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Notification Management
You can use notification management to
- Define recipients and recipient lists so that they receive e mail or SMS notifications about events. Recipients and Recipient Lists are used in multiple applications in SAP Solution Manager where e mail or SMS notifications are required. SAP Solution Manager can send automatically information about new alerts, about upcoming planned downtimes or SAP EarlyWatch Alert reports to Recipients or recipient lists.
- Define e-mail or SMS templates for work mode management and IT event notification.
- Define schedules in which automatic notifications for planned events are sent
- E mails informing about an upcoming planned downtime for an ERP system are sent out automatically to the business users 2 hours before the planned downtime starts.
- SMS informing about an upcoming planned downtime for an ERP system are sent out automatically to the administration team 15 minutes before the planned downtime starts.
- E-mails or SMS informing about new alerts are sent to the support team
The high-level process is as follows:
- Import or maintain recipients into the global recipient pool
- Group recipients into recipient lists
- If you want to configure work mode or IT Event notifications. Define templates, schedules and other configurations so that e mail and SMS notifications are send out in advance of planned work modes or IT Events.
- If you want to configure alert notifications: Include the recipients or recipient lists into Notification Variants as described under Setup and Configuration for System Monitoring.