Service Availability Management Data Provider



The Service Availability Management data provider in the OCC Dashboard gives you access to different reports and KPIs from the Service Availability Management application.

The following KPIs are available

  • Availability considering all outages (%)
    provides an overview over the calculated monthly availability for recent months based on  outages in all stati 
  • Availability considering only confirmed outages (%)
    provides an overview over the calculated monthly availability for recent months based on outages in status confirmed
  •  Outages
    provides a list of outages for selectable time frames
  • Availability and SLA 
    provides an overview over the calculated monthly availability for recent months and compares it to the defined SLA threshold
  • Availability Time Series 
    provides a time series showing for each period the percentage or duration where the service was available, had a planned downtime or unplanned outage



The configuration of an OCC SAM Dashboard is quite simple and can be summarized in following steps:

Create an OCC Instance with one or more Gadgets

  1. Create a new custom page
    1. Select the OCC Dashboard tile in the Advanced Analytics section
    2. Select Add Custom Page
    3. Enter a name for the custom page and select Apply
    4. Optionally choose an Icon for the page
    5. Select Save
  2. Configure the Gadgets and select one of the available and supported renderers
    1. Select the Open Personalization icon on the top of the gadget
    2. Select one supported renderer
      Check the table below for information on which renderers are supported by which Key Figure
  3. Select the correct time range and granularities for each Gadget
    Check the below table for information on which time ranges and granularities are supported by which Key Figure
  4. Create one or more queries and select the Service Availability Management data provider
    1. Select the + button besides Queries
    2. Select Edit Queries
    3. Select Data Provider Service Availability Management
  5. Select one of the available Key Figures and filters in the General tab
    Check the below table for information on which filters are supported by which Key Figure
  6. Select a fixed list of systems in the General => Systems tab or a dynamic list based on some LMDB attributes using the Selection Scope tab
  7. Select Apply

Different granularities and renderers are supported depending on each Key Figure:

Key FigureDescriptionFiltersSupported Granularities
and Time Frames
Supported RenderersAvailable as of
Availability considering all outages (%)Provides an overview over the calculated monthly availability for recent months based on all outages                                                             Monthly/ Current and last months
Line chart, Column chart
SAP Focused Run 3.0 SP00
Availability considering  confirmed outages only (%)Provides an overview over the calculated monthly availability for recent months based on confirmed outages  

Monthly/ Current and last months

Line chart, Column chart


SAP Focused Run 3.0 FP01

OutagesProvides a list of outages for selectable time frames

Outage status: whether the gadget should show only confirmed, in process, new  outages or all of them

Outage type: whether the gadget should show planned or unplanned outages

Days, weeks, monthsDynamic tableSAP Focused Run 3.0 FP02
Availability and SLAProvides an overview over the calculated monthly availability for recent months and compares it to the defined SLA threshold

Outage type: whether the gadget should show planned or unplanned outages

Unit: Whether the availability should be shown in percentage or minutes

Monthly/ Current and last monthsHistory tableSAP Focused Run 3.0 FP02
Availability Time Series Provides a time series showing for each period the percentage or minutes where the service was available, had a planned downtime or unplanned outage

Outage Type

Whether the gadget shows data based on confirmed outages only or all outages 

Unit: Whether the data should be shown in percentage or minutes

Monthly, Daily, weekly granularities are supported and all time frames

Line chart, (stacked) column chart, (stacked) bar chart, pie chart


SAP Focused Run 3.0 FP03

OData interface

You can expose the data shown in configured gadgets for consumption by odata clients via dedicated interface (/sap/opu/odata/sap/FRN_FI_DP_SRV/).

To configure the Odata interface do the following:

  1. Select the custom page containing the gadget whose data you want to expose
  2. Select User Menu ==>  Personalization
  3. Select Flag Public in section UI Personalization
  4. Select Save
  5. Select the gadget you want to expose
  6. Select Personalization
  7. Select the Discoverable flag in section “View Personalization”
  8. Select the key icon besides “Discoverable”
  9. If the gadget displays time series data, copy the Series SAC Link
  10. If the gadget displays tables (like "Outages"), copy the Table SAC Link
  11. Save the personalization. 

Data Source

All the KPIs displayed in the OCC dashboard ("Availability considering confirmed/all outages", "Outages", "Availability and SLA") are retrieved from the Service Availability Management application.

The application can be accessed using the "Service Availability Management" Tile in the "Advanced Application Management" group of the FRUN Launchpad.

In order to validate the key figures, the following sections/filters should be checked for each KPI.

Availability Considering Only Confirmed Outages (%)

In the Service Availability Overview, the default displayed values are related to the monthly values of the Availability considering only confirmed outages.

Availability Considering All Outages (%)


To display the data related to the following key figure, we need to apply All value in the filter Availability settings and click on Apply button as shown in the below screen shot.



Select the outages icon from the list. The information of outages related to the selected systems is displayed.

The outages key figure supports only the Dynamic Table renderer.

If a different renderer is used when using this KPI a message will be displayed "Renderer not supported with the current KPI"  and more details on the Message Log, "Selected KPI Outages in query $$$ is displayed only with the DYNAMIC_TABLE renderer").

Availability and SLA

In the Service Availability Overview, select the wanted system and enter on its detail view and check the maintained target values.

Availability Time Series

The availability time series KPI calculates time series based on the outages listed in Service Availability Management outage screen. Days or hours without outage are reported as 100 % available. 

Example: A system had

  • an outage from 4 am to 4:30 am
  • a planned downtime from 06:45 to 09:30 am

With Hourly Granularity and Unit  % the KPI would return the following data:


Please note:

The KPI Availability Time Series does not display and does not take into account agreed service times and Contractual Maintenance Patterns. It calculates the availability based on unplanned and planned outages only.  The availability numbers returned by this KPI are therefore not 1:1 comparable to the monthly or weekly availability shown in Service Availability Management or shown by the other KPIs.





To be able to display data related to the service availability management in the OCC Dashboard, all the necessary configuration activities have to be performed in the Service Availability Management application.