Health Monitoring for SAP Integration Suite
(Edge Integration Cell)

Available Monitoring Content

ClusterCurrent Status of the Cluster
ClusterCluster Version
ClusterCluster Endpoint
ClusterCluster CPU Utilization
ClusterCluster Memory Utilization
ClusterCluster Pod Utilization
ClusterCluster Namespaces
NodeNode CPU Utilization
NodeNode Memory Utilization
NodeNode Pod Utilization
NamespaceNamespace CPU Utilization

Namespace Memory Utilization

PodPod CPU Utilization
PodPod Memory Utilization
Component: WorkerSAP Heap Memory
Component: WorkerMetaspace
Component: WorkerDirect Memory Used
Component: WorkerAverage Processing Time Per Request
Component: WorkerProcessing Time
Component: WorkerRequest Count
Component: WorkerGarbage Collection Count
Component: WorkerGarbage Collection Time
Component: WorkerNumber of Stuck Artifacts
Component: WorkerHTTP Threads
Component: WorkerBytes Received
Component: WorkerBytes Sent
Component: Policy EngineSolace Publish Failure Count
Component: Policy EngineSuccessful Request
Component: Policy EngineError Rate

Prerequisites and Setup in SAP Integration Suite
(Edge Integration Cell) and SAP Focused Run

Please follow the general setup steps mentioned on the central page: 

Setup for SAP Integration Suite (Edge Integration Cell)

Activate Health Monitoring

To finally activate the Health Monitoring in SAP Focused Run, follow the Configuration section on the central page: 

Configuration of Cloud Services for Health Monitoring