Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
This page gives you some hints when you get an error or run into a problem for the communication scenario SAP_COM_0527 via the SAP Focused Run Reverse Proxy in SAP Cloud ALM.
The troubleshooting on the page can be used for the products:
Cross-check the value provided in the "Path" field in the communication arrangements "Outbound Services".
Make sure only the URL suffix is be provided, e.g.,
Cross-check the value provided in the "Path" field in the communication arrangements "Outbound Services".
Make sure the URL suffix contains the final slash e.g.,
In case you operate multiple Cloud Connectors, verify the endpoint you created for the PROXY connection in the Landscape Management of SAP Cloud ALM.
Check the value in the field "Master Instance ID". The value should be the Master Instance ID of the cloud connector.
The Master Instance ID of the Cloud Connectors can be found here:
Make sure that you assigned the PFCG role I_SAP_FRN_CNW_ACCESS to the technical user in your SAP Focused Run system.
Make sure that you assigned the PFCG role SAP_FRN_AIM_EXTPUSH to the technical user in your SAP Focused Run system
Perform the connection check for the endpoint in SAP Cloud ALM
If you see the status:
503 Service Unavailable: "There is no Cloud Connector connected to your subaccount. ..."
The service was deleted from Cloud Service Management after the Communication Arrangement was created. Please delete the Communication Arrangement in the managed cloud service as well.
If you still want to monitor the managed cloud service, please create the Communication Arrangement again.
Make sure that you use the correct communication system for SAP Cloud ALM. The SAP Cloud ALM you are connecting to must be the one where you maintained the SAP Focused Run reverse proxy endpoint.