SAP Focused Run - FAQ

SAP Focused Run is a spin-off from SAP Solution Manager concentrating on the specific needs of high volume system and application monitoring, alerting and analytics needs. It is a powerful solution for service providers, who want to host all their customers in a central, scalable, safe, and automated environment. It also addresses customers with advanced needs regarding system management, user monitoring, integration monitoring, and configuration & security analytics.

  • Optimized for high volume system and application monitoring use cases using the full power of SAP HANA
  • Extremely simplified architecture with small technical footprint and reduced total cost of ownership
  • Proven built-in security concept with HTTP(S) as communication protocols and push as communication direction
  • Clear separation of different customers with multi-tenancy enablement
  • Maximum of automation during assignment and maintenance of managed systems 

  • Advanced System Management to manage large customer or service provider landscapes with thousands of systems
  • Advanced User Monitoring to monitor synthetic as well as real user requests including advanced end user tracing
  • Advanced Event & Alert Management to handle events and alerts including 3rd party inbound and outbound integration
  • Configuration & Security Analytics to enforce company or service provider specific configuration and security policies
  • Advanced Integration Monitoring helps to manage complex and integrated landscapes with millions of interface calls and/or message flows

  • Customers and service-providers with large and complex system landscape
  • Customers and service-providers with advanced needs in terms of scalability, performance, security, and automation
  • Customers and service-providers who like to cover advanced use cases, such as advanced user monitoring and advanced integration monitoring
  • Customers who like to split SAP Solution Manager functionalities, e.g. build and run 

Please use the following link In case you need additional information regarding SAP Focused Run, please contact us via the following e-mail address:

SAP Focused Run is not part of the maintenance contract. Every customer who wants to use SAP Focused Run needs to purchase a valid license.

SAP Focused Run is based on SAP HANA database. It provides different use cases with different scaling factors. Appropriately, we selected the SAP HANA memory that is consumed in total by all SAP Focused Run use cases as the only criteria for calculating the license fee. One gigabyte of consumed SAP HANA memory translates in one ordered SAP Focused Run unit.

No, the SAP Focused Run license includes the HANA usage license as well as the SAP NetWeaver ABAP license.

We are offering to conduct a SAP Focused Run introduction session followed by a SAP Focused Run positioning workshop. Based on this, we will provide you with a detailed and functional architecture overview, scoping for your concrete situation, appropriate hardware sizing, as well as a calculation of the HANA used memory consumption. You can then contact your SAP sales representative to send you a quotation based on your specific SAP licensing conditions.  

A SAP Focused Run trial license can be acquired. For more details please contact your SAP sales representative. 

Yes. The minimum amount of SAP Focused Run units that can be ordered is 100. 

No. You can distribute your acquired units over different installed systems, but the total amount of used SAP HANA memory across all systems cannot exceed your ordered volume. By distributing SAP Focused Run units over different systems it is to be expected that more HANA memory will be used than running all units in one system. 

No. The calculation of the used SAP HANA memory is only relevant for the productively used SAP Focused Run systems. No additional SAP Focused Run units are needed for development or quality-assurance systems. However, you are not allowed to run only non-productive SAP Focused Run systems.

Please contact us under the following email address Based on this, we will help you in a dedicated SAP Focused Run positioning workshop – remotely or onsite – with a detailed and functional architecture overview, scoping for your concrete situation, appropriate hardware sizing, as well as with the calculation of the HANA used memory.  

Please contact us under the following email address Based on this, we will help you in a dedicated SAP Focused Run project setup and architecture workshop – remotely or onsite. The workshop provides the following: All necessary project steps are identified and clarified. The project timeline, sequence of tasks and the responsible people are defined. The SAP Focused Run architecture details are going to be explained and transformed in an overall project architecture concept. Topics which will be addressed are the technical deployment, landscape discovery as well as network management aspects. As hands on part the central configuration of the SAP Focused Run will be conducted as well as some managed systems can be connected to SAP Focused Run including activation of some use cases.

Prerequisite for the workshop: the license has been purchased and the installation of HANA as well as the NW ABAP stack has been done.

SAP Focused Run is an SAP standard product. This means you can open support tickets under the support component SV-FRN-* via the SAP Support Portal.

Please contact us under the following email address

Yes, your SAP account executive can provide an offer for a SAP Focused Run perpetual license based on calculation of HANA used memory consumption and customer specific conditions.