Job Monitoring

The Job Monitoring - ABAP only application in SAP Focused Run helps to monitor ABAP jobs in your on-premise landscape and offers utility functions for mass monitoring configuration.

Job Monitoring

Job monitoring does real-time observation of monitored jobs regarding cancellation, duration, technical start delays and if a daily or more frequent job is still running (metric “job active”). Finally, you can monitor jobs for critical job log messages. 

Please note, that with SAP Focused Run 3.0 FP02 the new Job & Automation Monitoring application has been introduced with the aim to replace Job Monitoring. This new application offers monitoring for BW Process Chains and will offer monitoring for further job types including cloud products.

Please note, that with SAP Focused Run 4.0 SP00 Job Monitoring - ABAP only application will be retired. A migration to Job & Automation Monitoring application is offered and described here.


  • Summarization of jobs in different systems based on the configured metrics
  • Use forward navigation to analyze the information for the list of monitored jobs, with the job instances being aggregated.
  • Use forward navigation from the aggregated job view into the list of job executions with the individual configured metrics.
  • Navigate to the Alert Inbox for the related alerts.

Release Notes


  1. Monitoring of ABAP jobs
    • using retrieved definitions of jobs periodically scheduled by the ABAP scheduler in order to be able to monitor them with group settings
    • by automatically identifying scheduled standard jobs, so that you do not need to add them individually to monitoring
    • by being able to freely define job monitoring rules for a group of jobs
  2. Capability to group jobs
    • to monitor them with same settings
    • to consume the monitoring information in a structured way
  3. No configuration effort for monitoring, if new standard jobs are scheduled or systems are added to a network as job groups can auto-adjust and existing monitoring configuration can be auto-applied
  4. Option to selection of metrics and set thresholds on group level, but to adjust them on individual job monitoring rule level
  5. List view for monitoring of jobs
  6. Integration with alerting and notifications


  • Simple System configuration is completed for the customer network, i.e. the managed ABAP system is connected (job monitoring is performed technically from the "monitoring client" for all clients of the monitored system)
  • Optionally system monitoring is setup (as from the job monitoring application you can navigate to system monitoring)

FRUN 2.0 FP01

  • Managed System ST-PI version must be at least on 7.40 SP11 / ST-PI 2008_1_700 SP 21    

FRUN 2.0 FP02

  • Managed System ST-PI version must be at least on 7.40 SP12 / ST-PI 2008_1_700 SP22
  • SDA version must be 1.41 or higher

  FRUN 2.0 FP03

  • Managed System ST-PI version must be at least on 7.40 SP12 / ST-PI 2008_1_700 SP22
  • SDA Version must be 1.45 or higher

FRUN 3.0 SP00

  • Managed System ST-PI version must be at least on 7.40 SP12 / ST-PI 2008_1_700 SP22
  • SDA Version must be 1.50 or higher

FRUN 3.0 FP01

  • Managed System ST-PI version must be at least on 7.40 SP12 / ST-PI 2008_1_700 SP22
  • SDA Version must be 1.55 or higher 

Note: If the ST-PI level of the managed system(s) is on 7.40 SP14 or ST-PI 2008_1_700 SP24 the role of the agent user needs to be adjusted according to SAP note 2450740.


For a detailed description on configuration options and use cases please see User Guide - Job Monitoring with SAP Focused Run
  1. Select Network(s)
  2. Create Job Groups and check the systems added to the group, if relevant
  3. Save the group to add jobs
  4. For Standard Job Monitoring
  • Select to auto-adjust group and switch flag "Monitor Standard Jobs"
  • Check the proposed group default settings and if notifications are needed maintain the needed settings
  • Save to activate the monitoring

5 For Application Job Monitoring we recommend creating a separate job group, where you do not opt for auto-adjust group and do not switch flag “Monitor Standard Jobs”

  • Check the proposed group default settings and if notifications are needed maintain the needed settings
  • Add jobs using the value help containing periodic jobs (jobs that you do not find are “one-time” jobs from the perspective of the ABAP scheduler, e.g. scheduled by an external scheduler or by a program)
  • For jobs, that are not in the value help, you can directly define job monitoring rules and configure the monitoring, via this you could also define monitoring for a group of jobs, that all execute the same program
  • Feel free to make use of the job log message monitoring for critical messages (you could monitor all errors and exclude those errors, that are not critical)
  • Save to activate the monitoring