide helps IT professionals guide the ideation stage of fusion development projects on SAP Business Technology Platform. You will discover how to assess and select use cases wisely – as you begin to manage collaboration between application developers and key users, also known as citizen developers or business experts. The guidance provided will be especially useful to: IT administrators and center of expertise operators responsible for systems and users of SAP BTP, especially SAP Build Code and SAP Build, Application developers and key users who need to understand the drivers for complexity of their use case ideas at an introductory level, BTP solution architects that need an easy way to introduce use case considerations to business collaborators, Anyone involved in low-code and fusion development governance
How-To-Guide: How To Ideate Use Cases for Fusion Development with SAP Business Technology Platform
This document helps you plan and set up your landscape and your lifecycle management for running applications on SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). It contains best practices and recommendations for planning development projects – from setting up the correct organizational structure to creating an account and security model, to developing and operating applications.
Best Practices for SAP Business Technology Platform
Read how hyperautomation can turn your staff into citizen developers by combining business process management, robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, and visual features that require no coding experience (incl. Use Cases and best practices of several SAP Customers).
The Way Ahead with Hyperautomation
The notion of DevOps is often linked to mindset, culture, and collaboration, but beneath these aspects one needs tools and guidance that enable efficient development and operations.
SAP Business Technology Platform offers a rich set of DevOps-related services supporting the development and operations of cloud-native and hybrid solutions. Start your DevOps journey around SAP Business Technology Platform.
The DevOps community page harmonizes all existing DevOps information and offerings at SAP. There, you can find the latest blogs, Q&A, examples, and further resources.
Apply DevOps principles in your application development on SAP Business Technology Platform. Here you will find content that helps you gain a general understanding of the topic.
Get an overview of CI/CD, discover SAP solutions that help you apply it, and find links to further information. Get started with continuous integration and delivery and SAP solutions for CI/CD.
This guide is the starting point for setting up application lifecycle management for your specific use case, business, and IT landscape. It contains recommendations and best practices that give you an overview of what you should consider when planning development projects on SAP Business Technology Platform. It does not contain specific task descriptions, but does include links to step-by-step instructions when required.
If you're an architect or a development project lead, this guide helps you plan your organizational setup and your account and security model. It has an overview of processes, tools, and services available for developing and operating applications.
If you're an administrator or developer, this guide supports you in defining the correct methodologies and tools for your development project on SAP Business Technology Platform.
The Planning and Lifecycle Management Guide will enable you to:
SAP Business Technology Platform Planning & Lifecycle Management Guide
Cloud innovation promises to deliver speed, productivity, scalability, and business impact. But getting the most value from cloud software is not always clear. It’s even more challenging when your business needs to deploy new systems while maintaining continuity.
SAP Activate provides the solution with Innovation as a Service: a clear process of structured and solution-specific practices, carried out in a standardized environment, for your business to choose how to adopt and extend new and differentiating capabilities across your organization. A self-service approach keeps you in control of when and where you push innovations into the business. Ready-to-run business processes are more than a jump-start to cloud solutions − they are a foundation to deliver new innovations on a continuous basis. Gain new ways to adopt and extend the full benefits of cloud solutions across your business, delivering greater value through faster innovation when and where you need it most. Innovation as a Service delivers fast, business-driven setup, configured to meet your needs, that cuts through complexity.
Learn how SAP Activate delivers digital intelligence at cloud speed to help you run at your best.
Customer COE in SAP Activate Methodology for RISE with SAP, PCE
SAP Activate Methodology for Various Solutions (S-User required)
SAP Activate Methodology - Overview
For avoidance of doubt, all of the tasks and services itemized in this Roles & Responsibilities document are provided as a catalog of services. However, the relevance and necessity of each individual task or service will be unique to each customer's SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud Computing Environment. Customers are responsible to review and analyze these tasks and make the selection of such tasks/services in collaboration with the assigned SAP HEC Cloud Architect Advisor ("CAA"), or with their SAP Client Delivery Manager ("CDM").
SAP believes that Artificial Intelligence has the potential to unlock boundless potential for businesses, governments, and society. However, AI may also create economic, political, and societal challenges, depending upon how it is used and implemented. Our brand-new SAP AI Ethics Handbook guides how to apply the SAP AI Policy. This policy therefore governs the development, deployment, use, and sale of AI systems at SAP, by defining clear rules of ethics that are aligned with SAP’s established guiding principles for AI and its core organizational values. The policy covers essential elements which are vital to build trust in AI solutions, such as transparency and explainability, human agency and oversight, addressing bias and discrimination as well as civic society. Read the SAP AI Ethics Handbook.
SAP focuses on developing artificial intelligence (AI) to improve people’s lives by helping protect the environment and build fairer societies. Recognizing the significant impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on people, our customers, and society, SAP designed guiding principles to steer the development and deployment of our AI software to help the world run better and improve people’s lives. For us, these guidelines are a commitment to move beyond what is legally required and to begin a deep and continuous engagement with the wider ethical and socio-economic challenges of AI. We look forward to expanding our conversations with customers, partners, employees, legislative bodies, and civil society and to making our guiding principles an evolving reflection of these discussions and the ever changing technological landscape.
SAP believes that Artificial Intelligence has the potential to unlock boundless potential for businesses, governments, and society. However, AI may also create economic, political, and societal challenges, depending upon how it is used and implemented. Our brand-new SAP Global AI Ethics Policy therefore governs the development, deployment, use, and sale of AI systems at SAP, by defining clear rules of ethics that are aligned with SAP’s established guiding principles for AI and its core organizational values. The policy covers essential elements which are vital to build trust in AI solutions, such as transparency and explainability, human agency and oversight, addressing bias and discrimination as well as civic society.
Learn more about the SAP Services and Support Portfolio. Find an overview, a deep dive into specific customer scenarios, or guidance on choosing the right offerings to meet your needs.
The eBook not only states the highlights of SAP’s service and support portfolio, but also provides a clear overview of applications in actual customer scenarios. In six exemplary customer scenarios, the document illustrates how customers can use their SAP solutions and services as efficiently as possible to achieve optimal results and drive innovation forward more quickly.
The most important customer scenarios on the way to the cloud with SAP S/4HANA include transformation strategies, RISE with SAP, Business AI, the SAP Business Technology Platform, SaaS and integration scenarios, and hybrid operations.
As Hybrid System Landscapes become more of a reality for an increasing number of our customers, we at SAP have devised numerous guides in order to help your IT and entire organization with challenges such as maintenance and operations in a hybrid environment. Topics covered are Interface Management, Landscape Management or Process and Data Integration, amongst various others.
Learn how the clean core strategy and the extensibility model described in this paper support this objective: Enabling customers of SAP S/4HANA Cloud to extend where needed, but still allowing for smooth system upgrades and handling of system extensions.
Clean core extensibility for SAP S/4HANA Cloud
Application and technology landscapes continue to evolve rapidly. Businesses face a mix of different technologies and applications that come with their own, individual integration needs. How do you overcome these integration challenges and drive growth and innovation to future-proof your business? SAP’s holistic integration strategy for both SAP and third-party software will guide and support you through your transformation journey.
Integrate to Innovate SAP’s Integration Strategy White Paper
End-to-end business processes in the Intelligent Enterprise span across SAP’s Intelligent Suite, partner and third party solutions. SAP introduced distinct suite qualities that facilitate a seamless out-of-the-box integration of our Intelligent Suite, including enhancements by partner solutions. Open integration further allows us to connect any third party solutions. The SAP One Domain Model will enable easy out-of-the-box integration and simplify the development of customer, partner and third party extensions.
SAP’s Integration Roadmap in the Cloud
This CIO Guide represents a step on the way toward SAP’s long-term vision for integration, as it is described in "CIO Guide: SAP Vision for Integrating SAP Applications in Cloud and Hybrid Environments.” It is snapshot of where process and data integration in hybrid environments is now.
SAP pursues the goal of making integration in the cloud and hybrid landscapes easy and simple. This guide provides guidance on when to use which integration technology in a hybrid integration landscape. It describes the three pillars of SAP’s integration strategy – the API-first approach, SAP Business Technology Platform Integration as the strategic platform, and the integration solution advisory methodology – in detail and provides information about some of the latest developments.
After a detailed introduction to the integration solution advisory methodology, the guide provides guidance on when to use which integration technology in a hybrid integration landscape. For process integration, it guides integration architects when to use SAP Business Technology Platform Integration, when to use SAP Process Orchestration, and when to either combine both or one of them with additional technologies. These considerations extend from application-to-application (A2A) integration to the equally important field of business-to-business (B2B) integration, including a concise introduction to the SAP Ariba® Cloud Integration Gateway. Data integration with SAP Data Hub as the new central point, as well as new approaches to automating process integration, such as integration automation and the integration content advisor, are also covered.
CIO Guide: Process and Data Integration in Hybrid Landscapes
Integration has become the key enabler and competitive differentiator for intelligent enterprises. In the paper “Intelligent Enterprises Are Integrated Enterprises,” SAP has outlined its strategy and road map toward an integrated intelligent suite along end-to-end business processes with a focus on SAP-to-SAP line-of-business (LoB) integration scenarios. Based on SAP® Business Technology Platform, this document1 explains the strategy and provides enterprise and integration architects detailed guidance on how to evolve their existing integration architecture based on the SAP technology offerings available today. It focuses specifically on integration services used to cover all integration needs in heterogeneous landscapes. In addition, we provide the paper “CIO Guide: SAP’s Hybrid Integration Platform for the Intelligent Enterprise,” a management abstract to accompany this detailed integration architecture guide.
Integration Architecture Guide for Cloud and Hybrid Landscapes
Recommended Security Configurations for SAP Cloud Services:
While the product security guides are comprehensive descriptions of various security parameters and options, we also offer a more condensed list of security recommendation documents for major SAP cloud products. These are focusing on customer-controlled configuration settings in a crisp tabular format. A list of available documents can be found in the following document.
Security recommendations for select SAP cloud products
This CIO guide is about SAP’s approach to identity and access management (IAM) in the context of the identity lifecycle. It explains how IAM software from SAP supports building successful system integrations in cloud and hybrid environments, with diagrams and a reference architecture included for illustration. By using well-established IAM-related industry standards, SAP improves system integration and helps provide a seamless user experience while also helping ensure security and compliance.
Identity Lifecycle in Hybrid Landscapes (Focusing on Identity and Access Management Services)
More and more customers move to the cloud and use Software as a Service (SaaS) applications. But they continue to operate business applications deployed on-premise or at hyperscalers as well. Their IT solutions are hybrid.
Application Lifecycle Management is an important topic for hybrid solutions. Both worlds (cloud and on-premise) have to be brought together.
To scale the knowledge transfer, SAP decided to collect best practices into a series of whitepapers:
Find out about the cooperation between SAP and the Hyperscalers such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google or Alibaba and the various deployment options offered for your organization.
Deployment Models by SAP and Hyperscalers
The guide has been composed by members of SAP product teams, subject-matter experts, and consultants – in collaboration with ASUG (Americas’ SAP User Group) and DSAG (the German-speaking SAP User Group). It has three parts: “Part One” is dedicated to the key decisions to be made when planning your approach to your SAP S/4HANA transition. “Part Two” covers the pivotal elements of a successful project setup. And “Part Three” provides you with the most essential technology knowledge. This guide is not about our product. It’s about you, our customers, and the challenges you face, the decisions you have to make, your aspirations, and your success. Get the expert guidance you need to successfully plan your migration to SAP S/4HANA. Access this practical, condensed, down-to-earth handbook for executives, project managers, decision-makers, and senior IT leaders that summarizes our combined experience from over 5,000 SAP S/4HANA migration projects we’ve seen so far.
Mapping Your Journey to SAP S/4HANA
Operations Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2020
You want to connect your SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC) system to your on premise SAP Solution Manager? As you don’t have OS level access and you cannot install the required agents by yourself, it is not clear to you how to achieve it?
This guide describes the HEC landscape specifics you need to know. It guides you through the process of when to request what from the Technical Landscape Owner (TLO) on HEC side and which information you need to provide the TLO. It is not intended to replace existing guides and descriptions for managed system configuration, technical monitoring setup or any other configuration/customizing activity in SAP Solution Manager.
Connecting a HEC System to an On-Premise SAP Solution Manager
With digital transformation many aspects of business changed. Besides new technology and new opportunities stepping on the stage, running operations is a core topic for COEs. With these resources we at SAP want to help your organization in operating your solutions in cloud or hybrid system landscapes.
This paper analyzes the different operations platforms in the ALM portfolio of SAP. It describes the functional scope with a special focus on managing hybrid landscapes. You will get support for selecting the best-fitting operations platform for your SAP landscape. This gets more and more important for customers on their way becoming Intelligent Enterprises, where multiple cloud solutions and on-premise systems collaborate.
Operations of cloud-centric and hybrid SAP solution landscapes
This blog post provides and refers to a list of Cloud Operations Knowledge Base Articles (KBAs) which address these operations topics, and which have been made available for SAP SuccessFactors. This article focuses on operations challenges for which the customer of an as a Service software is responsible for according to the simplified Cloud Responsibility Model.
Blog Post: Cloud Operations Best Practices for SAP SuccessFactors Run Operations
Run Operations for SAP software systems and services are typically embedded in the organizational and procedural models and practices of Customer Center of Expertise (Customer COE) and therein the Operations Control Center (OCC). The latter is responsible for the two main processes of Run Operations scenario Detect-to-Correct: Event Management and Continuous Improvement.
Blog Post: Cloud Operations Best Practices for SAP Integrated Business Planning
Run Operations for SAP software systems and services are typically embedded in the organizational and procedural models and practices of Customer Center of Expertise (Customer COE) and therein the Operations Control Center (OCC). The latter is responsible for the two main processes of Run Operations scenario Detect-to-Correct: Event Management and Continuous Improvement.
Blog Post: Cloud Operations Best Practices for SAP Ariba Run Operations
Optimize manufacturing performance with integrated production execution, visibility, and analysis to meet evolving demands of today’s market.
Improve operations visibility with the SAP Digital Manufacturing Cloud solution, a manufacturing execution system (MES) of near real-time data and analytics. Execute manufacturing processes, analyze manufacturing and business data, and integrate systems with a cost-effective, high-quality, and resource-efficient method based on Industry 4.0.
Our Architecture and Technology Whitepapers offer the latest information on topics of interest for CIOs such as current Road Maps of SAP Solutions, Technologies and Industries or recommendations on various IT-related topics like the usage of maintenance & support tools or the deployment of a Fiori Landscape, guiding your journey to an agile, efficient and intelligent Enterprise.
New: Clean Core: the main aspects, its impact, our solution and our approach
Learn how the clean core strategy and the extensibility model described in this paper support this objective: Enabling customers of SAP S/4HANA Cloud to extend where needed, but still allowing for smooth system upgrades and handling of system extensions.
The white paper outlines SAP's Business AI strategy. It describes SAP's vision for Business AI, our offering across the portfolio, and our approach against the backdrop of GenAI market momentum.
This white paper gives you insights into how SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) empowers SAP customers and partners to modernize IT landscapes, connect business processes, utilize data for better decision-making, and drive agile, AI-powered innovation. You will learn about the platform's business-centric nature, how it is optimized for SAP environments, and get a strategic outlook how SAP BTP will evolve in the future to satisfy emerging business needs.
This document helps you plan and set up your landscape and your lifecycle management for running applications on SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). It contains best practices and recommendations for planning development projects – from setting up the correct organizational structure to creating an account and security model, to developing and operating applications.
Best Practices for SAP Business Technology Platform
This guide helps IT professionals guide the ideation stage of fusion development projects on SAP Business Technology Platform. You will discover how to assess and select use cases wisely – as you begin to manage collaboration between application developers and key users, also known as citizen developers or business experts. The guidance provided will be especially useful to: IT administrators and center of expertise operators responsible for systems and users of SAP BTP, especially SAP Build Code and SAP Build, Application developers and key users who need to understand the drivers for complexity of their use case ideas at an introductory level, BTP solution architects that need an easy way to introduce use case considerations to business collaborators, Anyone involved in low-code and fusion development governance
How-To-Guide: How To Ideate Use Cases for Fusion Development with SAP Business Technology Platform
The Platform for the Intelligent Enterprise Learn how SAP Business Technology Platform serves as the unified, business-centric, and open platform for the entire SAP ecosystem, so SAP developers, customers, and partners can integrate and create value from data and extend their SAP solution landscapes to meet evolving business needs.
Extend and personalize SAP applications or integrate and connect entire landscapes with SAP Business Technology Platform. Unleash your business users to connect processes and experiences, decide confidently with integrity and continuous business innovation.
Why, how, and best practices for upgrading to a higher SAP S/4HANA release, based on lessons learned from customer projects. Use this guide to: create your business case, prepare/execute your upgrade, and drive more value from SAP S/4HANA system after your initial go-live. Supplements the official Upgrade Guide for your target SAP S/4HANA release.
This document provides an overview of the release and maintenance strategy of SAP and applies to standard software releases only. Other release types such as standard-related custom development project releases, custom development project releases, focused business solutions, or early adoption releases, follow a different release and maintenance strategy. Through the Product Availability Matrix (PAM), SAP regularly publishes key release and maintenance information about specific SAP software releases.
Specific software releases may be exempted from individual maintenance strategy rules. These exceptions do not apply to core application releases and their enhancement packages or to releases of the SAP NetWeaver technology platform.
SAP cannot support third-party software after the suppliers’ support has expired. In such cases, customers may have to upgrade to more recent releases of the respective third-party software (if available), provided those releases are supported by the release of the SAP software in question.
The guide has been composed by members of SAP product teams, subject-matter experts, and consultants – in collaboration with ASUG (Americas’ SAP User Group) and DSAG (the German-speaking SAP User Group). It has three parts: “Part One” is dedicated to the key decisions to be made when planning your approach to your SAP S/4HANA transition. “Part Two” covers the pivotal elements of a successful project setup. And “Part Three” provides you with the most essential technology knowledge. This guide is not about our product. It’s about you, our customers, and the challenges you face, the decisions you have to make, your aspirations, and your success. Get the expert guidance you need to successfully plan your migration to SAP S/4HANA. Access this practical, condensed, down-to-earth handbook for executives, project managers, decision-makers, and senior IT leaders that summarizes our combined experience from over 5,000 SAP S/4HANA migration projects we’ve seen so far.
Mapping Your Journey to SAP S/4HANA
Operations Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2020
Product and Solution Road Maps
Solution road maps cover innovations that focus on business solutions and processes and span several products that are relevant for customer lines of business in their industries.
Product road maps describe how feature and function capabilities of an SAP product or technology are planned to progress over time.
Product and Solution Road Maps
Implementation Road Maps
The SAP Activate methodology is the SAP road map and guidance for implementation, enhancements, upgrades, or co-innovation of SAP solutions starting with SAP S/4HANA. It enables cost-effective, agile, and fast delivery of the SAP solution to the customer. It supports deployments in the cloud, on premise, or in hybrid deployment. The SAP Activate methodology builds on the SAP Launch methodology for public cloud and the ASAP implementation methodology for on premise and managed cloud.
Introducing SAP Fiori, there are several deployment options available. In the following document, you can find the main SAP Fiori scenarios, the recommended system landscape setup, and the SAP Front-end server deployment options. This document also includes insights into SAP Front-end server hub and embedded deployment and what aspects to consider. The FAQ section provides answers to common questions regarding the SAP Fiori deployment options.
In summary, the SAP Front-end server (FES) central hub deployment is still a recommended option for SAP Business Suite scenarios. For SAP S/4HANA the embedded deployment is recommended. You can also combine both options in a mixed scenario: an SAP Front-end server hub with a central launchpad and central services such as My Inbox, combined with system-specific local launchpads.
Fiori Landscape Deployment Options & Recommendations Whitepaper
Connect applications, services, and systems across different landscapes.
SAP Event Mesh is a fully managed cloud service that allows applications to communicate through asynchronous events. Create responsive applications that work independently and participate in event-driven business processes across your business ecosystem for greater agility and scalability.
API Management technology helps you to share digital assets and enable developer communities to consume these assets in new channels, devices, and user interfaces. Available in the cloud, the technology helps promote co-innovation among employees, partners, and the developer community. To gain better insights about consumer needs, you can empower employees and partners with access to critical information and increase reach to a wider customer base.
The SAP UX Explorer whitepaper provides an overview of the SAP UX Explorer site and describes it’s goals, benefits, and provides an example how to use it.
The SAP UX Explorer site is targeting IT decision makers, UX project leads, UX developers, and consultants to help identifying the user experience (UX) improvements options for their SAP landscapes. The SAP UX Explorer site provides content that clearly explains the availability and capabilities of user experience innovations, UI technologies, and related services. It describes the values of each specific item, how they relate to each other, and how they can be adopted in a customer environment.
SAP UX Explorer: Understanding Your Options for Improving User Experience
The SAP Fiori Design Guidelines reveal the philosophy of the SAP Fiori user experience and provide and overview of all relevant floor plans, patterns and control. The guidelines cover both the classic SAP Fiori web app based on SAPUI5 and native SAP Fiori apps built on iOS. You can also download high-definition design stencils for prototyping your own SAP Fiori Apps
The SAP Guidelines for SAP Web IDE are aligned with the SAP Fiori UX visual language and design principles. These guidelines are aimed at both designers and developers and provide valuable information for contributors who wish to harmonize the styling of their stand-alone tools to the SAP Web IDE.
SAP Web IDE Guidelines for Contributors
For more design guidelines, click here.
Customization has been a common practice across technology-driven organizations; however, continuing to maintain decades-old technology now limits benefits and increases the cost of adopting new technologies. In this document, you will learn how moving to a clean core can help you drive business innovation.
Clean Core: the main aspects, its impact, our solution and our approach