BDoc Channel

BDoc Messages

BDoc (Business Document) messages are used in SAP CRM systems as containers for the data that constitute a business process (application message, transaction). BDoc messages are exchanged internally within the CRM Server between the CRM Application and the CRM Middleware, and between the CRM Server and CRM Mobile Clients (Field Applications). SAP ERP does not know the concept of BDocs, so there is no exchange of BDoc messages between an SAP ERP system and SAP CRM. Instead, the business data is packed into containers during BAPI calls. So during a data exchange to and from SAP ERP, there are in fact outbound and inbound BDoc messages on the CRM Server, but only to communicate with the inbound and outbound ERP (R/3) adapters. Externally the content of the BDoc message is mapped to the mentioned BAPI container structure.

To display BDocs in your system you can use transaction SMW01 or SMW02


CRM Middleware Flow Control

The flow control for the BDoc messages distinguishes between synchronization flow (s-flow) and messaging flow (m-flow). Both flow types are used for inbound and outbound BDoc message processing. Inbound processing occurs when a remote system (for example ERP Backend system) posts data into the processing system (CRM Server). Outbound processing occurs, when the processing system (CRM Server) publishes or posts data to remote systems (for example ERP Backend) or to “listeners” (for example BW Adapter, Billing Engine). It can also be used if the CRM posts data to the Mobile Bridge or other outbound adapters.

M-flows and s-flows consist of different steps, so called flow contexts. A flow context is defined as a sequence of services, which must be called within this flow context. The inbound flow consists of inbound flow contexts MI… (m-flow) or SI… (s-flow). For outbound flows the contexts are named as MO… (m-flow) or SO... (s-flow).

The internal data flow consists of three main steps:

  • Inbound processing - Incoming data of different formats, e.g. BAPI structures from a SAP R/3 Backend, sBDocs, XML/SOAP or IDocs, are converted into mBDoc messages. Note that an inbound sBDoc can be processed in two ways:
    • If it is assigned to an mBDoc type, it is mapped to an mBDoc message.
    • If not assigned to an mBDoc type, the sBDoc message is directly passed to outbound processing (i.e. the synchronization flow), e.g. customizing settings from one mobile client are distributed to other mobile clients. The CRM Server is not interested in this information and therefore the incoming sBDocs are directly passed to the outbound adapter.
  • Validation - The incoming data in form of mBDoc messages is validated by the application, e.g. for the mBDoc BUPA_MAIN a function module CRM_BUPA_MAIN_VAL performs the validation of the data.
    • If the validation is successful, the mBDoc message is passed to outbound processing.
    • If the incoming data is not valid, the mBDoc is updated with an error message and then sent back to the sender.
  • Outbound processing - The receiving systems (e.g. SAP R/3 Backend, external systems or Mobile Clients) are determined by the replication service. Then the mBDoc message is passed to the corresponding outbound adapter which converts the message into the data formats of the receivers. The Replication & Realignment Service determines to which mobile clients the sBDoc is forwarded.

To get an overview which flow contexts are used for a BDoc type, you can display them using transaction SMO8FD.

Technical Prerequisites

The following technical prerequisites have to be met in order to use the BDoc (Real-time Monitoring) as of ST-A/PI 01M:

  • Managed system has an SAP Basis ≥ 7.00.
  • Managed system is an ABAP-based SAP CRM system (“CRM Server”) on CRM release 3.0 or higher and SAP Basis release ≥ 6.40.
  • ST-A/PI 01R or higher is implemented on the managed system
  • For the Detail Info functionality to work, the managed system needs to be at least a CRM release 4.0.

Available Monitoring Content

Monitoring Template: BDoc (Real-time Monitoring)

This template provides automatic monitoring of the BDoc processing in an SAP CRM system for error states and intermediate states. This way you can be notified if the number of BDoc messages in one of these two status categories is higher than expected, the age of the oldest message is too old as well as the combinations.

Metric Name Description MAI Category Since SP

Number of BDoc messages in error state

Counts the number of BDoc messages with errors based on the configured selection criteria


7.1 SP12

Age of oldest BDoc message in error state

Monitors the age (in minutes) of the oldest BDoc message in error state based on the configured selection criteria.


7.1 SP12

Number of BDoc messages in error state (combination with Age)1)

Counts the number of BDoc messages with errors based on the configured selection criteria. Shares a common event with metric “Age of oldest BDoc message in error state (combination with Number)”


7.1 SP12

Age of oldest BDoc message in error state (combination with Number)1)

Monitors the age (in minutes) of the oldest BDoc message in error state based on the configured selection criteria. Shares a common event with metric “Number of BDoc messages in error state (combination with Age)”


7.1 SP12

Number of BDoc messages in intermediate state

Counts the number of BDoc messages in an intermediate state based on the configured selection criteria.


7.1 SP12

Age of oldest BDoc message in intermediate state

Monitors the age (in minutes) of the oldest BDoc message in an intermediate state based on the configured selection criteria.


7.1 SP12

Number of BDoc messages in intermediate state (combination with Age)1)

Counts the number of BDoc messages in an intermediate state based on the configured selection criteria. Shares a common event with metric “Age of oldest BDoc message in intermediate state (combination with Number)”


7.1 SP12

Age of oldest BDoc message in intermediate state (combination with Number)1)

Monitors the age (in minutes) of the oldest BDoc message in an intermediate state based on the configured selection criteria. Shares a common event with metric “Number of BDoc messages in intermediate state (combination with Age)”


7.1 SP12

Key figures with combined rating strategy (number & age)

In classic BPMon you had the possibility to use key figures that had a combined rating for number of messages and age of entries for critical and intermediate state.

To model this behavior in ICMon these key figures are presented by two metrics that are correlated on alert level.

From a functional point of view these metrics behave in the same way as the single metrics Number of BDoc messages in error state and Age of oldest BDoc message in error state. However, they share a common event, which means an alert is only raised if both metrics exceed their threshold values. If you do not configure one of the metrics the system behaves as if only the single metric has been configured. E.g. not configuring the Age of oldest BDoc message in error state (combination with Number) metric means that alerts are created based on the output of Number of BDoc messages in error state (combination with Age) metric solely.

Use these metrics if you are not just interested in the amount of erroneous messages or the age of the oldest erroneous message, but in the combination of those values. Consequently, you can use these metrics to get alerted about the age of the oldest erroneous message only if a certain number of erroneous messages exist, or get alerted about the number of erroneous messages only if the oldest of these messages has reached a certain age.

Key Figure Alert Metrics
Combi of Messages & Age in error state Critical Combination of Messages & Age for BDocs in error state
  • Age of oldest BDoc message in error state (combination with Number)
  • Number of BDoc messages in error state (combination with Age)
Combi of Messages & Age in interm. state Critical Combination of Messages & Age for BDocs in intermediate state
  • Age of oldest BDoc message in intermediate state (combination with Number)
  • Number of BDoc messages in intermediate state (combination with Age)

Note: Per MAI category, the metrics monitor a set of different status codes of the BDoc message. All available status codes are either grouped into one of these severity groups, or are ignored for monitoring if they indicate a final state already. The actual list of status codes within one of these groups does also depend on the release of the CRM system. Earlier releases have fewer different states. The data collector automatically assigns the available status codes to the two severity groups.


Monitoring Template: BDoc (Analysis)

This template provides metrics to analyze the BDoc message processing on the managed system. This includes not only critical message states, but also the throughput of BDoc messages within a certain timeframe. The data can be used for monitoring and alerting, too. However, it is mainly intended to feed the Business Process Operations reporting tools. The monitoring template “BDoc (Analysis)” can be used to feed the Business Process Operations reporting tools. This includes the Business Process Analytics tool and the Business Process Operations Dashboards.

Metric Name Description MAI Category Since SP

Number of BDoc messages in critical status(es)

This metric counts the number of BDoc messages based on the configured selection criteria. It is intended to be used for measuring BDoc messages in a critical status.


7.1 SP12

Number of BDoc messages in uncritical status(es)

This metric counts the number of BDoc messages based on the configured selection criteria. It is intended to be used for measuring BDoc messages in an uncritical status.


7.1 SP12

Monitoring Template: CRM Middleware

This template provides metrics for checking for errors in the underlying CRM Middleware infrastructure, with a special focus on the data exchange between SAP CRM system and mobile clients. Five commonly used transactions related to the area of mobile clients are in scope of the monitor: 

  • SMWMQUEUES (Queue Information for Mobile Client Sites)
  • SMOHQUEUE (R&R-Queues)
  • SMWP (MW Cockpit)
  • SMWMFLOW (Message Flow Statistics)
  • CMWQ (Mobile Client Import Failures)
Metric Name Description MAI Category Since SP

Number of Mobile sites with overdue synchronization

This metric checks if there are any mobile sites for which synchronization has been overdue for a specified time. The same output can be obtained when running report RSMWM_QUEUE_INFO or transaction SMWMQUEUES ("Queue information for mobile client sites") on the managed system.


7.1 SP12 

Number of R&R queues in status HOLD

This metric checks if there are any queues in status "HOLD". The same output can be obtained when running transaction SMOHQUEUE ("Monitor R&R Queues") on the managed system.


7.1 SP12

Number of entries in R&R queues

This metric counts the number of entries in the selected queues. The same output can be obtained when running transaction SMOHQUEUE ("Monitor R&R Queues") on the managed system. As a result you get an alert for every queue that contains entries telling you how many entries are in the selected queues.


7.1 SP12

Number of MW Cockpit nodes in critical state

This metric counts the number of nodes in the MW Cockpit which are in a warning or error status. The same output can be obtained when executing transaction SMWP ("CRM Middleware Monitoring Cock pit") on the managed system. As a result you get red alerts for the nodes that are in an error status and yellow alerts for nodes that are in a warning status. The measured value displays the number of nodes that are in error/warning status.


7.1 SP12

Number of BDoc messages processed

This metric calculates the number of BDoc messages which have been processed yesterday. The same output can be obtained when running transaction SMWMFLOW ("Message Flow Statistics") on the managed system. 


7.1 SP12

Average processing time for BDoc messages

This metric calculates the average processing time of all BDoc messages which have been processed yesterday. The average processing time is not directly visible in transaction SMWMFLOW. It is calculated by the sum of all processing times divided by the sum of BDocs processed.


7.1 SP12

Number of mobile sites with import failures

This metric checks the number of mobile sites with import failures. The same output can be obtained when running transaction CMWQ ("Mobile Client Import Failures”) on the managed system.


7.1 SP12


The Interface and Connection Monitoring setup can be accessed via SAP Solution Manager Configuration (SOLMAN_SETUP). 

To access the Integration Monitoring setup please go to SAP Solution Manager Configuration (SOLMAN_SETUP) → Application Operations → Integration Monitoring → Interface and Connections.

Note: If you didn't perform the infrastructure configuration yet, please follow the Interface and Connection Monitoring Setup with SAP Solution Manager 7.2.


Monitoring Template: BDoc (Real-time Monitoring)

As a preparatory step you can call the standard BDoc monitors in the managed system (transactions SMW01 and SMW02) to get an overview about of the amount of critical BDoc messages. In addition the Message Flow Statistics (transaction SMWMFLOW) provide an overview which BDoc types are processed by the system in general. The parameter fields also have an input help which helps you to select the correct values.

Navigate to the Define Scope step. You can create a new scenario or use an existing one. Make sure the sender and the receiver system are part of the Interface and Connection Monitoring scenario.

Create the Interface Channel:

  1. Select the scenario and click Next.
  2. In the Preparation step perform all relevant manual activities and run all automatic activities.
  3. In Configuration step click the Add button.
    • Channel Name: Enter a meaning full name (max. 30 characters)
    • Type: Select BDoc
    • Monitoring Template: Select BDoc (Real-time Monitoring)
    • Description: Enter a description for the channel
  4. Click Next.
  5. Source type:
    • Select Technical System
    • If the source system is not on-premise please select External Service if it is a cloud service or Unspecified Managed Object.
  6. Source: Select the source system from the drop-down list or enter the name for the unspecified managed object
  7. Target Type:
    • Select Technical System
    • If the target system is not on-premise please select External Service if it is a cloud service or Unspecified Managed Object.
  8. Target: Select the target system from the drop-down list or enter the name for the unspecified managed object
  9. The measuring point is selected automatically. Please note that for this template either the target or the source system must be an ABAP system! If both source and target are ABAP systems you can select the measuring point as necessary.
  10. If more than one client are connected for the on premise system please select the correct client for the monitoring
  11. Click Next.
  12. Click Finish.

Maintain the Interface:

  1. Select the interface channel you created
  2. On the Interfaces tab click the Add button.
  3. Provide the following information
    • Interface Name: The name of the interface
    • BDoc Type (mandatory): Note that the shorter generation name of a BDoc is used, not the longer description. If in doubt, use the value help, which is executed locally in CRM system, to support filtering.
    • Flow Context: In CRM Middleware, the flow context defines the way of processing for a BDoc message. Each defined flow context has a three-digit identifier. The first digit tells the BDoc class (‘M' for messaging BDoc or ‘S' for synchronization BDoc). The second digit tells the processing direction (‘I' for inbound and ‘O' for outbound). The third digit is just a counter. By using appropriate selection criteria on BDoc class and direction, you can control which part of the CRM Middleware you want to monitor. If you are unsure which flow contexts are used for a BDoc type, you can display them using transaction SMO8FD. In addition to all the fixed values, the value help also displays some useful patterns, e.g. MO* = All messaging outbound contexts.
    • Sender Site Name: The sender site name filters on BDoc messages that have been sent from certain sites only. Probably it does not make sense to filter on mobile client sites for synchronization BDocs, but this filter can make good sense in case you use multiple ERP (OLTP) sites in a messaging scenario. Inside the search help, please make use of filter for the “Site Type ID”, e.g. SMOF_ERPSITE for all ERP (OLTP) Backends. Please note that internally the site name uses a GUID as identifier, but for simplicity always the site description (as defined in the CRM Admin Console) is shown.
    • Minimum Age (errors): Defines how old an BDoc message must be in order to consider it for the corresponding exception metric. If the parameter is empty, all found messages are counted immediately.
    • Minimum Age (intermediate): Defines how old an BDoc message must be in order to consider it for the corresponding performance metric. If the parameter is empty, all found messages are counted immediately. 

If you want to use the metrics including a combination with the age of the BDocs you have to set values for the Minimum Age (errors) and Minimum Age (intermediate). If the parameter is empty, all found messages are counted immediately.

Select Metrics:

  1. On the Metrics tab, select the metrics you want to monitor.

Usually it is not necessary to include all the available metrics. For a status monitoring, you might not be interested in the absolute number of messages in an erroneous state, as you have to react anyway, no matter whether it is just one failed message or several of them. So instead of Number of BDoc messages you can just monitor Age of oldest erroneous/intermediate BDoc message with a small threshold value. A monitoring of the intermediate states does not include the erroneous states as well, so you are advised to configure at least one metric from both status severity groups.

You can maintain attributes as described in the Interface and Connection Monitoring Setup on the Attributes tab.

Thresholds and the collection schedule are maintained in the next step of the guided procedure. Once you have maintained all your channels, click Next in the main guided procedure to move to the Activation step.

Maintain Thresholds and Schedule:

  1. Select the Alert for the channel (the alert is the line with the red flash icon next to it).
    • On alert level you can maintain notification and incident message creation.
  2. Select the Metrics
    • You can adjust the thresholds on the Thresholds tab. The recommended rating strategies for this metric are Info Only and Numeric Threshold (Green/Yellow/Red).
    • Do not change the data collector type or data collector name on the Data Collection tab as the monitor will not work anymore if this is changed.
    • Only change the collection interval if you know what you do or if advised to do this by SAP.
  3. Click Apply and Activate → <Choose one option> to activate the monitoring

Note: Performance Warning

The BDoc tables in the CRM system (starting with prefix SMW3_BDOC*) can grow rather very large. Their size depends on the amount of processed BDocs messages within the residence time before reorganization takes place, and the amount of all messages in a non-final state which prevents reorganization.

In case of a huge amount of BDoc messages in the system, use this monitoring template with care, as it causes an additional workload on the monitored CRM server. Please avoid running the data collection with a high monitoring frequency and avoid complex configurations of the selection criteria, especially those with patterns, ranges and exclusions.

If you are in doubt, try to simulate the filter criteria with transaction SMW01 or SMW02, to get an idea about the possible runtime of the data collection.


Note: Queue Monitoring

For the exchange of BDoc messages (e.g. internally within the CRM system, between CRM and ERP, and between CRM and Mobile Clients), the CRM Middleware uses the qRFC technique for queuing and sending the BDocs. In many cases there is a relation between a BDoc message status and a corresponding qRFC queue entry. Therefore, it is highly recommended to set up a qRFC monitoring as well.


Monitoring Template: BDoc (Analysis)

Navigate to the Define Scope step. You can create a new scenario or use an existing one. Make sure the sender and the receiver system are part of the Interface and Connection Monitoring scenario.

Create the Interface Channel:

  1. Select the scenario and click Next.
  2. In the Preparation step perform all relevant manual activities and run all automatic activities.
  3. In the Configuration step click the Add button.
    • Channel Name: Enter a meaning full name (max. 30 characters)
    • Type: Select BDoc
    • Monitoring Template: Select BDoc (Analysis)
    • Description: Enter a description for the channel
  4. Click Next.
  5. Source type:
    • Select Technical System
    • If the source system is not on-premise please select External Service if it is a cloud service or Unspecified Managed Object.
  6. Source: Select the source system from the drop-down list or enter the name for the unspecified managed object.
  7. Target Type:
    • Select Technical System
    • If the target system is not on-premise please select External Service if it is a cloud service or Unspecified Managed Object.
  8. Target: Select the target system from the drop-down list or enter the name for the unspecified managed object
  9. The measuring point is selected automatically. Note that for this template either the target or the source system must be an ABAP system. If both source and target are ABAP systems you can select the measuring point as necessary.
  10. If more than one client are connected for the on premise system, select the correct client for the monitoring.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Click Finish.

Maintain the Interface:

  1. The interface channel type does not have any configurable parameters on interface level. Move directly to the metric configuration.

Select Metrics:

  1. On the Metrics tab, select the metrics you want to monitor.

  2. Enter Metric Parameters:

    • Parameter set name: You can enter a name for the parameter set to distinguish it if you have more than one
    • BDoc Type: Type of the BDoc e.g. BUPA_MAIN
    • BDoc Status: BDoc status of the BDocs you want to collect e.g. F02, E04
    • Flow Context: In CRM Middleware, the flow context defines the way of processing for a BDoc message. Each defined flow context has a three-digit identifier. The first digit tells the BDoc class (‘M' for messaging BDoc or ‘S' for synchronization BDoc). The second digit tells the processing direction (‘I' for inbound and ‘O' for outbound). The third digit is just a counter. By using appropriate selection criteria on BDoc class and direction, you can control which part of the CRM Middleware you want to monitor. If you are unsure which flow contexts are used for a BDoc type, you can display them using transaction SMO8FD. In addition to all the fixed values, the value help also displays some useful patterns, e.g. MO* = All messaging outbound contexts.
    • Site ID: Use this parameter if you want to filter only BDocs from a certain site. Please note that internally the site name uses a GUID as identifier, but for simplicity always the site description (as defined in the CRM Admin Console) is shown. e.g. DDAC153B39ED58F1B680005056827BE1
    • Data from prev. day: Use this parameter if you only want to collect data from the previous day. 'X' = to get data from previous day ' ' = get data from today

Note: Metric Categories

Note that technically both metrics produce the same result if configured identically. However, the Number of BDoc messages in critical status(es) metric is supposed to be used for measuring BDocs in an error state only, whereas the Number of BDoc messages in uncritical status(es) metric can be used for throughput measurements too (number of successful BDoc messages). Consequently in the Interface Channel Monitoring application the metrics are categorized as Exceptions and Performance, respectively.

You can maintain attributes as described in the Interface and Connection Monitoring Setup on the Attributes tab.

Thresholds and the collection schedule are maintained in the next step of the guided procedure. Once you have maintained all your channels, click Next in the main guided procedure to move to the Activation step.

Maintain Thresholds and Schedule:

  1. Select the Alert for the channel (the alert is the line with the red flash icon next to it)
    • On alert level you can maintain notification and incident message creation.
  2. Select the Metrics
    • You can adjust the thresholds on the Thresholds tab  The recommended rating strategies for this metric are Info Only and Numeric Threshold (Green/Yellow/Red).
    • Do not change the data collector type or data collector name on the Data Collection tab as the monitor will not work anymore if this is changed.
    • Only change the collection interval if you know what you do or if advised to do this by SAP.
  3. Click Apply and Activate → <Choose one option> to activate the monitoring.

Monitoring Template: CRM Middleware

Navigate to the Define Scope step. You can create a new scenario or use an existing one. Make sure the sender and the receiver system are part of the Interface and Connection Monitoring scenario.

Create the Interface Channel:

  1. Select the scenario and click Next
  2. In the Preparation step, perform all relevant manual activities and run all automatic activities.
  3. In the Configuration step click the Add button.
    • Channel Name: Enter a meaning full name (max. 30 characters)
    • Type: Select BDoc
    • Monitoring Template: Select CRM Middleware
    • Description: Enter a description for the channel
  4. Click Next.
  5. Source type:
    • Select Technical System
    • If the source system is not on-premise please select External Service if it is a cloud service or Unspecified Managed Object.
  6. Source: Select the source system from the drop-down list or enter the name for the unspecified managed object
  7. Target Type:
    • Select Technical System
    • If the target system is not on-premise please select External Service if it is a cloud service or Unspecified Managed Object.
  8. Target: Select the target system from the drop-down list or enter the name for the unspecified managed object.
  9. The measuring point is selected automatically.
  10. If more than one client are connected for the on premise system please select the correct client for the monitoring.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Click Finish.

Maintain the Interface:

  1. The interface channel type does not have any configurable parameters on interface level. Move directly to the metric configuration.

Select Metrics:

  1. On the Metrics tab, select the metrics you want to monitor.

  2. Enter Metric Parameters:

    • Metric: Number of Mobile Sites with overdue synchronization

      • Parameter set name: You can enter a name for the parameter set to distinguish it if you have more than one.
      • Older than x days: via value help
      • Site range: specify sites that should be considered. (value help available)
    • Metric: Number of mobile sites with import failures

      • Parameter set name: You can enter a name for the parameter set to distinguish it if you have more than one
      • Site Name: via value help. If you leave these fields empty all available sites will be taken into account.
      • BDoc Type: via value help. If you leave these fields empty all available BDoc types will be taken into account.
      • Maximum Age: via value help. Additionally the maximum age of the site or site range should be provided. If you do not provide a maximum age it is set to seven (7) days as a default value.
    • Metric: Average processing time for BDoc messages

      • Parameter set name: You can enter a name for the parameter set to distinguish it if you have more than one
      • Direction (mandatory): Can choose between inbound (I), outbound (O) or both (B).
      • BDoc type: via value help. If no BDoc type is provided all BDoc types will be taken into account.
    • Metric: Number of BDoc messages processed

      • Parameter set name: You can enter a name for the parameter set to distinguish it if you have more than one
      • Direction (mandatory): Choose between inbound (I), outbound (O) or both (B)
      • BDoc type: via value help. If no BDoc type is provided all BDoc types will be taken into account.
    • Metric: Number of entries in R&R queues

      • Parameter set name: You can enter a name for the parameter set to distinguish it if you have more than one
      • Queue names: via value help. If no queue name is specified all queue names will be taken into in account.

You can maintain attributes as described in the Interface and Connection Monitoring Setup on the Attributes tab.

Thresholds and the collection schedule are maintained in the next step of the guided procedure. Once you have maintained all your channels, click Next in the main guided procedure to move to the Activation step.

Maintain Thresholds and Schedule:

  1. Select the Alert for the channel (the alert is the line with the red flash icon next to it)
    • On alert level you can maintain notification and incident message creation
  2. Select the Metrics
    • You can adjust the thresholds on the Thresholds tab. The recommended rating strategies for this metric are Info Only and Numeric Threshold (Green/Yellow/Red).
    • Do not change the data collector type or data collector name on the Data Collection tab as the monitor will not work anymore if this is changed.
    • Only change the collection interval if you know what you do or if advised to do this by SAP.
  3. Click Apply and Activate → <Choose one option> to activate the monitoring

Further Information

BDoc Status Codes

BDoc Status Description Severity Reprocessing


To be processed (Debug)




Technical error (incomplete)




Partially send, receivers have errors




BDoc cannot be read from DB




BDoc validation error




Inbound processing failed




Outbound processing failed




Conversion error




Mapping error




Update failure




Rejected (fully processed)




Confirmed (fully processed)




Set to processed (fully processed)




Confirmed (fully processed by all receivers)




Information (no processing)




Received (intermediate state)




Written to qRFC Queue (intermediate state)




After qRFC step (intermediate state)




BDoc stored before update task (intermediate state)




Sent to receivers (not all have confirmed)




Retry after temporary error




Temporary lack of resources in application layer



Available Flow Contexts

Flow Context Description Flow Direction


sBDoc Validate




sBDoc Inbound (Before Validation)




sBDoc Notification




sBDoc Notification (additional calls)




sBDoc Rejection




sBDoc Rejection (additional calls)




sBDoc Initial Load




sBDoc Initial Load (additional calls)




sBDoc Direct Send




mBDoc Validate




mBDoc Notification




mBDoc Notification (additional calls)




mBDoc Notification Multiple




mBDoc Notification Multiple (additional calls)




mBDoc Initial Load




mBDoc Initial Load (additional calls)




mBDoc Direct Send




mBDoc Post Request




mBDoc Post Rejection




mBDoc Post Rejection (additional calls)

