Real User Monitoring: Mapping of
Locations to Users

Since SAP Focused Run 2.0 FP01 a static mapping of users to locations is possible. There are five predefined attributes available:

  • Country code 
  • City
  • Building code
  • Company
  • Department

Three attributes can be defined customer specific. With SAP Focused Run 2.0 FP02 this user to location mapping is possible in many views for filtering, like display only request from users with country code CN. In the page Hot Requests (Location) it is possible to group the requests also by a location attribute. For example display all http requests from system ABC grouped by country code. 

Starting with FRUN 2.0 FP03 it is possible to use the location dimensions (Country Code, City, Department,...) in OCC dashboards or in the new Generic View.

Data Protection and Privacy: Make sure that the user consent for private data collection includes location mapping consent.


User Locations

User specific location attributes are persisted in table /RUM/USRLOC. Usually users have in all systems the same identifier. In that case the fields LMDBID and SCLIENT can be kept empty. Only when users has different IDs in the systems you can map this system (or client) specific IDs by filling the corresponding field LMDBID (SCLIENT).

The customer is responsible for:

  1. Filling the mapping
  2. Updating/maintaining the data
  3. Deleting data for users that are no longer available

Filling the Mapping

The central source for user data can be at different places like Active Directory, LDAP, or in a Central User Administration (CUA) system. By implementing a BAdi you can call that persistence and map the fields you want to use to the structure /RUM/USRLOC.

You can find the BAdi definition /RUM/BADI_USER_LOC_MAINT under enhancement spot /RUM/ES_USER_LOCATIONS. Create a class by implementing the method COLLECT_NEW_OR_CHANGED_USRLOCS of the interface /RUM/IF_USER_LOC_MAINT.

There is an example BAdi implementation for reading the user data locally from local user master records (SU01) which cannot be used for productive usage. For test purposes you can also fill first some users in a  spreadsheet and upload this manually (see description below).


Temporary Possibility to Insert Some Test Data for User Locations

Open SE16 enter table name /RUM/USRLOC and create a new entry with a user name and a country code.

Now you can display the data with SE16. If you are not yet using ALV grid mode switch to it by menu Settings -> User Parameters. Now you can download the content as a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet can be used locally to fill in some data for the different users and attributes. It can be uploaded in transaction SE24 -> /RUM/CL_USER_LOC_MAINTENANCE -> F8 -> execute UPLOAD_FROM_FILE.


Updating the Data

You need to schedule the report /RUM/USR_LOC_MAINT as periodic job (daily or weekly) which is then calling the BAdi.


Deleting Users

Users that are no longer available can be deleted also by the job and the BAdi. You need to implement the method COLLECT_OBSOLETE_USRLOCS of interface /RUM/IF_USER_LOC_MAINT.

Custom Attribute Names for User Locations

There are three additional attributes that can be defined customer specific in the language dependent table /RUM/USRLOC_ATTR. For example if you want to use also postal codes or user groups you could create with SE16 the following entries:

CUSTOM1EPostal Code
CUSTOM2EUser Group

Depending on the logon language the Description is then displayed in the UI.