System Analysis Troubleshooting

This page contains some hints for troubleshooting when for example some dashboards or views are empty.

As starting point you should classify the issue: 

  • Is it a general issue in the application that seems to affect all or several different parts of the application?
  • Or is it rather missing data on some particular views?
In case of general issues:
  • Try reloading the complete page (F5 for many browsers)
  • Try loading the same application in a different browser / on a different PC
  • Check if the issue is specific to a particular managed system
  • Check the Console in the developer tools (F12): Do you see any exception indicating a problem?
The analysis of missing data issues depends on the View Type / source of data and is explained in the following sections.

Increase the Maximum Number of Systems in Scope

By default the maximum number of selected systems in System Analysis is limited to 10. The limit was chosen since System Analysis is targeted at analyzing a single or a few systems. The charts would turn unreadable when they are populated with too many lines. Furthermore generating load spikes on SAP Focused Run by selecting thousands of systems for analysis should be avoided. Nonetheless it is possible to raise this default limit of 10 to a higher value:

  1. Open Transaction SE16
  2. Select table WEA_UI_CONFIG
  3. Add an entry: P_VALUE=xx (where xx is an integer number)
  4. Reload the application in the browser to activate the change

Note that displaying more than 10 system may lead to higher response times both on UI side and in the backend.

System Monitoring (MAI) Metrics

Most pre-defined dashboards per system type are populated with metrics from the Monitoring and Alerting infrastructure that is also providing the content for System Monitoring. As a result, if any metrics do not report data, the first check is to verify if system monitoring is working correctly and if metrics in System Monitoring report data. If System Monitoring is not working correctly, please open a support ticket with component SV-FRN-APP-SYM.

Common checks

  1. If System Analysis dashboards show no metric data for a particular system: Navigate to System Monitoring for the same system. You can use the link in the toolbar (top right) to directly select the current system in System Monitoring. 
    1. If System Monitoring does not report metric data for a particular system either, then open a support ticket for System Monitoring (SV-FRN-APP-SYM).
    2. If System Monitoring reports data properly and metric data is only missing in System Analysis in a freshly configured SAP Focused Run system: potentially System Analysis was launched before setting up System Monitoring. Up to SAP Focused Run 2.0 FP02, this generates a wrong default configuration. Double check table WEA_UI_CONFIG: if there is an entry "raw.days" it should have the value 28. If the value is 0 then correct it to 28 and relaunch System Analysis.
  2. No data for historical time ranges (age > 28 days): by default System Monitoring data is retained for 28 days. You can configure System Analysis Aggregation to retain selected metrics for selected systems for a longer period. 

  3. Check the technical metric name: System Analysis uses the technical metric name to retrieve metric data from the MAI store. The technical metric names for a chart in System Analysis can be shown via the Technical Details popup (see "wrench" menu). Check if this metric is active in the relevant template (Others -> Metric Name) using the MAI Directory Browser for the relevant system.

RCA Capabilities

Self Monitoring Alerts

Starting with SAP Focused Run 3.0 Self Monitoring alerts are available for RCA Capabilities to inform you when for a capability data is expected but not available.

With report RCA_DEACTIVATE_CAPABILITIES you can do some mass changes without disabling/enabling the capability for each system separately.

You can enter in the selection fields several capabilities (wildcard * is possible) and/or limit the execution to LMDBIDs. These options are available:

  • Display only current status
    Just list all systems for the selected capabilities
  • Inactive -> active
    Activate all inactive the selected capabilities
  • Active -> inactive
    De-Activate the selected capabilities
  • Active -> active (Reconfigure)
    Re-activate all active the selected capabilities

In case you have multiple systems and capabilities to be changed the report should be executed in background. To avoid that too many parallel requests are executed the time between two executions can be configured (default 1s).

Missing data

In general you can check table RCA_INBOUND_LOG in SAP Focused Run via SE16, MESSAGE_TYPE="E" will filter on errors and and the date (field UTC_DATE). Here you can see errors of data that are sent to SAP Focused Run. When changing the user parameters in SE16 (Menu: Settings-> User Parameters -> ALV Grid Display) you can see the detailed error messages and can download the table.
However, there might be already issues in collecting data either in the agent application, in the managed system or on the way.

HANA Metrics

HANA Metrics are collected via an operation of the SAP Host Agent. Check in Agent Administration for the HANA system if the collectors are running:

  1. Open Agent Internals
  2. Select tab Collector Framework
  3. expand the capability HANA_*
    Check for exceptions or if the coverage is below 1.
  4. Select the tab Logs
    Choose the thread rca worker <collector_key>
Check SAP Note 2555664 for requirements on the SAP Host Agent version. In particular there is a switch between two different approaches to call SQL statements: ExecuteOperation and ExecuteDatabaseOperation.


ABAP work process samples (/SDF/SMON) are collected via a RFC from the SDA usually with user SDAGENT. Check in Agent Administration for the ABAP system if the collector is running:

  1. Open Agent Internals
  2. Select tab Collector Framework
  3. expand the capability ABAP_WP_OVERVIEW
    Check for exceptions or if the coverage is below 1.
  4. Select the tab Logs
    Choose the thread rca Worker <FRUN_SID>.ABAP_WP_OVERVIEW_<Managed_SID>
In the managed system you can check in /SDF/SMON if a daily Monitoring is scheduled. If not the user SDAGENT have probably not all roles (check security guide).


If the collector is missing in the collector framework there are several reasons:

  1. Properties are missing
    If the rca properties are missing executing SSI for the system or Configure Agent can re-deploy the properties
  2. Configuration files are missing
    If the json config files are missing a reconfiguration of the capability will re-deploy the files. You can use report RCA_DEACTIVATE_CAPABILITIES to Reconfigure all active capabilities.
Missing HANA SQL Statements

Any HANA statement details view in System Analysis shows the statement text “Statement not available” or nothing.

  • Check the log of background job SAP_FRN_RCA_HANA_STATEMENT_SYNC in transaction SM37:
    • The log shows any general issue accessing the agent, try to fix them first.
    • The log also includes how many new statement hashes were found and how many statements were persisted
      Example: “There were 293  new HANA statement hashes since ___ (UTC).” -> “There were 0  new unique HANA statement hashes written to the database.”
      If the number of persisted new unique statements is significantly lower or zero, there might be an issue with the agent. The SHA needs to be at least PL51.
  • After that you might want to reset the synchronization table. For this you can execute program RCA_HANA_STATEMENT_DEL in transaction SE38 with the selection:
    • HANA Statement hash = *
    • Mark the check box "Delete only empty entries".

Ad-Hoc SQL

General Hints

Ad-Hoc SQL views trigger SQL statements as ad hoc calls directly towards the SAP Host Agent on the managed HANA system. The statements are delivered as part of the SAP Host Agent.

For any errors executing Ad-Hoc SQL statements:

  • Check the application log in SAP Focused Run via transaction SLG1. Use object SYS_ANA and subobject ADHOCSQL.
  • You will see two different types of calls:
  • GetCapabilities determines if the SAP Host Agent supports the "ExecuteDatabaseOperation" method or if the older approach "ExecuteOperation" must be used.
  • ExecuteDatabaseOperation lists the actual SQL statement name that is executed and the number of result rows or the error message executing that statement.

Specific Issues

401 / Authentication Required

This error can occur if https is used to communicate from    SAP Focused Run to the SAP Host Agent on the managed HANA system and authentication takes place via X509 certificates. Check the SM59 destination to find out.

If this configuration applies you have to adjust the profile of the SAP Host Agent an maintain the subject of the SSL client from transaction STRUST in SAP Focused Run.

1. In transaction STRUST select "SSL Client (Standard)". For the "own certificate" copy the subject line, e.g., OU=SID SSL client SSL Client Standard, O=SAP, C=DE

2. In the SHA profile (/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/host_profile)  add a line line this:

service/sso_admin_user_0 =, OU=SID SSL client SSL Client Standard, O=SAP, C=DE

(0 is the index for the entry. If you have multiple increase to 1 etc.)


The page ABAP Performance does not display any data which could have multiple reasons:

  • Check in the managed system in ST03 if aggregated data is available. If this is not the case follow SAP Note 2369736 - Troubleshooting missing data in ST03N/ST03.
  • In case you have switched in ST03 from cluster to profile tables you might need the correction from SAP Note 3510017 - SWNC_GET_DIRECTORY_FRAME does not retrieve data from profile table storage
  • In case only data of some views are missing like User Profile check in the managed system in ST03 if this area is probably not enabled for the collector:
    Collector and Performance DB -> Workload collector -> Instance Collector -> Control
  • Check if SSI has been executed successfully (step 2 for activity Configure Statistical Records Aggregation)
  • Use the link "ABAP Performance KPI Setup" in System Analysis to open the "Statistics Records Aggregates Administration" (/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/wd_statragg_cockpit). From here you can check:
    • Which instance collects the data
    • Status of collection
    • Jump to Agent Administration for logs and Agent Internals → Collector Framework. There should be a collector "statragg" for the system.
    • Find out which agent is relevant for collection. 
      Filter for the system. You can see from which instance the data is collected.
      If you have multiple instances you might need to add the column HOST_NAME.With this physical host name you can search then in Agent administration for further issues.
  • Agent Administration
    Open Agent internals and click on tab Logs.
    STATRAGG data are usually collected around the full hour. Enter in the the last full hour (usually in UTC) and then you should be able to select in the Threads List box the statragg collector: