Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
Starting with SAP Focused Run FP01 BADI “BADI_TEMPLATE_ASSIGNMENT” is foreseen to be executed whenever a MAI configuration is done. In case an implementation is provided, it will be executed after all potential template candidates have been identified. This BADI Interface considers:
The method to be implemented contains the following parameters as follows:
Structure of the LMDB objects looks like this:
Structure of list of products has following structure:
Use the class cl_lmdb_mai_hier_tree_element to access the technical system or attributes which are related to the LMDB object.
(Host -> Logical Host -> Technical Instance -> Technical system)
(Database Instance -> Database)
Importing CIM_CLASS_NAME 'SAP_ApplicationSystem'
PROPERTY_NAME 'itadministrationrole'
Returning RESULT
Example of CIM Instance Properties values reading: “ITAdministrationRole”.
iv_template_id TYPE ac_guid,
lr_context TYPE REF TO cl_alrt_cfg_mai_api_enquiry=>passed_tree_element,
lr_product TYPE REF TO acpid_to_cid_dir,
lr_template TYPE REF TO acs_template_assignment,
iv_searchstring TYPE string VALUE '<my special Template>',
template_assignment TYPE REF TO acs_tmpl_assignment_to_mo
* multiple products can be assigned to a single LMDB object
LOOP AT it_product_mapping REFERENCE INTO lr_product WHERE context_id EQ lr_context->context_id.
cl_mai_rep_initializer=>initialize( EXPORTING iv_technical_scenario = lr_product->tech_scenario "pass the technical scenario/monitoring use case (eg: T_SYS_MON for Technical system monitoring)"
IMPORTING eo_assignment_factory = DATA(lo_assignment_factory)
eo_template_factory = DATA(lo_template_factory) ).
DATA(lo_context_store) = cl_alrt_cfg_store_contextdir=>get_instance( ).
DATA(lo_managed_object) = lo_context_store->get_context_model( iv_context_id = lr_context->context_id ). "Pass the context id"
DATA(li_assignment) = lo_assignment_factory->get_assignment( ii_managed_object = lo_managed_object io_template_factory = lo_template_factory ).
DATA(lt_fitting_templates) = li_assignment->get_fitting_templates( iv_technical_scenario = lr_product->tech_scenario ). "pass the technical scenario/monitoring use case" ).
CATCH cx_alrt_cfg_directory_root.
* do error handling here…
CHECK lt_fitting_templates IS NOT INITIAL.
Choose one template that meet special requirement, for example, the template with name start with Z_< ITAdministrationRole >, modify the template ID from CT_TEMPLATE_ASSIGNMENT_TO_MO.
LOOP AT lt_fitting_templates REFERENCE INTO lr_template.
IF lr_template->template_ref->get_name( ) CS iv_searchstring.
iv_template_id = lr_template->template_id.
READ TABLE ct_template_assignment_to_mo
context_id = lr_context->context_id product_id = lr_product->product_id REFERENCE INTO template_assignment.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
template_assignment->template_id = iv_template_id.