SAP Landscape Management - SAP Focused
Run Integration

SAP Landscape Management can automatically schedule a planned downtime in SAP Focused Run Work Mode Management when stopping an instance of an ABAP or JAVA system. 

SAP Landscape Management can automatically shorten an active planned downtime in SAP Focused Run Work Mode Management when restarting an instance of an ABAP or JAVA system. This mechanism ensures that no spurious alerts are generated during SAP Landscape Management Start and Stop Operations.


You use SAP Focused Run 2.0 FP02 or higher and SAP Landscape Management 3.0 SP13 or higher.


See here for the configuration steps in SAP Landscape Management .

Perform the following activities in SAP Focused Run:

  1. Create a technical user with the following roles:
    • A customer defined role allowing RFC access with
      • Authorization object S_RFC
      • RFC_TYPE All values
      • ACTVT          Execute
  2. Configure the RFC Destination in SAP Landscape Management pointing to SAP Focused Run System with this user.
  3. Maintain the following default values in database table WMM_CUSTOM via transaction SE16:
    1.  Specify the initial duration of planned downtime scheduled from SAP Landscape Management in minutes. Example: The value "4320" corresponds to 4320 minutes or 3 days.
      Add an entry with Field: "WMM_API_DURATION_MIN" and  Value: <duration >.
    2. Specify the offset after which new planned downtime starts or stops in seconds. The value must be >= 5 seconds. Example: Value "10" means that the planned downtime in SAP Focused Run will start 10 seconds after SAP Landscape Management stops an instance and  and will end also 10 seconds after SAP Landscape Management restarts the instance.
      Add an entry with Field: "WMM_API_OFFSET_SEC" and  Value: <offset >.
    3. Specify the title under which the planned downtimes scheduled from SAP Landscape Management will appear in the IT Calendar in SAP Focused Run. Example: "Stop operation triggered from SAP Landscape Management".
       Add an entry with Field: "WMM_API_TITLE" and  Value: <title >.
    4. As of SAP Focused Run 3.0 FP03, the planned downtime will be scheduled automatically also for the host of the instance . If this is not wanted, add an entry with field: "WMM_LAMA_API_NO_HOST" and  Value: "X".
    5. As of SAP Focused Run 4.0 FP01 you can define optionally a different offset for scheduling planned downtimes during SAP Landscape Management stop and start operations.
      Example: Value "900" means that the planned downtime in SAP Focused Run will end 900 seconds / 15 min after SAP Landscape Management  restarts the instance. Add an entry with field: "WMM_STOP_API_OFFSET_SEC" and  Value: <offset for stopping planned downtimes after SAP Landscape Management start operations >.
      If both parameters "WMM_API_OFFSET_SEC" and "WMM_STOP_API_OFFSET_SEC" are maintained, "WMM_API_OFFSET_SEC" defines the offset in seconds to start a planned downtime after instance stop operations and "WMM_STOP_API_OFFSET_SEC" defines the offset in seconds to end a planned downtime after instance start operations. 
      If only parameters "WMM_API_OFFSET_SEC" is maintained, it applies to both offsets.
    6. As of SAP Focused Run 4.0 FP01 you can define optionally whether existing overlapping planned downtimes shall be ended or not during SAP Landscape Management instance start  operations. Add an entry with field: "WMM_STOP_ONLY_LAMA_WMS" and  Value: "X" to stop only planned downtimes  scheduled by SAP Landscape  Management. Omit this parameter or set  value to <space> to stop  planned downtimes  scheduled by SAP Landscape Management and other overlapping planned downtimes.


As of SAP Focused Run 4.0 FP01 calls from SAP Landscape Management to SAP Focused Run work mode management are logged in the application log. Use transaction SLG1 object IT_CALENDAR subobject WMM_LAMA_API for troubleshooting.

Release Notes :

SAP Focused Run 4.0 FP01:

  • When stopping a HANA Database instance from SAP Landscape Management, the planned downtime in Focused Run is propagated from the HANA instance to the HANA Database
  • You can define different offsets for scheduling planned downtimes during SAP Landscape Management stop and start operations•
  • You can define whether the planned downtime shall be propagated from instance to host or not during SAP Landscape Management instance stop operations
  • You can define whether existing overlapping planned downtimes shall be ended or not during SAP Landscape Management instance start  operations•
  • Planned downtime scheduling operations triggered from SAP Landscape Management write application logs