Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
Each system, database or service that has to be managed by Service Availability Management needs to have an active service definition. Instead of creating the service definition via UI, you can automate the creation of service definitions and contractual maintenance windows using SSI web service operations. The following operations are supported as of Focused Run 3.0 FP01:
Prerequisite is that you have configured the SSI web service as described in SSI Web Services for Configuring Technical Systems Section "SETUP THE SSI_REMOTE_SERVICE". The technical user used for the web service calls needs to have roles SAP_FRN_SSI_WSEXEC and SAP_FRN_APP_SAM_DEF.
This operation creates a new service definition for technical systems or services identified by Extended ID and System Type. After successful completion it returns the GUID of the new service definition. If the system or service cannot be identified or if a service definition for the same time frame already exists, it returns an error.
Request Properties
Property Name | Values / Examples | Details |
CUSTOMER_NETWORK_NAME | LOCALNETWORK | The customer network name where the system or service is located. Properties customer network, extended id and system type together uniquely identify a system or service in SAP Focused Run. |
EXTENDED_SYSTEM_ID | FRPADM | The extended id (up to 8 characters) of the system or service. Properties customer network, extended id and system type together uniquely identify a system or service in SAP Focused Run. |
SYSTEM_TYPE_ID | ABAP | The system type. Properties customer network, extended id and system type together uniquely identify a system or service in SAP Focused Run. See SSI Web Services for Configuring Technical Systems for a list of supported system types. |
START | 20210701 | The start date as of which the new service definition shall start in the format YYYYMMDD. The earliest possible start date is the 1st day of current month. |
END | 20400101 | The end date as when the new service definition shall end in the format YYYYMMDD. END date must be larger than start date |
TIMEZONE | INDIA | The timezone in which the new service definition shall be created |
TITLE | 7X24 production system | The title of the new service definition in Service Availability Management |
SLA_THRESHOLD | 99.5 95.0 | The minimum allowed availability in % per service level agreement |
REPORTING_PERIOD | M D | The period for which the availability data shall be calculated. Possible values are M -monthly or Y-yearly. |
AST_PATTERN | Examples for daily patterns: The agreed service times starts every day on 00:00 am and ends at 11:59 pm (7 X 24). AST_PATTERN = D110000002359 The agreed service times starts every day on 08:30 am and ends at 4:29 pm (7 X 8) . AST_PATTERN = D110830001629
Examples for weekly patterns: The agreed service times starts on 08:30 am and ends at 4:29 pm from Monday to Friday.(5 X 8). The agreed service times starts on 00:00 and ends at 23:59 from Monday to Saturday.(6 X 24).
Examples for multiple weekly patterns: The agreed service times starts on 08:30 am and ends at 12:29 pm. It starts again at 1:30 pm and ends at 5:30 pm from Monday to Sunday. The agreed service times starts on 08:30 am and ends at 4:29 pm from Monday to Friday. On Saturday and Sunday it starts at 9:30 am and ends at 1pm. | Parameter "AST_PATTERN" sets the time pattern for the agreed service times. You can define daily or weekly agreed service times patterns. Daily patterns are used if the system has to be available on all days of the week. You can define daily patterns as below: AST_PATTERN =D11HHMM00HHMM The 1st HHMM sets the start time of the agreed service time and should be replaced by the start time The 2nd HHMM sets the end time of the agreed service time and should be replaced by the start time D11 at the beginning and 00 between start time and end time are constants and shall not be changed
Weekly patterns are used if the system has to be available only on certain days or if multiple AST time slots are active per day You can define weekly patterns as below: W21NP1P2..PN W21 at the beginning is a constant are constants and shall not be changed N indicates the number of patterns to be passed P1..PN are the patterns. Each pattern is defined as follows: MTWTFSSHHMM00HHMM MTWTFSS indicate on which day of the week the agreed service time is active. Replace each day indicator by X (active) or ' ' (space =inactive) The 1st HHMM sets the start time of the agreed service time and should be replaced by the start time 00 between 1st HHMM and second HHMM is a constant The 2nd HHMM sets the end time of the agreed service time and should be replaced by the start time
IS_CMP_RELEVANT | X " " (space) | This flag decides whether contractual maintenance periods are SLA relevant . We recommend to use ' ' (space) (not SLA relevant here) 1. If the time frame covered by Contractual Maintenances Period is SLA relevant set the value to 'X'. 1. If the time frame covered by Contractual Maintenances Period is not SLA relevant set the value to ' '. (space) . This is the recommended setting. |
Request Template
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:cus="http://xml.sap.com/2009/10/acc/CustomOperation">
This operation sets a new end date for existing service definitions identified by service guids. The service guid is returned by the previous SAM_SETUP_BY_EXTENDED_SYSTEM_ID operation.
Request Properties
Property Name | Values / Examples | Details |
CustomOpDefName | SAM_EDIT_SERVICE | |
SERVICE_GUIDS | ["98F2B3032CD31EEBABB38B3D7DEAF1B8"] | Array of service definition guids to be modified. |
END | 20400101 | The new end date when the new service definition shall end in the format YYYYMMDD. |
Request Template
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:cus="http://xml.sap.com/2009/10/acc/CustomOperation">
This operation deletes a previously scheduled Contractual Maintenance Period (CMP) identified by the CMP_EVENT_GUIDS. The CMP_EVENT_GUID is returned by the previous SAM_SCHEDULE_CMP_EVENT_BY_EXTENDED_SYSTEM_ID operation.
Only future CMPs can be deleted. If the CMP is in progress or already over it cannot be deleted.
Request Properties
Property Name | Values / Examples | Details |
CustomOpDefName | SAM_DELETE_CMP | |
CMP_EVENT_GUIDS | ["98F2B3032CD31EEBABB38B3D7DEAF1B8"] | Array of CMP definition guids to be deleted. |
Request Template
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:cus="http://xml.sap.com/2009/10/acc/CustomOperation">
This operation creates a new Contractual Maintenance Period (CMP) for technical systems or services identified by customer network, extended ID and system type. After successful completion it returns the GUID of the new CMP. If the system or service cannot be identified or if no service definition for the specified time frame exists, it returns an error.
Request Properties
Property Name | Values / Examples | Details |
CUSTOMER_NETWORK_NAME | LOCALNETWORK | The customer network name where the system or service is located. Properties customer network, extended id and system type together uniquely identify a system or service in SAP Focused Run. |
EXTENDED_SYSTEM_ID | FRPADM | The extended id (up to 8 characters) of the system or service. Properties customer network, extended id and system type together uniquely identify a system or service in SAP Focused Run. |
SYSTEM_TYPE_ID | ABAP | The system type. Properties customer network, extended id and system type together uniquely identify a system or service in SAP Focused Run. See SSI Web Services for Configuring Technical Systems for a list of supported system types. |
START | 20220705170000 | The start time stamp for the new CMP in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. The start time stamp must be in the future. * |
END | 20220705190000 | The end time stamp of the new CMP in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. The end time stamp must be larger than the start time stamp.* |
(* Start and end time stamp inherit the timezone from the timezone of the relevant service definition. This is why the timezone does not need to be specified when creating CMPs.)
Request Template
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:cus="http://xml.sap.com/2009/10/acc/CustomOperation">