System Health Check for ABAP Systems

The "System Health Check for ABAP Systems" is a guided procedure that is delivered with SAP Focused Run. It performs several health checks on ABAP systems and sends out a result report with all findings to interested parties. It can be executed manually or scheduled to be executed automatically in regular intervals.

The "System Health Check for ABAP Systems" covers ABAP availability, performance, exceptions as well as host checks. It can be executed as-is or easily customized and enhanced by other activities which are available in the guided procedure plug-in repository. For example, you could add HANA database checks, or include measured system availability and outages from Service Availability Management.

The following section describes how to schedule the health check so that it runs automatically in background and how to edit it's content.

How to plan the automatic execution of guided procedures (e.g. System health Check) automatically in background.

Guided procedures with automatic activities like the " System Health Check for ABAP Systems " can be executed automatically in regular intervals. After the execution, a result report is sent out to defined recipients .


  • Apply SAP Note "Composite Note for Advanced System Management in Focused Run for SAP Solution Manager Release <your release> <your support pack or feature pack>".
  • If the guided procedures are scheduled for ABAP systems, ensure that they are on  ST-PI 740 SP6 or higher.
  • Create service user FRN_BTC_GPA or similar per SAP Focused Run security guide. The user needs to have a valid e mail address to be able to send out e mails. 
  • Please follow the steps in the SAP Focused Run Master Guide chapter "Specify Background User for Automated Guided Procedure Processing".
  • The guided procedure that is running in automatically in background needs to consist primarily out of automatic activities. Manual activities or Custom UIs will not be executed. The guided procedure must be active.
  • Define recipient lists in Central Notification Management. The recipient lists shall contain the e mail ids or FRUN user ids of the recipients who shall receive the guided procedure execution reports.

To plan the automatic execution of a guided procedure in background, proceed as follows:

As of SAP Focused Run 2.0 FP02:

  1. Open the SAP Focused Run Launchpad.
  2. Select tile "System Management Guided Procedures in group  Advanced System Management.
  3. Select page " Guided Procedures Planning".
  4. Select "Create Plan".
  5. Select the guided procedure that should be scheduled in background. You can optionally overwrite the proposed plan name.
  6. Select step 2.
  7. Define the scope filters per your needs. This will determine for which systems the plan will be executed.
    • System Type = Application Server ABAP --> The guided procedure will be processed for all ABAP systems
    • System Type = Application Server ABAP and Customer ID XYZ  --> The guided procedure will be processed for all ABAP systems of customer XYZ
    • System Type = Application Server ABAP and Customer ID XYZ  and IT Admin Role Production System --> The guided procedure will be processed for all productive ABAP systems of customer XYZ
  8. You can optionally select "Preview" to see  which systems would be in scope based on your filter criteria.
  9. Select step 3.
  10. Choose if all automatic activities inside the guided procedure shall be processed in background or whether background processing shall be stopped when the first manual activity was reached
  11. Choose whether the guided procedure shall be processed in background immediately at a certain time and whether it should be processed recurrently.
  12. Select step 4. Enter the recipient list containing the recipients which should receive at the end of the background execution the e mail with the report attached.
    Select either a customization class that allows to redefine the e mail format  or a mail template defined under Central Notification Management. If no mail should be send out leave everything here blank
  13. Select Review and then Submit

Before SAP Focused Run 2.0 FP02:

  1. Open the SAP Focused Run Launchpad.
  2. Select Advanced System Management, then Guided Procedure Catalogue
  3. Select the guided procedure to be planned. (for example, “System Health Check for ABAP Systems”)
  4. Select "Create Plan à Background Schedule (Simple) if you want to schedule the execution of a guided procedure for some systems and do not need to define e mail templates.
    Select "Create Plan à Background Schedule (Expert) if you want to
    • Schedule the execution of a guided procedure for a high number of systems and want to control the job runtime and how many child jobs shall run in parallel
    • Define specific e mail templates
    • Use a customer specific customization class that reformats the e mail body in rich text format and allows to do advanced receiver determination
  5. Enter the following data in Background Schedule (Simple) mode:
    • Overwrite optionally the default plan name or add a description
    • Overwrite optionally the default job name
    • Choose whether the batch job should be executed immediately or at a certain start date and time and if the job should run once or recurrently.
    • The section “Scope Details” allows to determine the systems for which the guided procedures shall run. The parameters act as a filter that filter out relevant systems. Fill the section as follows: 
      • Customers and data center: If you want to restrict the execution of the guided procedures to systems assigned to certain customers and data centers, fill the data accordingly. If this restriction is not required, leave customer network and data center empty.
      • Extended System ID:  If the guided procedure shall be executed only for certain systems, and the systems cannot be filtered otherwise, enter the system ids of these systems here. Otherwise you can keep this entry empty.
      • IT Admin Lifecycle Statuses: Here you can restrict on systems that have a certain life cycle status. For example, choose Active if you want to schedule the guided procedure only for active systems.
      • IT Admin priorities: Here you can restrict on systems that have a certain priority. For example, choose “Very High” if you want to schedule the guided procedure only for systems with priority “Very High”.
      • IT Admin Roles: Here you can restrict on systems that have a certain role. For example, choose “Production System” if you want to schedule the guided procedure only for production systems and not for QA and Dev.
  • Press button “Show systems” if you want to get a preview of the systems, for which the guided procedure will be scheduled. 
  • Select the corresponding receiver recipient list containing the e mail recipients that should receive the e mail with the guided procedure result report. Recipients in “Customer independent” recipient lists will receive the e mail in all cases. Recipients in “Customer Network specific” recipient lists will receive the e mail only for systems which are assigned to the same customer network.
  • Select the corresponding admin recipient list containing the e mail recipients that should receive an e mail in case the guided procedure background processing jobs fail. Recipients in “Customer independent” recipient lists will receive the e mail in all cases. Recipients in “Customer Network specific” recipient lists will receive the e mail only for systems which are assigned to the same customer network.
  • Press button “Preview” if you want to get a preview of the guided procedure processing jobs that will be scheduled and the respective managed system.
  • Press button “OK” to create a new guided procedure background processing plan and schedule the relevant jobs.
    • System Type: Choose the system type that fits to the guided procedure. Example: If you want to schedule the guided procedure “System Health Check for ABAP Systems”, choose system type ABAP.
    • Database Type: If required, choose the database type so that the guided procedure shall be scheduled only for systems with a specific DBMS type.
  1. In Background Schedule (Expert) mode you can additionally define the following data:
    • Customization Class: Select a customization class if you have the following needs:
      • The e-mail body of the result e mail should be generated in HTML format and contain graphical elements
      • You need to determine the recipients for the result e-mails per custom rules
        SAP delivers the customization class “CL_CUSTOM_EMAIL_BODY” that overwrites the e mail body with a preview of the guided procedure activities and their status.  Using this customization class, you can see the status of the different activities directly in the e mail and need to open the attached result report only if you are interested in the details.
        With ABAP knowledge you can also create your own customization class. It needs to inherit from class CL_GPA_PLAN_CUSTOMIZATION. You need to redefine method “GET_EMAIL” if the guided procedure e mail with the result reports attached must contain special html content like graphics, tables, logos.
        You need to redefine method GET_RECIPIENTS_FOR_SCOPE if you have advanced needs to determine the right recipients for guided procedure reports for specific systems.
  • Job Control: Here you can define advanced settings to control the background execution of guided procedures.

How to create a customer specific guided procedure

Create a customer specific Health Check guided procedure:

  1. Open the SAP Focused Run Launchpad.
  2. Select tile "System Management Guided Procedures" in group  Advanced System Management. Select Guided Procedure Catalog
  3. If you want to create a new Guided procedure based on an existing one, select the existing guided procedure for example System Health Check for ABAP Systems". If you want to start with an empty guided procedure, select nothing
  4. Select "Create Guided Procedure"
  5. Enter the following data:
  • Specify a meaningful name and description for the GP 
  • Specify a customer-specific ABAP package with the right transport layer if you want to transport the guided procedure from Focused Run development system to QA and production system. The package is required to know in which transport route the GP will be released. If you don't want to transport the guided procedure, you can choose "Temporary Package".
  • Set "Productive" flag, if the guided procedure is to be transported to a production system. If the GP is for testing purposes on the local system, or will be imported into a test system manually, do not set the flag.
  • Select OK

How to edit a customer specific  guided procedure

  • Open the SAP Focused Run Launchpad.
  • Select tile "System Management Guided Procedures" in group  Advanced System Management. Select Guided Procedure Catalog.
  • Click on the guided procedure name to open the guided procedure authoring. 

Add a step: To add a step, click on New, and select the step type in the menu, as shown below. You can also reuse an existing step. A new step will be inserted below the selected step, in the Steps tree. 

Create Help text:

The step help text provides detailed information about each step, such as what is checked, and what will happen in the background. The "New" button in the help text section opens the "Create New Document" Pop up, which allows you to define documentation for a step or an activity. You can create a new HTML document or upload a PDF. If the HTML result report needs to show also the documentation in line, choose HTML.

Add Complete Step: The Complete step is the last step in the guided procedure, which provides an overview of the execution status of the previous steps. If the guided procedure is being executed manually, the HTML result can be generated only from the complete step. If you guided procedure does not have a complete step yet, add it.

Remove a Step: Select the step and click on Remove to remove obsolete steps.


Add an Automatic Activity:

  • Select the relevant Standard Step.
  • Select "Automatic Activity", select "New".
  • Choose "Select a Plug-in" and select the required plug-in from the value help. Please refer to Guided Procedures Activity Plug-ins to get an overview what is available and can be re-used in your guided procedure.
  • Rename the activity
  • Maintain the plug-in attributes per your requirements
  • Select "OK"
  • While the new activity is selected, select "Help Text" and "New"
  • Enter a name for the documentation
  • Enter a suitable documentation text
  • Select "Save"
  • Use the buttons "Move up or Move down" to change the order of activities in the help

The following activity types are supported by Guided Procedure Framework, however only Plug-ins should be used in the if the guided procedure should be executed in background lie the System Health Check:


ManualSimple manual activities consist of a description and either no navigation link, or a navigation link to a UI in SAP Focused Run, in the managed system, or an external link. The navigation link can be configured.
AutomaticAutomatic activities are activities that can be carried out in a Guided Procedure without user interaction or manual steps. If you have developed a suitable automatic activity, you can include it in the health check.
PluginsPlug-ins are automatic activities that can be customized during Guided Procedure creation time. SAP delivers many health check Plugins to that can be easily customized and included into the health check Guided Procedure.

Remove Activity: Select the relevant activity and select "Remove" to remove the relevant activity if it is obsolete.

Change Activity: Select the relevant activity and select "Edit". Change the plug in attributes per your requirements.

Set the Guided Procedure HTML Report Configuration:

  • In the Guided Procedure Maintenance UI, Select the "Report Configuration" button.
  • Here you define which options are visible to the end user when creating the HTML report, and you define which options are selected by default: GP Structure, Include Step and Activity Status Information, Include Help Documentation, Include Navigation Links, Include Log Messages, Include Summary and Statistics.
  • Select "OK" and "Save"

How to Activate a customer specific health check Guided Procedure

  • Select button "Check". Fix errors reported by the check.
  • Select button. "Activate"


How to test the customer specific health check Guided Procedure

For guided procedures with automatic activities

  • Test the guided procedure against a test system using Guided Procedure Planning as explained above.
  • Verify that you receive an email with the HTML report attached.
  • Check the content of the HTML report

For manual or mixed guided procedures

  • Open guided procedure catalog
  • Select your guided procedure
  • Select Run
  • Choose select scope to select the managed object scope for which you want to run the guided procedure
  • Select create
  • This will now open the guided procedure execution UI from where you can run the guided procedure manually


How to transport the customer specific health check Guided Procedure

If the health check guided procedure was edited in a development system and needs to be transported to QA and production systems :

  • Press button "Transport".
  • Include the guided procedure into a new transport request or choose an existing.
  • Release and import the requests per your transport rules.