Configure SUM with Selenium

How to Configure the SUM locations for Selenium

To accept Selenium scenarios, a SUM location requires some preparation:

  • Enable the Selenium capability on the location.
  • Configure the location host for local execution (if local execution is intended).
  • Configure the location host for remote execution (if remote execution is intended).


Additionally, some other aspects have to be considered:

  • CPU and memory power of the location host (in the case of local execution).
  • Location host firewall or proxy configuration – for security aspects.

How to create a SUM Selenium Scenario


  • When you create a Selenium script that is intended to be used in Synthetic User Monitoring, it is very important that you consider the SUM Scenario Creation Best Practices.
  • Selenium is not an SAP product.

A SUM Selenium scenario is a Selenium IDE (SIDE) script that is potentially enriched with SUM-specific annotations.

This section does not intend to explain in detail how to create a Selenium IDE script. (Plenty of documentation can be found on the internet about the ways to create an efficient Selenium IDE script.)
It intends to explain how such a script is integrated with the SUM data model.

The easiest method of creating a SUM Selenium scenario is as follows:

  1. Use Selenium IDE to record the main sequence of your scenario.
  2. In Selenium IDE, replay the created script and make the potential adjustments.
    For instance:
    • Adjust the commands' Target fields to ensure that they properly identify the targeted elements. (In this regard, XPATH looks to give the best result.)
    • Add "wait for xxx" commands to wait for the UI rendering.
    • Add "assert xxx" and "verify xxx" commands to ensure that the monitored application displays the expected information.
  3. Make sure your Selenium IDE script only contains commands supported by SUM.
  4. When your Selenium IDE script is ready, add the SUM-specific annotations (if required).
    For instance:
    • Add SUM secured variable annotations to store sensitive command values (e.g. a password) in SUM secured variables.
    • Add SUM variable annotations to store command values (not sensitive) in SUM variables.
    • Add SUM step annotations to group script commands in SUM steps.
    • Add SUM screenshot annotations to instruct SUM to take screenshots of the monitored application UI during the scenario execution.
  5. IMPORTANT: For each command with a sensitive value (e.g. password):
    1. Replace the values with a dummy text (e.g. "dummy").
    2. Ensure you added a SUM secured variable.
      At execution time, SUM will replace the command value with the value of the SUM secured variable.
  6. Save your Selenium IDE script.
    This will create a SIDE file that you can import in SUM to create the SUM Selenium scenario.

Technical Aspects

The SUM scenario and SUM steps GUID are automatically determined from the GUIDs in the SIDE file.

How to Import and Configure SUM Selenium Scenarios

Unlike other SUM scenario types, SUM Selenium scenarios are not created with the User Monitoring Script Editor.

Therefore, SUM Selenium scenarios can only be imported via the Scenarios section of the SUM configuration.

Moreover, some configuration aspects have to be addressed after the script import:

Additionally, Selenium scenarios come with some specific configuration settings:

You can configure all these points in the Scenario details section of the SUM configuration.