Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
Request for existing cases, user IDs, Portal navigation support and more
"dependencies": {
"@sap/xotel-agent-ext-js": "https://73555000100200018064.npmsrv.cdn.repositories.cloud.sap/@sap/xotel-agent-ext-js/-/xotel-agent-ext-js-1.5.23.tgz",
"cf-nodejs-logging-support": "7.4.0-beta.4",
"@sap/opentelemetry-exporter-for-sap-cloud-logging": "0.2.0"
For deployment, the below environment parameter needs to be configured. OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES not required anymore as of xotel-agent-ext-js version 1.5.23.
SAP_CALM_SERVICE_NAME = <name of your application>
OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES = sap.tenancy.tenant_id=<your provider subaccount id>
For example in mta.yaml this can look like this:
- name: <service module name>
SAP_CALM_SERVICE_NAME: <application name>
OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES: sap.tenancy.tenant_id=<your provider subaccount id>
Parameters to be replaced:
If you are using an mta application make sure that node modules and the package-lock.json are included in your mtar:
- name: <your service module>
type: nodejs
path: gen/srv
builder: npm
# - node_modules
# - package-lock.json
In some cases your mta build setup might copy the built resources to specific folder, e.g. gen/srv. If the node_modules and package-lock.json are not present in this folder we need to tell the mbt command to add these as well:
- builder: custom
- npm install --production
- ...
- npm install --prefix ./gen/srv
Instrumentation Settings
The following environment variables can be set to configure the behavior of the instrumentation:
Name | Description |
SAP_CALM_DCI_AGG_THRESHOLD | Optional - Threshold in ms spans to be aggregated (default: 100, i.e. all spans with a response time lower than 100ms will be aggregated and grouped by action, request, user, span type and span kind) |
SAP_CALM_DCI_AGG_USER | Optional - Specify whether user ids shall be aggregated spans (default: true) |
On application startup load the above-mentioned instrumentation:
const tracer = require('@sap/xotel-agent-ext-js/dist/common/tracer');
// Initialization of Exception Monitoring:
const sdklogs = require ('@opentelemetry/sdk-logs');
const calmExtAutoConf = require('@sap/xotel-agent-ext-js/dist/config/AutoInstrumentationConfig');
const cflog = require("cf-nodejs-logging-support");
const otellog = require('@sap/opentelemetry-exporter-for-sap-cloud-logging');
// Create an instance of the OpenTelemetryLogsOutputPlugin.
// By default, it will use the global logger provider.
// Use a custom loggerProvider to capture Cloud Foundry attributes.
const cfLoggerProvider = new sdklogs.LoggerProvider({resource: new otellog.CFApplicationDetector().detect()});
const otelOutputPlugin = new cflog.OpenTelemetryLogsOutputPlugin(cfLoggerProvider)
// Optionally set whether additional log fields should be included as log attributes.
// Default: include custom fields only.
// register the plugin
// optional, if application is bound to application-logs service
// add CALM Extension Exception Monitoring log processor
Require the tracer before you initialize your application. Otherwise the auto-instrumentation will not work. However, for some applications this will still not be sufficient. In such cases we recommend to initialize the application as a callback of the auto-instrumentation:
const tracer = require('@sap/xotel-agent-ext-js/dist/common/tracerCallback')(() => {
// Initialization of Exception Monitoring:
const sdklogs = require ('@opentelemetry/sdk-logs');
const calmExtAutoConf = require('@sap/xotel-agent-ext-js/dist/config/AutoInstrumentationConfig');
const cflog = require("cf-nodejs-logging-support");
const otellog = require('@sap/opentelemetry-exporter-for-sap-cloud-logging');
// Create an instance of the OpenTelemetryLogsOutputPlugin.
// By default, it will use the global logger provider.
// Use a custom loggerProvider to capture Cloud Foundry attributes
const cfLoggerProvider = new sdklogs.LoggerProvider({resource: new otellog.CFApplicationDetector().detect()});
const otelOutputPlugin = new cflog.OpenTelemetryLogsOutputPlugin(cfLoggerProvider);
// Optionally set whether additional log fields should be included as log attributes.
// Default: include custom fields only.
// Register the plugin
// optional, if application is bound to application-logs service
// Add CALM Extension Exception Monitoring log processor
// initialize your application here
Require the tracer via node arguments in the mta.yaml file:
- name: <your srv module>
type: nodejs
NODE_ARGS: -r @sap/xotel-agent-ext-js/dist/common/tracer
In the package.json file of your project modify the start script to pick up the required tracer.
For regular node.js applications:
"scripts": {
"start": "node ${NODE_ARGS} <your main file name>.js"
For CAP based applications with @sap/cds < 7:
"scripts": {
"start": "node ${NODE_ARGS} ./node_modules/@sap/cds/bin/cds run"
For CAP based applications with @sap/cds >= 7:
"scripts": {
"start": "node ${NODE_ARGS} ./node_modules/.bin/cds-serve"
Log levels can be specified via the the SAP_CALM_DCI_LOG_LEVEL environment variable, e.g.
Log level of OpenTelemetry's diagnostics logger can set via the OTEL_LOG_LEVEL environment variable, e.g.
If you want to disable the autoinstrumentation (e.g. in case of an emergency) you can do this by
The following variables can also be be set and are effective after restarting the application:
If you only want to disable the tracing auto instrumentation you can set.
If you only want to disable the metrics auto instrumentation you can set.